Legend Forever

Chapter 1383: notes

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The black charcoal pen was rustling on a piece of roasted animal skin, and the subtle voice and breathing echoed in the igloo. The slapped flame was burning in the jump, and it exploded with a crisp sound from time to time.

Charcoal-made pens are extremely inefficient, and the handwriting is very light in color. You have to sharpen it with a knife every few words. On average, for every 20 or so characters written, the length of the charcoal pen will lose one finger joint.

But even so, Yixunyu wrote very seriously.

‘Whether it is the incarnation of ice or the essence of ice, the meaning of it is not thorough enough now. She is far beyond the ice and snow god, and the ice elemental plane dominates these existences, rather than juxtaposed with ‘thems’.

She claims to be the elf bred in the ice and snow, but in fact, it should be the ice and snow in the universe that she is now... I don’t know how to describe the meaning of her existence, but it must be better than the master, Words with deeper concepts such as control and domination.

Ice and snow are the extension of her body, and the meaning of cold existence will change because of her words, and all of this does not even need to pay energy, the rules of the world will automatically change. This kind of authority is not given to her, nor is it where she obtained it. This is her birthright, no one can deny it, and no one can take it away. Unless, the concept of every ice crystal in this world from the past, present, and future is erased from this world. ’

"Heh, even though it is written like this, how can I doubt that a'temperature concept' should be added to make it more complete."

At this point, Ixun Yu chuckled and cut the charcoal again with the ice blade beside him.

In the subsequent pen writing, she did not add what she had said before, but replaced it with a new line.

'Based on this, I boldly speculate: the reason why the polar regions keep getting cold, the reason why ice elements continue to gather here, and the reason why the ice element content of the entire Aedra continent is rising is that it is a certain goddess of ice. Caused by a thought of - after fighting with someone, because she felt that she was not strong enough, the ice element responded to her call. This is the reason, not the so-called ‘don’t know why’...’

‘In addition, my mind seems to have a real problem. Baoshan is in front of my eyes, but I have to fiddle with those calculations and theorems. Now that I think about it, it’s really embarrassing. ’


The sound of the charcoal pen snapping sounded, and Yi Xun Yu recovered from the writing, looking at the carbon stick in his hand, which was half shorter than the normal pen, and threw it into the burning fire beside him.

"Let's stop here today. Anyway, I basically write almost everything I want to write."

When he got up, the light of the cleansing technique flashed, and the hands that had been covered with carbon black became white again.

Side head,

The 40+ positive mark is clearly engraved on the side.

Pour the ingredients into the pot and stir it a few times to make sure that the bottom of the casserole will not be muddy. Cover the casserole. Then, Yixun Yu twirled her hands and walked to her side so that she would not wake the ice goddess.

Sitting cross-legged, Yixunyu posed, dragging his chin with one hand and starting to pay attention to the goddess of ice.

Just like the thoughts that came up in Yixunyu’s heart when they first met, the ice goddess has a pretty high face value. Regardless of her long hair and skirt, her face is faintly neutral, with both men and women. The charm of all killing one.

This appearance is not ‘beauty’ in the conventional sense and ‘standard’ in order to fit the public’s aesthetics, but has a strong ‘uniqueness’ and ‘iconicity’. As if saying that only this person can have such a face, and only this person can be like this.

Just a glance will leave a very deep memory.

‘If you are the son of the world, you will indeed touch this feature. This thought flashed past, and then was suppressed by Yi Xunyu and shifted his focus.

"It looks really good. It's a pity that you can eat according to your looks."

Having said this, Yixunyu sighed lightly, and did not continue.

Unfortunately, he can move and talk.

Perhaps it was offended by Yi Xunyu's words, or perhaps it was starting to feel uncomfortable after being stared for too long. In short, the ice goddess turned over on the bed, changed her back to face Yi Xun Yu, and buried her face in the surrounding animal skins by the way.

Seeing this, Yi Xunyu shrugged and did not care, but moved forward, closing his eyes and entering a state of meditation.

In the diffused mental power, the surrounding ice elements are enriched in the form of an ocean formed by countless blue light spots, accompanied by a certain regular rhythm, silently undulating.

It's just that this time Yi Xunyu didn't stop his gaze in this sea of ​​light, but the more these familiar sights continued to move forward, locking the spiritual power on the body of the ice goddess in front.

This is the first time she has done this, and it is also after she has thought and decided, she has put thought into action with a purpose.

Under such thoughts, Yixunyu concentrated his mental energy to lock the position of the ice goddess in the elemental environment, even if there was nothing there, it was no different from other places and he did not give up.

There is no anomaly in the ice element surrounding the ‘essence of ice’, which is the biggest anomaly.

About an hour later, when Yi Xun Yu was gradually feeling exhausted mentally, he finally vaguely noticed a certain change in the surrounding ice element ocean.

That is a law that was originally ignored by her. If not only the mental power is locked on the ice goddess, but as the center of everything, then this center and the whole range of the center are included in the observation of mental power. range.

It was a huge ball of light, the brightness was more dazzling than looking directly at the sun with both eyes, and the mental power that came out was far beyond the previous consumption.

A rhythm that conforms to a certain law propagates from the light ball, driving the ice element within the range to rise and fall, just like the ripples spread out by a drop of water dripping into the calm water surface, and it spreads to a far distance that cannot be felt.

The ups and downs of the sea come from the blowing of the wind, UU reading www.uukanshu.com and the ups and downs of the ice element ocean come from the heartbeat of the ‘essence of ice’. He stretched out his hand mentally and tried to get close to those ups and downs, but in an instant, Yi Xun Yu felt the flickering of the many laws contained in the ups and downs.

Sure enough... Yi Xunyu affirmed his judgment more and more in his heart, and believed in the certainty of what he was trying now.

For practitioners who practice the Ice Way, the existence of the Ice Goddess is like a stone of enlightenment. Just sitting nearby and realizing this, you can enjoy the convenience of training effect*10.

But before that, describe it in an intuitive way:

If it is a book, then Yi Xunyu's practice is like sleeping with the book every day, occasionally using it as a backrest, using it to beat the back and knocking his legs every day, and then close his eyes and ponder what it is.

But in fact, she only needs to open the book to see the true Tao.

"Oh, I don't know if I don't know how to protect Baoshan, I'm probably talking about it."

With a chuckle, Yi Xunyu shook his head and refocused his mental energy to return to the meditative state.

The protruding mental power kept perceiving, and then he felt a sudden emergence of strength, stirring the entire ocean of ice elements, forcing Yi Xunyu out of the meditation state.

Opening her eyes, the ice goddess was constantly holding her back with her hands, and glared at Yi Xunyu after seeing it. "Good fellow, I just said why the body is itchy all of a sudden, it turns out that you are taking the spirit Chaos~ Touch!"

Uh, forget, this enlightenment stone is alive.

His eyes gradually focused, and Yixunyu repeated the question and answer of ‘Who am I where am I’ in his heart like a restart, his eyes gradually focused, and the central processor processed the sound information that he had just received.

"Hmm... I'll scratch it for you?" Yi Xunyu asked uncertainly in the blur.


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