Legend Forever

Chapter 1391: Ignite

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In the story of the ice goddess, Ixunyu summarized a lot of theories, and they sounded very complicated. But in fact, there are only four most valuable words that will be used: mass-energy conversion

When the goddess of ice mentioned this word, what Yi Xunyu immediately thought was that the ice crystals in the world were compressed into luminous points, which was listed as an ‘excluded’ by her after thinking about it.

Experiments are always spent in constant attempts. In the end, where it will work is always a question full of suspense.

Inside the igloo, Yi Xunyu's eyes were covered with blue light, her hands were folded, and after she folded it inward for a moment, she suddenly released it.

As the blue light faded from the eyes, Yi Xunyu took a deep breath of exhaustion and pointed to the blue dot in front of him and said, "Here, this is the critical point you mentioned?"

The tone of the speech was a bit rushed, because the light spot would not last for a long time, but would suddenly extinguish after flashing for a while, and then disappear invisible.


The ice goddess touched her chin and looked at the light spot carefully, thinking for a moment, and said: "Although it is not very accurate, I think this error can be basically ignored. In other words, if you can still compress to this degree , It should be possible to ignite ice and fire, right?"

"it is ready?"

"Yes, look."

As he said, the ice goddess stretched out her hand, pinched the disappearing light spot with two fingers, and made a natural movement.

The light spot stopped flickering, the brightness dimmed under the strength of the fingertips, and then with a pop, a very small spark exploded from it.

"Just like this, the ice and fire are on fire."

With a whirr, the flames on the fingertips were blown out, and the ice goddess flicked her fingertips and said.

Seeing this, Ixunyu tilted his head for a moment and then imitated the actions of the ice goddess, but only a small orange flame was formed.

"If I want to get close to the standard, do you think I should work harder or relax?"

Throwing his hand, throwing away the thoughts of friction and heat in his heart, Isunyu asked seriously.

"Probably, harder?"

"It will explode even harder."

Yixunyu frowned and said.

In this regard, she has a wealth of bombing experience.

"Just loosen it before frying. You have squeezed the ice to the right level, but the action is still a bit immature when it is loose. You have to know that you are using the principle of extreme reversal to compress ice and fire, rather than creating a The explosives were then thrown at me."


Ixunyu gave a dry smile, unable to refute this fact.

Because of repeated bombings, she now almost develops a conditioned reflex that subconsciously throws things out of her hand when she releases it.

But since the ice goddess said so, she also had to think about whether this loose movement should be gentler, rather than force like a spider climbing onto her hand.

Entering the meditation state again, Yi Xunyu compressed the ice element in his hand to the critical point, took a deep breath, and kept chanting in his heart, "Blast it in the palm of your hand, anyway, it was blown more than once." Then, he slowly opened his hands. .

The light spot in the critical state appears introverted in Yixunyu's viewing angle, and the surrounding jitter like electromagnetic interference flashes from time to time. And what appears in this world is that the light spots are constantly flickering.

Taking another deep breath, Yi Xun Yu stretched out his hand, learning the movement of the goddess of ice, holding the light spot with two fingers, gently pushing inward, and then began to rub.

The freezing point between my fingers feels extremely cold, accompanied by the fineness and hardness of a ball on the tip of a gel pen, it is slippery, as if it would slip out of my hand if I didn't pay attention.

With this thought in mind, Yi Xun Yu rubbed his fingers with the same force as snapping his fingers, and withdrew from the elementary perspective.

In front of her, a cluster of icy blue flames was slowly diminishing, and then it jumped with a pop and went out.


After a moment of silence, Yi Xunyu looked at the goddess of ice and said with a little bit of questioning: "Am I successful?"

"It should be considered. After all, the ice and fire successfully ignited in your hands. Unfortunately, the state was not stable enough, so it quickly extinguished... By the way, did you see it?"

"of course."

Looking down at his hand, Ixun Yu put it down with a sigh of relief, and then leaned back heavily on the ice wall.

"Finally succeeded."

It turned out that the last thing she missed was such a simple rub.

"Yeah, finally. But don't you seem to be particularly happy?"

Seeing Yi Xunyu's expression, the ice goddess nodded and asked.

"Happiness is affirmative, but how should I say...before I decided to study, I believed that I would learn this sooner or later. And in the process of studying, I think I still work very hard. In other words, I The hard work is worthy of such a return, so it is really difficult to generate thoughts similar to unexpected joy."

The most exciting thing is white prostitution, but unfortunately, I can’t count it this time.

Ixunyu thought, smiling and spreading his hands and said, "Of course, happiness is also really happy. It's just that I'm a little tired now, and I don't have the energy to show it."

As if there were no bones, Yi Xunyu slid against the ice and lay flat on the ground, resting his head with his arms, and said with emotion, "But it's not easy. It's really hard to let me study so hard for so long. not much."

Although I don't know the time here, Yi Xunyu can draw the conclusion that he stayed up too late from the darker circles under his eyes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's boring to do things so calmly. "

The ice goddess shook her head, lay back on the ice and said, "But I am really happy, and I can sleep peacefully afterwards without being disturbed."

"I didn't disturb you, okay, I always go outside to experiment when you sleep."

Yi Xun Yu said with a curled mouth.

"It's not at the hot spring, but with such a loud voice, do you think I can't hear it?"


"Forget it, I should have asked you to learn something a little bit quieter. How about, is there anything else I want to learn now?"

"So active?"

Facing the active culture of the ice goddess, Ixun Yu asked in surprise.

"Anyway, you can't be free. Rather than having a headache then, I might as well ask now."

"That's true, but let me rest for a while. I don't have enough sleep, I have to make up for myself."

"Make up for sleep? Can you make up for the time you lost sleep before?"

"Ah...Of course it can't be remedied, but at least it can offset the fatigue caused by staying up late. For example, my dark circles can go down a lot now."

Bujue seems to be a new word usage that appeared later.

"Tsk, human beings have dark circles when they stay up late. This is really a useless ability."

"Perhaps... I will put the ingredients in the pot first, and you won't need to call me if I don't wake up for the next meal."

Standing up, drank the warm water in the cup, Yi Xunyu walked to the big bed.

In fact, the most important thing to do now is to try repeatedly, grasp the feeling of burning the ice for a moment, and raise it to the level of proficiency so as not to forget it later. Unfortunately, Yi Xunyu's mental power has not allowed her to do so.


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