Legend Forever

Chapter 1438: the way

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"Before I came to Yongye, I thought that this place was full of hopeless guys. But after the real contact, I found that this place is not much different from the Bright Empire. Well, there are bad people, but it's not that there are no good people. For example, The person I treated before."

"Really bold remarks." Yi Xunyu raised his eyebrows slightly.

"To be honest, I don't think that as the emperor of the night, I won't embarrass me because of this little thing... right?" The blonde girl blinked her eyes as she spoke, with a hint of tentative uncertainty in her tone. .

"So you know me."

The blonde girl opposite Yi Xun Yu was an angel of the Angel Race, and Yu Zhuzi mentioned one of the people who came to help the wounded.

"Of course, Sister Perot showed us your picture."

"Did she say anything else?"

"I have told you a lot. When you say anything, you must reduce your contact with this person as much as possible. When you encounter it, you must be as polite as possible. After you are asked a question, you must think about it several times and don’t rush to answer it. Keep your distance at all times, and don’t ask for what you give... almost that way."

"Tsk, I'm completely regarded as a bad person."

Hearing these subtle narrations, Yi Xunyu couldn't help but stroke his chin, thinking in his heart how friendly he should ask what happened after encountering Perot.

"Oh yes, and seeing this guy touch his chin, he must find an excuse to drive away immediately." Angel added.


"What is your name?"

"Angel, an ordinary angel with no identity, status, and money."

"Is also the great...granddaughter of the patriarch's grandfather in Pero Jiangkou?" Yixunyu added.

"To be more specific, it should be the child of the child adopted by the patriarch's grandfather... In short, it is quite far from the seniority, which has almost no practical significance." Angel curled her lips, walked to the half of the big stone and sat down.

"Interesting. Although Perot has demonized me a little bit, you don't seem to be afraid of me."

"Probably because I think it's more open. The patriarch and grandpa's contract has been signed, and we can't get away if we have a problem. Instead of worrying about it, we might as well be calm." Angel replied while knocking her leg.

"Well, I'm actually not as scary as Perot said."

Yi Xunyu raised his hand to make a pot of red medicine, and shook it to look at Angel.

"Recovering medicine, although it has no extraordinary power, has a very good effect on promoting bone recovery and regeneration. If it is combined with ordinary red medicine, it will quickly recover completely."

"Huh? Let me say it first. Although I admire the person before, it doesn't mean that I am willing to put myself in for this." Angel said with some doubts.

"I didn't say what I would ask you for. Just ask a question. Why didn't you use the treatment just now?" Ixunyu asked, shaking his hand with the herbal medicine.

"This...because the angels subconsciously release the holy light when using the skills. Even if they are intentionally controlled, there will still be a small amount of breath leaking out. Therefore, our treatment is generally only for people who faint, or die if they die. Use it to avoid being told by conspiracy theories that we have nothing to do with it."

What Angel said is not impossible. Yongye Imperial City is dominated by Yongye blood, and it has accumulated a lot of hatred for the Holy Light from a historical perspective. After all, the hostility with the Guangming Empire has existed since Yongye was founded.

How serious is this kind of hatred, even if someone is dying, they will throw stones at people related to the Holy Light, shouting that they don’t need you to help.

Faced with the current scene, the angels with the Holy Light can easily become a gap for everyone to vent their negative emotions if they fail to deal with it.

"The same is true for others?"


"Think well." Yi Xun Yu nodded.

"Hey?" Angel looked at Yi Xunyu in surprise, not knowing what he meant by being thorough.


"Speaking of which, how many people came from your angel race?"

Yi Xunyu didn't delve into this topic and changed the question.

"The batch that was exchanged in Yexing City at the beginning is here now."



"But I don't seem to see Perot sauce?" Yi Xunyu asked strangely.

"Oh, it didn't take long for Sister Perrault to come here. It seemed that there was something urgent to deal with and she hurried away. I didn't say anything about it, but it seemed to be related to the patriarch's grandfather."

Angel suddenly nodded and replied.

Then, Angel scratched her head, looked in a direction as if consciously, and then turned her gaze to Yi Xunyu and said, "Well, it seems to be coming back soon. If there is anything, it should come later. Up."

"Is that so."

Yixun Yu flicked the potion in his hand, raised his hand and threw it at Angel, "Recently, my hand is a bit tight, I can only give you this kind of thing."

Angel didn't rush to leave after receiving the medicine, but tilted her head to look at Yi Xunyu, thinking about it and asking: "Master Ye, I'll ask a question. Do you think that what you are doing now is doing good deeds? "


"About this, give me the potion, so that the person's injury can recover faster." Angel asked with a finger on the potion bottle.

"Why do you suddenly ask?"

"Because I'm a little curious about what kind of person the night emperor of Yongye, the contractor of the angel race, is." Angel replied.

"It doesn't count for me, but for the injured, it probably counts." Yi Xunyu thought for a while and replied.

"I can understand the latter, but why doesn't it count for you?"

"Because I gave this bottle of potion only as an addition to communicating with you, not with the idea of ​​doing good."

Taking into account the strange sensing abilities of the angel race, Yi Xunyu chose the most stable answer.

After hearing Yi Xunyu's answer, Angel tilted her head, and finally knocked her head and sighed, "What a cunning answer."

"Although I was caught off guard by this answer, the question will continue, and I hope you don’t get bored... Well, when I saw the medicine in your hand, what I thought was that you can give me a bottle of medicine today that one person can get. Help, but outside of the conversation between you and me, after every corner that you can’t see, you may be waiting for someone in need~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In the case of you already helping someone, I want to know, What do you think of the remaining people. Do you continue to help them, or just ignore them because they have no value to you?"

"Is this a philosophical question?" Ixunyu asked curiously.

"No, it's just my pure curiosity."

Yi Xunyu moved his gaze away from Angel, and his gaze swept around. After turning around, his gaze was calm, and he answered without hesitation: "Your question is also the question I need to face now. As for the answer, it is here. , I can't do anything."

Angel's gaze did not change, she just looked at Yi Xunyu's eyes, sitting on her side with one hand resting her cheek, quietly waiting for Yi Xunyu to continue speaking.

"The night emperor, for the time being, is a position. In this position, you need to look as far as possible. People in the Yongye Imperial City need to see, and the entire Yongye Empire also needs to take care of it. So I won't I’m here to help these people with you one by one, and I won’t be sullenly refining pharmaceutical water here. The scope of my work and you do not intersect, and there should not be intersect."

After listening to Yi Xunyu's words, Angel scratched her head awkwardly, "The people outside are so complicated. It doesn't feel like you are a good person, but unexpectedly, there are also good people."

"What kind of evaluation is this?"

Was reluctantly stuffed with a good person card?

"Well, you're not a bad person anyway. Sister Perot is over there, so I'll leave first. Goodbye, Lord Yehuang~"

With that said, Angel rolled back dexterously and disappeared behind the broken wall.


Yixunyu turned his head to the side, and saw Perot sauce who was walking towards this side with a look of displeasure in the distance, his eyes downward, his complexion tense, and every step he stepped on the ground very hard.

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