Legend Forever

Chapter 1441: Pumpkin Pie

????‘In order to cope with the lighting problem in the reconstruction phase, Yong Ye decided to put a certain number of grimace pumpkins in the evening every day. You can capture the grimace pumpkins in flight to meet the needs of lighting in the dark. At the same time, the ghost pumpkin itself has a certain temperature, which can be used as a heating prop and can help everyone better through the dark night...’

???? Quite official rhetoric, in fact, this is exactly what Yong Ye used to explain to the outside world.

???? Formally serious, speaking in circles, it seems to make sense, but in fact, there is no answer at all.

???? But compared to this kind of explanation that no one cares about, the light spots that suddenly fly out when the sun is about to set at dusk, and the warmth that can be held in the hands after flying in front of you, the effect is quite Conspicuous.

???? In summary, it is a cheap, but effective miracle.

???? "Fell asleep."

Holding a cup of hot milk in his hand, Yixunyu said while looking at Perot, who was sleeping with his arm in the corner.

???? "From the perspective of the game, you have brushed her favorability down to the point where it can be overwhelmed."

???? Caesar walked out of the shadow, glanced at the sleeping Perot sauce and said.

???? Perot Chan's body is covered with a white sheet, but the edges have turned black in contact with the ground.

???? "It's just a little light to the confused lamb."

???? "Really, but now this little lamb has been trained and cannot do without you."

???? "This can only mean that I have carried too much weight that I should not bear at this age."

???? Ixunyu patted the pumpkin with a grimace in his arms, calmly accepted Kasar's teasing, and continued to drink the hot milk in his hand.

???? "I'll get used to it a few times."

???? Caesar said casually, looking down at the hole in the wall and looking at the little orange light below, and nodding slightly after a while, "These lights are good."

???? "I saw two maids in the corridor in the morning...Chapter 1441 Pumpkin Pie (page 1/4). When I was playing, I suddenly thought I made this idea. Looking at the actual results, it is indeed quite good." As he said, Yixunyu also had a satisfied smile on his face.

???? "But it's actually a bit risky."


???? "This kind of ingenious behavior can easily be understood with different meanings. If you are a little incited by someone with a heart, you are a prince of war beacon in history, a tyrant who looks at the people below who suffers but is greedy for fun. Similar examples , You have seen a lot."

???? "This, it's easy, just kill all."

???? Ixunyu turned the cup upside down, watching the last drop of milk flowing inside, and said casually:

???? "I do things in order of priority, the first is my own business, the second is the night emperor's business. Under the premise of not affecting the first point, it should be a little bit of energy. But if it affects ...He, do I really care about those comments?"

???? Before the last drop of milk dripped, Yixun Yu shook his hand gently, turning the cup into a light spot and holding it in his hand.

????Isunyu didn't want to do something wronged with me.

???? While talking, a black spot gradually grew larger from the horizon, and flew straight toward Yi Xun Yu.

???? "Ah, my lord, today can be..."

???? "Shhh."

???? Yi Xun Yu put the pen in front of her mouth and motioned to Yu Zhuzi to whisper.


Jade Zhuzi found Perot sauce sleeping in the corner, and subconsciously covered her mouth with an embarrassed expression.

???? "Go out and talk."

???? Ixunyu stood up, slapped the dust off his body, and jumped from the big hole in the wall.

???? Jade Zhuzi also followed.

????"Today was tough."

After landing, Yi Xunyu threw the pumpkin with the grimace in his hand to the distance, turning to the jade pearl and said.

???? "It's really hard, I have a pumpkin smell on my hands now."

???? Yu Zhuzi said with a wry smile and opened his hand.

???? Suddenly in the morning......Chapter 1441 Pumpkin Pie (page 2/4),. After receiving the news from Yixunyu, Yu Zhuzi's day was barely idle.

????Grimace pumpkin is a specialty in the Evernight Forest. Because of this, the forest in the dark night can often see the ghost fires floating in the forest, and the grimace with a strange smile.

???? And if it is for household use, or if it is currently needed, it needs to be dealt with in advance, at least to dig out the ‘whistle’ that makes a funny smile on the pumpkin.

???? After all, the horrible weird smile is too ridiculous.

After purchasing a large number of grimace pumpkins, Yuzhuzi organized a group of partially injured people who were difficult to move, and dug the pumpkins for almost a day.

???? "I wanted to let you rest well." Ixun Yu said apologetically.

???? "It's nothing, compared to usual, today is indeed a rest. However, in the future, it is estimated that you will be able to smell pumpkin porridge."

???? Yuzhuzi rubbed his fingers, and suddenly remembered something, he took out a bag suddenly, "Yes, my lord, freshly baked pumpkin pie, would you like it?"

????Grimace pumpkins are edible, not only the excavated parts, but also those pumpkins whose internal fuel has run out, can become food.

????Although Yongye's material reserves are abundant, it cannot be wasted.

???? "Find a shelter from the wind first."

???? Just right, Yi Xunyu hasn't eaten dinner yet.

???? An empty lounge in the palace,

After making two cups of hot milk, Yixunyu took a bite of the golden pie wrapped in paper.

???? The mouth is crispy, and the chewing is accompanied by a strong taste.

???? The pie crust is mixed with pumpkin juice and kneaded, and the filling is made of shredded pumpkin. The Ghost Face Pumpkin has a hard structure and contains a lot of fine fibers. It can still maintain the integrity of the structure after cooking, and has a taste similar to muscle tendon.

???? Unfortunately, compared with ordinary pumpkins, the internal starch content of Grimace Pumpkins is lower, so the taste is much worse.

???? "It tastes good, you made it?...Chapter 1441 Pumpkin Pie (Page 3/4)." After a sip of milk, Ixun Yu said.

???? "After processing the pumpkin, everyone made it together. I roasted a lot. I still roasted it when I left. Well, even though it is said, it is not enough if it is distributed to everyone." Yu Zhuzi said. Sorry to stick out his tongue.

???? "At least those who deal with pumpkins today can enjoy the fruits of labor. As for others, there should be no difference between pies and other foods. U U看书www.uukanshu.com"

???? "Yes."

???? Yu Zhuzi picked up the cup and took a sip of milk, suddenly widened her eyes: "This milk tastes so good."

???? "This is actually the fruit of the milk tree, um, a rare plant that has become extinct."

???? "It's great to have refining techniques." Yu Zhuzi sighed with envy.

???? "Want to learn?"

???? "Hey? Can you?"

???? "It should be possible, but it will take a while." Yi Xunyu replied after thinking about it.

???? Carliss has already said that this kind of alchemy can be properly spread, and Daniel has changed the sage stone demon to something that doesn't know anything, and teaching it to others is a good choice.

????"it is good."

???? Yu Zhuzi nodded vigorously.

???? "Also, have the people at the border come back?"

???? "It's still being repaired, but I should be back tomorrow."

???? "When they come back, the reconstruction of the imperial city can really start to speed up." Yi Xunyu disassembled the oil paper in his hand and said with satisfaction.

???? What Yixunyu was referring to was not just the people led by Daniel and other Chang Fang, but also the mages who were taken away with him.

???? Just like the lord level already has the ability to completely change the battlefield environment, if you don’t consider other factors, you only need five lord level mages who specialize in the earth element to transform the entire imperial city into a few minutes The original structure.

???? And because these people were all taken to the border to set up defense lines, the reconstruction of the imperial city was so slow.

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