Legend Forever

Chapter 900: Extinction

In the end, Yi Xunyu and others continued to move forward along the secret road, even though the road of this secret road became more and more uneven, it also became more and more like a cave dug out.

After walking for about half a minute, the road ahead was narrow enough to only allow two people to pass through, and the roads on both sides were no longer illuminated by lights, and the black paint was full of sultry heat and damp ~ wet.

"You have patience." Fang Ji, who walked in front, looked back and said to Mu Tian and others who followed. "Just looking at it now, it seems that I have to run in vain."

Now this team is still stable, without abruptly taking out a fireball to illuminate something. Just relying on extraordinary vision and perception to detect the surroundings.

In fact, the clarity has not been greatly affected.

"This, maybe this is the enemy's trap." Mu Tian smiled and said indifferently.

He was still not sure what was going on here, but as he continued to move forward, he became more and more certain that Yi Xunyu's judgment was correct.

There is a very hidden loophole in the arrangement of the Divine Grace, but it is not easy to find.

That is, if they are digging a hole, they must have a certain purpose.

If you do n’t dig halfway and do n’t dig it, then it must be because of some special reason.

Right now this channel ... The problem is, if you are really going to give up here, then why should you continue to build a narrow channel, why the lights in front are not taken away, but keep running What.

Would n’t it be more time- and labor-saving to simply give up?

This is a rather contradictory aspect in design.

Perhaps the decorator originally only considered letting the entrants consume all their patience on the dark and congested trail, and then turned around to leave, but did not make a clear plan on the most critical ‘design ideas’.

This is just a speculation in Mu Tian's own heart, and Yi Xunyu's expression has not changed all the way, which makes him more confirm his speculation.

After all, Yi Xunyu's judgment has never been wrong ... According to the answering process, it is always more reliable than not knowing the answering process.

Cough, even if it doesn't, it won't.

Hurrying up still continues, but the cold scene that doesn't speak seems to be always so unpleasant in the dark.

Simply, Mu Tian gossip.

"Cough, brother Fang, you and the tears are the captains of the two teams, but the cooperation between them is quite good."

Reduced relationship

Fang Ji glanced sideways at Mu Tian: "Well ... Your Highness, you can now sit in the left ~ yong ~ right ~ with another one in your arms ... More than that, isn't it too good to spend your time?"

With a touch of vigilance in the words,

Mu Tianxu had a weak presence in the crowd and weakened the formation. It was fine, but once the phases were revealed ... the identity was there, it was difficult to be recognized.

"Ah." Mu Tian's eyes twitched: "Stop, I will dream of a girlfriend, the rest are my teammates, the normal relationship."

And the ‘more than’ is very spiritual. There are a total of three women in the team. In Fangji ’s words, the rock that has not spoken all the way has to sit in his arms? ? ?

"Cough, that's my rudeness."

Fang Ji simply apologized, and said without moving any traces, "As for the tears ... it's nothing, she is also named Fang, my sister."

This is a pair of sisters ...

"As for why the two formed two teams separately, it was because my sister came out to practice earlier than me. At that time, I thought that I could not fall behind and pulled out the current adventure group. Now the two teams often perform tasks together. , The relationship is naturally quite good. "

"It turned out to be like this, no wonder I look like you two." Mu Tian suddenly.

The most commonly used among adventurers is the nickname or title, although Mu Tian and others did not do it (although it sounds handsome, but the popularity is too high, the pseudonym has no use at all),

But among most adventurers, there will be a simple, easy to remember and most importantly, a name that sounds very handsome ().

So, at the moment, Fang may be the real surname, but Ji He is in tears, so I do n’t know if it is true.


Fang Ji just asked for a few words, but he stopped the words as soon as he spoke.

At the same time, he quickly made a gesture, indicating that his team was quiet.

In front, there was a glimmer of light.

At the corner, there was a low urge.

"Isn't that enough? This is already the seventh backup formation."

"No way, I thought the bad luck of three or four was already in the sky. I didn't expect things to get worse ... I obviously check it every day."

As a result, it loses its effect when used.

"Here, seventh ... use this up, but it's gone." The half-hearted woman's voice said halfway, and the voice changed.

"Well, I know."

Wuji's complexion being eavesdropped changed: "I was found, rush!"

After using it, it is obviously that half of the words found them, reminding each other of the code.

I don't know how many times I have used this routine.


In the process of Fang Ji's forward charge, a circle of light blue ripples spread from his body, and he was about to use his own field to solidify the surrounding space and block the other's teleportation circle.


Some unwilling cold women's voices sounded, the purple brilliance flashed, Fang Ji flew back at a faster speed, and was smashed into the wall in a burst of pressure.

That field was also completely broken.

Yi Xunyu, who was half behind, squinted his eyes, and his right hand pulled out of the Cangxing Realm ~ Cangxing Frost, and several legendary marks on his body slowly lighted up.

The purple light that just flashed away ... is a demigod power.


A terrible explosion sounded in front of me, blocking the earth wall between everyone being simply blasted away, and then the faint flashing light circle just saw each other's face.

Hera, standing next to a mysterious man shrouded in black robe, was embedding magic nuclei in front of the magic circle.

Around them, debris crystal fragments scattered all over the ground have been scattered.

To some extent, activating a teleportation circle must fail so many times ... It is also a kind of reverse lucky explosion.

"Don't those demi-gods follow, just because a few of your little dolls still want to stop us from leaving." Hera's eyes swept across the crowd, and her eyes gradually became dangerous: "Then take interest from you first."

With that, a barbed snake-bone whip appeared in his hand, and he flicked it into a thin sword.


The power of the demigod level broke out again, sweeping towards those lord levels.

However, the attack that originally intended to divide these human domains into two failed to achieve the expected effect.

The rock protruded half of the crowd, and a huge shield stood in his hand to block Hera's attack.

Hera ’s attack is indeed very strong, but more of it is the poison attribute. If you ca n’t hit it, then the toxins against the domain and the flesh and blood will suddenly lose their place.

As for the power of the demigod ... Because of the limitation of the power of the world, all the power of the demigod in Hera must be used to resist the oppression of the world, and you can only intermittently draw a moment to attack.

There is still some room for this attack, otherwise, once you expose all of yourself to the will of the world, it will cause terrible consequences.

So for the demigods like Hera, a shield with high defense, inexplicably, has a miraculous effect.

Restrained kind,

"Shield specialization ... damn."

Looking at the rock, Hera's eyebrows suddenly formed a big lump.

In such a place, how could such a disgusting guy exist.

"All right!"

While Hera gritted her teeth and cut out several knives despite the restrictions, the mysterious man on the other side suddenly shouted, "Go!"

Saying ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ first jumped into the successfully activated teleportation circle.

Then, the teleportation circle began to shrink slowly, and it seemed to close after a few seconds.


Hera stopped the movements in her hand, turned around and plunged into the slowly contracting vortex without paying any attention.

It's important to leave, in case those dragged demigods get out and come here, it will suffer.

The true **** in name, the realm of demigod, and the fighting power of the third-rate Lacock, this is the most true portrayal of Hera's situation at this time.


A blue-gold electric light roared and roared out, like a thunder snake rushing into the entrance that was closed only by the thick pot.


The harsh scream came from the passage immediately, and then the sound was shut off by the closed vortex.

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