Legend Forever

Chapter 909: Outrageous

Paladin professions have not established corresponding professional guilds. Except for those countries that are close to the Light Empire, there will be inheritance temples. In other places, there is not much inheritance even on Skynet.

However, this is a judgment based on the eyes of the people who came to see all this,

For those who embarrassedly enter the extraordinary field, they do not understand this.

On the surface, the Paladin looks very handsome with a flash of light, coupled with the simple and direct skills, and the seemingly easy training method, it is easy to attract many people to jump into this pit.

Why do you say it is a pit ... This is when the first-rate and second-rate transcendence is reached, those wild cultivators will not find a very embarrassing thing.

That's when you just practiced, someone else's fireball re-cuts the ordinary punch, you are splitting the charge flash.

In the later period, others are laser whirlwinds slashing dragon fist, you still slash charge flash.

Although this is a bit exaggerated, there is really not much difference.

Most of these paladins covered their faces and went to the knight guild to rub some skills that knights can practice, but this would also discount their power because they are not practicing knighthood but holy light.

It's like, when you walk, you have one leg less than others.

For this reason, those wild Paladins, the more they practice to the later stage, the more they have to face a difficult choice.

Is to surrender to the light empire and truly join the other party.

Still waved his own sword and rebuilt it.

The former does not need much, the latter needs to consider more things.

On the one hand, the one who chose the Paladin ’s path is definitely not someone from a big family or big forces, otherwise he will not choose this pitted path from the beginning.

On the other hand, the princess who cultivated the Paladin, the first thing that he valued may be that this occupation has less demand for resources. Therefore, this kind of people's funds for working capital is likely to be insufficient to support his rebuilding.

It was like that Saab, because of lack of funds, he had to choose the path of the bloodline warlock at the beginning, and later fell ill and had no time to rebuild. In the end, he could only go to black.

So in the end, most people will choose to take the path of the Holy Light.

Once you choose to join the Holy Light, the Dog of the Holy Light will be established completely. Whatever he lets you do, you will have to do it.

Because your upward path has been completely controlled by the opponent, when you choose the Paladin's cultivation system, you have lost the capital of resistance.

Even a small part chose to stick to the part, but just did not find a suitable way. Once the Holy Light stretched out the olive branch at this time, most of them would go together and wave their tails.

This has been the case a long time ago, and has even become a habit.

Because of this, in the eyes of the Holy Light, as long as it is a profession of the Paladin, as long as it is a wild Paladin, as long as it throws the temptation of orthodox inheritance, the other party will choose to give up its dignity.

The fact that there are countless times gives them confidence.

Although said, "If you choose to give up your dignity for strength, what is the purpose of cultivation from the beginning", few people can think of it.

Amount ... This is generally the case.

"Hey, do you really want to give each other real bills?"

Sat on the armrest, and Daniel looked at Mitzvah who turned the book and asked strangely.

Mitzwa took a cup and drank clear tea and said at random: "This thing has no practical effect. The other party wants this, and it is nothing more than wanting me to hand over a handle, so that I can threaten me in the future."

This is a bit like taking a small picture like before, and has been threatening the other party by speaking out about it.

"Perhaps when the time comes, you can still meet each other and say that there is a traitor in your sister, and then hint that it is me, so that you and I can make an interesting development of your life and death."

Mitzvah said a little bit of the ledger in his hand: "Here, what method should they use to guide the specific data of one or two of the goods, and then use this data to determine the final authenticity. For example, the flash mine and the sun Grass was transported from the Bright Empire. "

"The bill is doing well." Daniel raised an eyebrow and said, "If so ..."

"But I think it's still a lot worse than you, so since you're back, let the account book be done by you to continue." Mitzva said before Daniel spoke.

"Ah, now there is not much time for Jade Beads, or half a person?" Daniel said, scratching his cheek.

He also wanted to steal a bit of laziness, but in the end, Mitzwa didn't even give face.

"Then half of it, maybe you can also call the residual ink to take part." Mitswa said hesitantly.

"Remaining ink, can he?" Daniel asked frowningly, frowning.

"It's okay to check the account book without making a decision," Mitzva nodded and said, "I can guarantee this."

"Then give him the part of the inspection. You and I will probably check it again later."

The account book is not a big problem, so Daniel made a decision after thinking about it.

The performance of residual ink during this period is quite good, except that the evil nature is sometimes quite a headache, but most of the time it is satisfactory.

In the chat room, the door of the chamber of commerce suddenly opened.

"Welcome to welcome ... um, Chipbre?"

Daniel jumped off the armrest and was about to say that the store hadn't opened the door, and then found that Chibre was leaning on a person and striding across the door with difficulty.

"Relax, this guy is very good, just because the energy is absorbed too much, it can't stand ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Annie walked from behind them, yawning and walking straight inwards:" Sister Well, I have returned you after running out. "

Daniel looked at Annie who had walked inwards, opened her mouth slightly, then turned back to look at Chipbre, and Lanxi, who was half-supporting Chipbre: "Thank you, leave it to me."

"Well, be careful."

Ransey yawned after giving Chipbre to Daniel and said, "This time it really is thanks to Chipbre, otherwise this operation will definitely not be as smooth as it is now."

"Where, I also benefited a lot from it." Chipbregan said quickly with a laugh.

On the second floor, tidy Yi Xunyu pushed open the door and walked down, then looked at Qibre Qiqing sitting in a chair and frowned.

From her perspective, Chibre is like a thinly supported balloon that can explode at any time, and the body is full of highly activated fire elements.

"Where did you go, really ... special." Looking at Lanxi's left hand again, Yi Xunyu said to Annie.

"Okay, not always like this."

Ann rubbed her eyes: "Then, I'll go back to bed. I went back to bed first. I didn't close my eyes for two days. I was sleepy."

"it is good."

Annie waved her hand and turned to walk outside.

Lanxi saw this and smiled as he left.

And Chibre, because the highly activated fire element in the body is not a bit sleepy, but rather quite spiritual.

At this time, he looked at Annie who left and looked at Yi Xunyu and couldn't help saying, "Adult, have you thought about you really being Annie's sister?"

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