Legend Forever

Chapter 914: Last room

Hell has always been a place to eat people, both at the material and spiritual levels.

The main thing you want to survive here is strength.

If you have enough strength, the battle on the first floor ca n’t kill you, even if someone has a higher IQ than you in the next few layers, you can use a calculation to push you into desperation. At least you can do it by lifting the table. Resistance.

Of course, here is not to promote the growth of muscles into the brain, but to remind you that even if your brain is full of knowledge, you must have the hard power to watch the opposite table.

Otherwise, even if you are extremely clever, you will eventually be confused.

Fortunately, the existence of individual forces that are powerful enough to dominate the entire level is not allowed in hell, which puts all people in an equal competitive environment for nurturing. The combination of IQ and power allows every **** species to have With enough competitiveness, this will enable Hell's breeding of Gu to be continued in thousands of years.

"What did the guy just mean, how did I feel a bit wrong?" Muse asked strangely after walking behind Yi Xunyu.

"Never press the red button."

Yi Xunyu threw the key in his hand and said, "Just fishing."


"The angler, the wisher, takes the bait. It's just that what he just said didn't catch us, but those who overhear."

After finding the door corresponding to the key, Yi Xunyu inserted the key in and twisted it, then pushed the door open and said, "Let's go ahead, this guy should not dare to do anything small."

"It's so messy." Mengta frowned at the dust on the ground and said, "Isn't it too lazy to use dust removal here?"

"Probably to hide any traces."

After looking at it, Yi Xunyu sat on the table and said, "You should have noticed that the whole hotel here is transformed by a hell. But it seems that you haven't paid attention to one thing, that is, the second one in the shop is also fake. "

In addition to the common succubus flame demon refining flow, **** species often produce a variety of strange races, and even a little one of them is a complete race.

This white bone hotel, connected to windows, doors and walls, is all part of the body of this hell. And Yi Xunyu and others are now in the body of this hell.

Even under this small hotel on the surface, it hides its larger part, occupying a few miles of underground space.

It's about the same ratio of head to body.

In terms of strength, it should reach the level of the lord level.

That is to say, in the competition of the level, the White Bone Hotel may not need to be so afraid of Yi Xunyu.


And the second seemingly insignificant shop element two, Yi Xunyu, is also a part of the hell-like body of the White Bone Hotel, but it is just the kind that can be separated.

In the deep sea, Ankang fish has an organ that emits a little light above its head, so as to attract those who drive the light to come to eat.

For the Bone Hotel, the second element of the shop is the organ that emits the light.

As a kind of hell, perfect integration into **** is a compulsory course for survival. In the second element of the shop controlled by the White Bone Hotel, it also perfectly abides by the rules of hell.

It seems that his role has not been revealed so far ... It may be that all those found have been eaten.

Eat the fat sheep who come here every day, if there is no fat sheep, just find one or two from the guests here.

Even eating is also a way to improve strength.

In addition, the white bone hotel **** can also get its memory from the brain and soul of the prey by eating, so that it can truly understand the world ’s major events without going out.

It is precisely because of this that Bone Inn has the capital that has existed to this day.

There are countless kinds of hells that die every day in the dead sand hell. One or two less will make no fuss.

What the Bone Hotel needs to do is not to eat all the guests in a controlled manner, but also to prevent the eating process from being discovered and spread.

In a way, it is very simple.

"The so-called last door?"

"Someone feels that they can discover some big secrets, don't they."

Yi Xunyu chuckled: "There will certainly be self-righteousness to explore the secret **** species. But this time when they push the door open, they may only see a big mouth that opens and closes."

What Dian Xiaoer said at the time meant very simple things, just looking for peaceful coexistence.

It eats what it does, Yi Xunyu does what she loves, without disturbing each other.

Yi Xunyu's answer at that time was naturally yes, and she was also afraid of trouble.

The Bone Hotel has been in existence for a long time. The strength of this ancient **** species may be doomed.

It may be exceptionally powerful, and it is shocking. It may also be a parallel at all, even if the huge body has a huge accumulation of energy, but it actually has no combat power at all.

In this regard, Yi Xunyu is too lazy to try, she is afraid of trouble.

Lying for more than two hours in the remaining two hours is much better than fighting.

By the way, for unknown species, the first thing to pay attention to is not to understand them with common sense.

In other words, don't naturally substitute the body and eating organs of regular creatures into the body of the white bone hotel.

For example, the guests are currently in the body of the Bone Hotel, but the Bone Hotel has absolutely no ability to secrete stomach acid in situ to completely digest these people.

Yi Xunyu just looked at it in the real world. The so-called last door is the real esophagus of this hell.

There are also a lot of sharp teeth and countless long tongues full of digestive juice ...

"I thought there was a trap hidden there that wanted to excite you, but I didn't expect it." Mu Tian shook his head: "He's really dirty."

"Fortunately, this is how I showed my strength, otherwise I might see a dirtier scene now."

Yi Xunyu rubbed his temples and threw the key on the table: "I go back to the field to rest for a while, you are free."

"It's best to be here when you take a break. Of course, it doesn't matter if you want to go to the empty room. As for having fun, it doesn't seem to be fun to play with the group of people downstairs. The only thing you need to pay attention to is not to sign any contracts and say your real name. ... in this respect, it seems that you all should know. "

"Would you like to play the Kunk card with the group of people downstairs?" Mu Tianzhuo asked.

"Feel free."

Yi Xunyu said nothing, and then looked sideways at Mengta: "Yes, don't let Mu Tian and Succubus play cards ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Ah, why?"

"Because if it is a succubus, it will definitely lose to Mu Tian when playing cards, and then naturally lose yourself."

The normal operation of the succubus is not surprising.

"Huh ...?" Mengta looked at Mu Tian strangely.

Yi Xunyu waved his hand and shone back to the heart.


"How is **** here?"

"This, fortunately, is just too kind."

"You also know that there is only one layer of **** on my side, but it is to mix everything together, there is no room for excessiveness. In contrast, you are like a grading game here. There is a low-level protection mechanism. "

"Ha, that makes sense."

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