Legend Forever

Chapter 923: Flame Demon's Footprint

Remember in a second 【】

A big tree with intertwined roots, about ten meters high, with dense branches above it, revealing a deep red in pale blue.

It is not leaves that grow on the branches, but also a blue flame, which drifts with the heat.


Under the tree, Yi Xunyu and others were fighting with a group of lion-headed monkeys, with two snake tails behind them, and a pair of burning wings of Warcraft.

Flame baboon, a rare warcraft.


Yi Xunyu took the opportunity to press a hand on the top of Yan Babo's head, and the blue and black cold air poured into the palm of his hand, instantly dispelling the fire element that constitutes the body.

With a soft sound, Yan Babo exploded into a mass of Mars and disappeared, and a magic core in a broken eye fell to the ground, and the energy inside was consumed.

"Is it possible to use ice attribute magic here?" Muse asked, looking back at the scene, slightly surprised.

"Yes, but very reluctantly." Yi Xunyu retreated and shook his head.

Obviously, the cold air of a whole baboon can be frozen in an instant, but the result is only to offset the fire element in the other party. Most of the cold is canceled by the surrounding heat.

The use of ice magic here can indeed be very effective in doing more with less.

So for Yi Xunyu, instead of using ice magic, it is more practical to smash it with one fist.

"Huh, it's finally solved, these tough guys." Mu Tian pierced the head of the last baboon with one hand, pulling out the magic core and said with a sigh of relief.

The group of more than 30 baboons was really troublesome when they first started playing.

Throwing the magic core into his space installation, Mu Tian clapped his hands and jumped on the tree that was more than ten meters high. He patted the solid and hot trunk on the side of the body and said: "Cloud fire tree, this must have at least six A hundred years of history. "

Saying that, Mu Tian's red flame ignited carefully and took off the red fire with golden light carefully before taking a deep breath near the tip of his nose.

As he inhaled, the big fireball of apple turned into a thread of fire and burrowed into Mu Tian's nose.

"Huh ... It's so fragrant." Mu Tian said with a sigh of breath in his mouth.

The fire cloud tree produces fire cloud fruit every ten years. The shape of this fruit is a burning flame. It is not eaten by the mouth, but it is sucked into the body as gas by inhalation.

The taste is fresh, so you can feel the taste to a greater extent by sniffing.

Shaking his head, Mu Tian only felt refreshed, so he raised his hand and picked a few Huo Yunguo and threw it down: "You also try it. The taste of this thing is better than what I used before."

The common fire cloud fruit on the market does not exceed 100 years on average. It is not that those people do not want to cultivate, but the fire cloud tree will burn off the bark of the surface layer every 100 years, and use the energy generated by burning the skin to supply itself for the transformation.

Every time spontaneous combustion occurs, the fire element required for the growth of the fire cloud tree will multiply.

If the supply of surrounding energy cannot keep up, then the next time the metamorphosis of the fire cloud tree is still not enough to transform after burning the epidermis, it will continue to burn until it burns itself out.

For those trainers, it is difficult to achieve the ‘flowing magma zone’ of ordinary fire cloud trees.

After the second transformation, the energy supply required by the Huoyun Tree has increased by more than ten times.

They can't afford to consume so much by their lives.

The fire cloud tree will split the seed of the fire cloud tree from the heart of the tree, and the gray-red ball with the size of the fingernail.

The skin is hot at first, but it will cool down after a while.

To break the seeds, you need to soak them in flowing magma for three days.

After taking this, Yi Xunyu thought about it and inhaled at the tip of his nose.

Her current physical attribute is that the stars are biased towards ice, but if only a small amount of fire elements are ingested, there is no problem for her.

A fragrance of green tea, mixed with the smell of vanilla and pineapple, just drilled in from the tip of the nose, spread into a warm stream in the respiratory tract, and then spread to the whole body.

Resisting the idea of ​​sneezing, Yi Xunyu rubbed his nose and frowned slightly.

This is the first time she has come into contact with this thing. It is obviously a burning flame, but the energy properties are surprisingly gentle, and there is no slight damage to the body. Even ordinary people can use it in moderation.


On the other side, Mengta sneezed violently, then wiped his nose with a sleeve and said: "This taste is much better than what you used before, but unfortunately there is a slight smoky smell inside."

Yi Xunyu didn't smell it, probably because she was used to the smell of hell.

"This is what happened to the Huoyun tree after a hundred years. After all, the outer skin spontaneously ignited to the inner core, and the fruit it produced was the same, and the longer the Huoyun tree was, the greater the smoky smell.

Mu Tian said with a chuckle, "I actually secretly tried Huo Yun Guo for five thousand years. The color was dark golden. There was no fragrance at that time. It smelled like the surface of dried bacon."

"What kind of things have you tried yet?"

"Yeah, I sneaked into the treasury and turned over and was beaten." Mu Tian shook his head. "It didn't seem to have seen you at that time."

"This way." Mengta suddenly.

That might have been before Mu Tian was ten years old.

After picking about two-thirds of the Huoyun tree, that is, more than 50 Huoyun fruits, Mu Tian jumped off the tree

^ 0 ^ One second to remember 【】

Shaking the seal crystal in his hand, said: "The interval between each use of this thing should not be too short, otherwise it is easy to get angry, and now it is evenly divided?"

"I want this thing to be useless." Yi Xunyu shook his head and said.

For the fire attribute cultivator, the value of a lot of gold, the value in her hands may be just sniffing incense or warm treasure, which is really a waste.

"Well, just store it first, then exchange what you need internally."

Mu Tian thought about it and still divided the seal crystal in his hand into five parts, and handed it over one by one: "For example, the next layer of extremely cold hell, I got it but I don't need it, and then I exchange it with you. "

In the case of internal exchanges, the concept of value is relatively ambiguous, but this type of transaction is indeed the most convenient.

Otherwise, thinking about both the average distribution and the consideration of getting the right thing for 2 per person is really a cumbersome and thankless thing.

"Am I there?"

"All joined this team, and naturally have your share. Not to mention you have not contributed much along the way."

With the remaining one-third of the fruit, here will soon gather a group of Warcraft who like the fruit of the fire cloud. They will take care of and care for the fire cloud tree, and then enjoy the fire cloud fruit intermittently to enhance themselves.

"Well, look, is this footprint demon?"

Walking another distance, Mu Tian asked, pointing at a footprint larger than the car in front.

The whole looks like an oval egg with a wide front end and three sharp edges like stepped by pointed claws. The back shrinks and shortens, the footprints become shallower, and there are round holes on both sides of the nail.

"It should be, but looking at the size of this footprint, it seems that this flame demon's size is not large?"

Mengta estimated the ratio of the flame demon footprint to the body ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ said a bit.

The normal ratio is 1: 7, so this two-meter footprint corresponds to the height of the flame demon, which may be only about 14 meters.

"Maybe it was just born, anyway, let's take a look at it first." Mu Tian thought for a moment.

The flame demons of **** have no gender, and the reproduction method is generally split, and a small number are born naturally.

Because there is no maternal consciousness, the split flame demon will not be taken care of by the mother, but will leave on its own to gain new territory for itself in constant fighting.

The flame demon born naturally is because the fire elements in a certain area are too dense, and the fire element elves in the shape of flame demon were born under the spiritual convergence.

This flaming demon has stronger flame control ability, and the combat effectiveness is more amazing. But because there is no inheritance, the brain will appear closer to the beast.

"Eternal Legend"

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^ 0 ^

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