Legend Forever

Chapter 932: Try and analyze

Because of the succinct shape, the position of the suture monster is not stable.

This seems to have an inseparable connection with the dozens of hands, feet and tails that touched the ground at the same time.

One thing has been proved in the game of two-legged, three-legged and three-legged, that is, when there are many brains co-directing, it is basically impossible to coordinate actions.

This also applies to suture monsters.

"So, why don't you smash these heads to only one?" Mengta asked, looking at the quirky stitching stranger walking on the road.

Because of the different learning systems, she doesn't know much about suture monsters.

"Because I didn't connect their nerve lines together." Yi Xunyu scratched his head: "Each brain controls the hands and feet are independent. Once there is only one brain left, then the suture monster becomes a More than ten corpses of Warcraft were pressed on Warcraft. "

The only remaining hand will be crushed, and then maybe you can only try to roll forward.

She also does more elaborate operations, but for a bait, there is really no need to spend too much energy on it.

Anyway, it was all swallowed.


In this way, the first stitched monster turned to the front, and in the attitude of Mu Tian described as ‘a bicycle with triangular wheels driving on the ice’, he slowly walked into the range where the first five avatars were preyed.

After one minute, the first suture monster passed through safely.

"What's the matter, have you left?" Muse said strangely.

"It should not be." Yi Xunyu narrowed his eyes and hooked his finger to activate the second suture monster.

This time, halfway through, Yi Xunyu controlled the stitched monster like a dream tower and began to turn back.


The ground was raised again, and the same black shadow flashed again, accompanied by the coercion of that flash.

"... See clearly?"

Hesitating for a moment, Muse asked: "I didn't see it anyway."

"It's too fast," Mengta said, rubbing his eyes. "But there should be a huge head in front, but what is behind the body, I didn't see it at all."

Mu Tian looked weird and took out a photo crystal to start playback. Anyway, he didn't see anything. He could only hope that the crystal could give some power.

The screen began to play back, starting from the stitching monster, and then quickly fast forward to the moment when the black shadow appeared, pause.

During every 0.01 second image transformation, a large mouth full of interlaced teeth appears in the image.

The shape of the head is somewhat similar to that of a dragon, but it has no horns or whiskers. It grows greatly in the mouth, and it grinds into a rather exaggerated arc.

"A creature, this guy doesn't even have eyes, so what exactly does it rely on to perceive the surroundings?" Mu Tian looked at the picture frame by frame, but the picture in the picture crystal began to become irresistibly blurred.

In the end, it turned into a dark shadow, and even the color could not be seen much.

Except for the initial acceleration, the speed will be faster the later.

"Weird, there should be a pause when swallowing prey. Why didn't the picture change at all?"

There are also parts of the body that can't be seen clearly from beginning to end.

"What kind of creature is this?" Mengta shook her head and said, "And this body ... can't there be only one head?"


Yi Xunyu thought about it and said, "Well ... Should we bypass this way? The remaining stitching monsters can be used to find the way."

"Shall we try to hunt this guy?" Mu Tian made another suggestion.

"You are crazy, this is a monster above the lord level, and the exaggerated speed and attack power, there is absolutely no way to avoid it." Mengta said incredulously.

"No, it's not as exaggerated as you think."

Mu Tian shook his head: "Don't forget that at that time, since the Flame Demon dared to turn around to test, it definitely means that for the Flame Demon, there is a way to resist this guy's attack. So this guy must have our Weaknesses that have not yet been discovered, as long as they are found, things can be resolved. "

Muse scratched his head and glanced at the remaining eight suture monsters: "These few, maybe not enough?"

Generally speaking, the limitation of the attack distance, the limitation that the mouth cannot swallow too many things, and the speed is too fast may be counter-utilized ... And there is also a worrying thing, which is the method of temptation chosen by the Yan Mo at that time, What is the purpose in it?

"Oh, that flame devil's head, did you read any useful news from it?" Muse asked what looked at Mengta.


Dream Tower scratched her head and took a plate from the field: "Spicy Demon Brain ... Would you like to try it?"

It is bright red in color and looks like tofu. The top is covered with mirin, sesame and coriander.


"Okay, kidding. This is just ordinary edible deer brain."

Mengta put away the plate in her hand and said, "Yan Mo's brains can't be eaten ... As for extraction, I didn't think about it at the time, just read some spell models from it."

"Actually, I have a bold idea. You said that this guy's body is not seen by anyone, so is it possible that because this guy has no body?"

"No body, only one head hitting the bouncing ball back and forth?"

"No, no, I mean, there must be a law between everything, and such a terrible creature cannot exist in the burning **** at all, unless its body is bound to keep it from being absolutely perfect."

The Burning Hell is the eighth floor of Hell. There are ten more layers below. This supermodel demon appears here, which certainly does not meet the original designer's intentions.

"And I also received a hidden spur to deal with this monster hidden in the ground, so it is impossible for me to fight this monster."

"It makes sense to say that there are seven stitching monsters left. What should I do?" Yi Xunyu nodded and asked.

Mu Tianyi clapped his hands and said: "Try, first try three to get more information. The remaining four are used as bait to see if you can hunt this guy."

The system will definitely not publish the tasks he cannot complete, and the above standard A-level difficulty does not meet the map of the red skull full of landmarks ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ So Mu Tian is confident that the unknown monster must have a pole Big restrictions and constraints.

After two suture monsters sacrificed, Mu Tian knocked on the stone: "It is basically certain that this guy's perception of sight and touch is almost zero, but he can rely on some strange mechanism to accurately lock in Turn around within a piece of existence, and then hunt. "

This feeling……

"Because of the excessive consumption and the inconvenience of your own actions. So did you choose those who only perceive the existence of danger when you enter the attack range for hunting, which is really a tricky choice."

Finally, Mu Tian suddenly concluded.

Those who are unable to perceive the danger and move forward normally, those who are too weak, have not consumed much energy after hunting.

Perception of danger in advance indicates that the strength is very strong, and it is impossible to solve the opponent quickly in an instant, but it may fall into a deadlock. If you leave early, you will naturally leave.

This is like a screen, filtering large and small, leaving only the middle part.

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