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: Fire Feather Essay-One Point of Thinking about Temperature

In the conventional, that is, in accordance with the majority of the knowledge and existence of the existence, no matter how low the temperature of the environment, organisms can not escape the survival mode of ‘thermal form survival’.

This is a conceptual vocabulary for ‘hot form survival’. Refers to the energy that living things rely on in life activities as heat.

Plants depend on sunlight for photosynthesis. Animals eat and produce heat in the body through chemical conversion reactions, thereby maintaining their own life activities.

Even if the process is carried out according to the ATP-ADP reaction formula, in fact, thermal energy still plays a vital role in it.

After all, thermal energy is also divided into useful thermal energy and useless thermal energy.

Among them, the useless heat energy refers to the heat energy that is excessively produced in life activities and cannot be used effectively.

And useful thermal energy refers to the part of the thermal energy that participates in the process of life activities.

For example, the easiest to think of and the most convenient to understand-to maintain the body temperature of living things.

As long as it is a life activity, it cannot leave this category.

Even cold-blooded animals will be basked in order to maintain body temperature, otherwise the body will freeze.

So from this perspective only, thermal energy is more beneficial than harmful to living things.

This is why small fish can survive in the hot springs boiling during the registration, and even microorganisms near the volcanic magma can reproduce densely.

Because in that kind of place, living things can use that heat to some extent to survive.

So it might be possible to boldly imagine that even the sun that does not exist in the extraordinary world still has life. This life has a very high temperature tolerance and can survive on the sun by absorbing the temperature of the sun.

This is not impossible.

But if this concept is reversed and replaced by an extremely low-temperature climate, another result will appear.

There is not much difference between the positive and negative temperature in the normal range, and the results are basically similar.

And beyond this normal temperature range, development will gradually start to lose synchronization.

In the case of high temperature, even in a high temperature environment, as long as there are organisms that can tolerate this high temperature, in theory, it is possible to rely on the heat energy brought by high temperature to survive.

But in a low-temperature environment, as a creature that survives in a "hot form", even if this creature has the ability to withstand extreme cold, it does not have the ability to extract heat energy from extreme cold.

Unless the body temperature of this creature is lower than the surrounding environment, so as to achieve the effect of Eskimos buying a refrigerator to go home to heat, but this is obviously difficult to achieve.

Therefore, for organisms that live in 'hot form', it is not reliable to expect the environment to absorb the heat energy required to maintain their own life activities in this environment. Even because of environmental impact, a considerable part of its own energy is used to resist the cold.

So, in the end, we can only find ways from the rest.

Such as eating, such as sports, such as turning to look at extraordinary energy.

In short, the final goal is to make the body heat.

This is the difference between the extreme environments of high temperature and extreme cold.

And the extreme cold is the real life exclusion zone.

But obviously, this idea is limited to conventional creatures.

Under the condition of extraordinary existence, it is possible to give birth to a "cold form existence", that is, a creature that drives its own life activities with a chill.

The way to convert heat loss into energy is reversed to increase its own energy by means of heat increase.

Even if this is already the idea of ​​stepping on physics underfoot, for the unknown we can only say ... anything is possible.

If this hypothesis holds, or even such a creature is born, then it must surpass the creature, and even if it is the relationship between the "anti-matter-matter", it is two opposite life forms.

As far as its life structure is concerned, normal life is no longer applicable, and it should even be in a completely inverted form to achieve this effect.

But even in this case, there are cases where it cannot be explained. For example, after reversing this reaction, the release of energy becomes absorption, so that the energy that enables life activities to be carried out cannot be obtained from it at all.

So, again ...


In the extreme cold hell, the ice elemental plane, and the three permanently frozen polar regions, there may be life in this form.


An essay written in Huoyu's student days.

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