Legend Forever

Chapter 944: Ice Dragon

Big eyes squint, who advises who loses.

This is a very old and boring game.

Right now, it is obviously not the time to play this game.

"I said, can't you remind me well!"

On the surface, Mu Tian was still staring at the upper eye, but secretly, he began to grow too quiet with sound transmission.

"It must be next time." Yi Xunyu replied.


Seemed to be aware of a certain change in atmosphere, and the dark blue eyes of the sleeping monster hiding in the iceberg suddenly became brighter.


Mu Tian said that he jumped away, holding the dream tower with his left hand, and his right hand did not forget to put the dragon corpses on the ground into the space installation.


The huge roar, the iceberg began to tremble, large pieces of crushed ice mixed with debris, turned into heavy shells and bombarded around.

In the pothole, the blue eyes inside turned a little, as if the creature inside was moving its neck, and then jumped out of midair.

Did not land, just suspended in mid-air, and let out a long whine.

Ooo ...

The wind and snow whimpered, and the ice and snow in the circle began to resonate. The blue light spot gathered in response to the will of the snow and ice, and rolled up the blue storm.

"Oh, Grand Prize." Yi Xunyu said with his hand in front of him.

Crystal dragon, sub-dragon species, very pure ice attribute Warcraft.

Unfortunately, it is not a pure hell.

The height of the Hanyu dragon began to decrease slowly, and then stopped at a position five meters above the ground.

It seems that the actual pressure is spread out on the ground in a circle, and finally turns into a spiral to dissipate.


Stretched the ice blue delta dragon wings, letting the tip of the ice thorns slowly separate, the Han Yaolong took a deep breath and opened his big mouth, let out a low roaring roar.

"It can be called."

Mu Tian scolded, raised his head and asked, "Fight?"

"Fight." Muse squinted.

Said, Muse's body slowly fell, and the sword in his hand was pulled out, aiming obliquely at the front.

That blocked the existence of this fire dragon.

Yi Xunyu raised his eyebrows slightly, took off his jacket and threw it into the space, and said, "I'm the main attacker."

Here, even because of the existence of the field, Mu Tian and Muse will not become ...

Waste people. But once a battle occurs, the combat power will still be greatly affected.

Fireball becomes a flame, not just joking.

Take a light breath, the ice blue light in Yixunyu's eyes lights up, and the breath of his body begins to rise continuously.

The realm of ice is projected in this world. The blue is spreading like ink on the ground, blue and gray snowflakes are flying upward, and blue and black icicles are pulled up from the ground, forcibly seizing control of this piece of ice.

Is only a moment, the power of the snowstorm is weakened by more than half.

Opposite the cold demon dragon was unwilling to show his weakness again, and roared again. Layers of halo diffused from its surface and silently merged into the surrounding space.

Then, the air slowly turned into ice blue.

"Does the field take shape." Yi Xunyu said softly with a raised eyebrow.

When the strength reaches a sufficient level, the spirit is strong to a certain degree when exposed to the law, and naturally it will start to develop in this direction.

And the field of systematic cultivation is actually just the result of in-depth analysis and research on this phenomenon.

Therefore, it is not too surprising that the ice demon dragon exhibited the incomplete field.

It's just that Ixunyu is a little helpless because the ice demon dragon has lived here for thousands of years. Even if he relies on instinct, he has fully mastered the surrounding laws.

This home advantage is difficult to smooth with technology.

Therefore, in the current situation, Yi Xunyu and Ice Demon Dragon each have half control of the ice element. Even if they are constantly increasing their power, they can't help each other.

An ice-blue tree shadow emerged behind Yi Xunyu. There were no leaves on the tree, only vigorous branches.

The top of the tree dragged a pale ball, just like a star.

This phantom just flashed for a moment and disappeared, but the chilly dragon on the opposite side suddenly gave a cry of pain.

Around both sides, the sound of friction and collision between the chains suddenly appeared.

"Huh, isn't it still possible." Yi Xunyu frowned, holding in his right hand, holding Cangxing Ningshuang in his hand.

Continued stalemate has no result, only to win and lose from other levels.


Suffered a loss before, this time the Han Yaolong first launched an attack.

I saw Han Han Long taking a deep breath on his head, then lowered his head and spit out suddenly.

Spit out not the air, but the dark blue ice element, which was compressed into a thick column of water tank, just like that.


Yi Xunyu's figure flashed a bit, using space to jump to the side of the Han Yaolong, Cang Xing Ning Frost chose, and cut a crescent moon diagonally upward.

Slashes collided with the dragon scales, making a crisp cracking sound. Several pieces of dragon scales on the arm of the ice demon dragon shattered off and a shallow blood stain was revealed.

Yi Xunyu frowned, and his figure flickered and disappeared again.

And in her original standing position, a huge dragon claw photographed, and the ground of the frozen soil was shot out of a solid big pit.

Panshi stepped forward at this time and interrupted the uncharacterized dragon car of the ice demon dragon with a card.

Then he growled, his earthy light fused into his armor. The blood vessels all over the body protruded, the blue muscles on the arm of the neck burst, and the right foot suddenly lifted and stepped down.

Boom, Boom, Boom,

Every step caused the earth to shake for a while, so the rock suddenly pushed forward three steps against the ice monster dragon, even if the ice monster dragon's claws made a deep gully on the frozen soil.

Finally, it was the Ice Demon Dragon who reacted, no longer wrestling with the rock, fluttering his wings, and rolled up the blizzard and flew again.

Panshi took this opportunity to throw away the shield with a huge dragon face printed in his hand, and then replaced it with a new one from the space installation.

"The willpower is really strong."

After a few mental attacks, Mengta sighed low, and the eye column in his hand fell to the ground, turning into a coiled tentacle and entangled in the ice demon dragon.

The eyes of the ice demon dragon turned to there, the blue light on his body lit up, and an ice wall was raised to block the eye column from behind ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ hole, hole,

The column of eyes pierced half a meter of the ice wall, then was exhausted and could only start to retract.


Muse appeared in front of the ice monster dragon at the moment when the ice wall rose, facing the ice blue eyes of the ice monster dragon.

The high temperature dissipated the cold in front, using the explosion of the flame to open up a short vacuum channel, so the sharp sword gas cut forward along the channel.

At this time, the blue light on the ice demon dragon had just darkened. But even so, there is no trace of fear in the eyes of the ice demon dragon, dark red bloodshot climbed in the blue eyes, and a blue-black flame ignited in the teeth, just biting forward fiercely.

Long time in hell, it is inevitable that he will be contaminated with the breath of hell.

It is difficult to disperse unless you leave here completely.

It is difficult to resist, because the breath of **** is everywhere, breathing, eating, drinking water, there is no way to avoid it.


# So in the end, for the creatures of hell, they can only choose to accept and accept the fact that they will be gradually transformed into hell.

Becomes a hell, and it has no effect on its strength. On the contrary, you can also get more blessings from hell, and even get the unique abilities of hell.

For example, at present, the ice demon dragon actively activates its own blood vein of hell, and the ice fire of **** is added to the dragon tooth, and it actively greets the muse's slash.

As for the purity of the blood of hell, the ice demon dragon may not have much. But for the characteristic of **** creatures that are not afraid of death and madness, the ice demon dragon has undoubtedly carved it into the bone.

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