Legend Forever

Chapter 949: Winner's breakfast

It was still dark outside the window, only a few stars sprinkled with shimmer. The scaly animal crawled in the dark, and the body rubbed against the grass to make a rustling sound.

Opened his eyes slightly, and Yi Xunyu struggled to sit up from the bed ~.

Rubbed her eyes, and she froze for another moment before shaking her head vigorously.

"You wake up? Two thousand years have passed in this world." Casa's voice rang aside.

I Xunyu was rubbing some of her unconscious cheeks at the moment, and heard the words: "Really, then let me sleep again."

However, although saying so, Yi Xunyu rubbed his temples, lifted the quilt and stepped on his big slippers.

After some washing, Yi Xunyu spit out the water in his mouth and let out a breath: "Hoo ... sleeping is too dead."

The exhaustion of energy consumption, the feedback of collision damage in the field, and the resistance to the stimulation of **** blood from the **** breath are all very energy-consuming things for Yi Xunyu.

Afterwards, he finally relaxed in the hot spring, and as a result, he accidentally fell into a state of exhausted sleep.

This bad sleep state made Yi Xunyu almost break the film,

Glanced at the time, at six o'clock in the morning, three hours before the scheduled meeting time.

"Hoo, is there a little time left?"

Scratched his head, Yi Xunyu looked at Casa and asked, "Hey, what would you like for breakfast?"

"What are you going to do?" Casa asked, looking up.

"Milk bread with charcoal grilled salted cheese."

"Then eat this." Casar replied rightfully.


Yixun Yu shook his head slightly, turned his head into the kitchen and began to search for the remaining ingredients.

Because the ingredients are basically finished products, you can eat them directly on the table. So it wasn't much time for Yi Xunyu to walk out of the kitchen with a few plates and put it on the dining table.

White bread, hot milk, baked salt cheese, and two plates of fennel cream soup.

When inspecting the field from the perspective of God, Yi Xunyu accidentally found a small piece of fennel bush in the wet place beside the bamboo forest.

Is flourishing and fresh in color. It seems that even without light, they still live very healthy.

It might have been mixed in when the grass was sowed, Ixunyu thought this way, and picked up a handful and threw it into the cream soup.

This kind of rich ‘wild grass’ has also been occasionally found in the wasteland before, stuffed into the stomach of the grass rat and thrown into the pot to cook together, it can make the taste much better.

This kind of taste that stays in memory was unexpectedly found in his own field.

In addition, there is actually an extra plate.

Inside, the heart of the ice demon dragon is installed.

This Ixunyu is ready for exclusive use.

Defeat powerful creatures and enjoy the heart representing honor. This code seems to have been followed by Yi Xunyu, and has even become a habit.

The heart of the ice demon dragon is the core of the body's operation, and it contains a lot of vitality itself.

Also contains a lot of pure ice elements, which is the core energy of the ice demon dragon.

After all, the heart is the second energy source in the ice demon dragon except the element core.

Because of the attraction of ice element for a long time, the temperature of the heart is below minus, but it still maintains a soft and resilient meat quality.

"This looks pretty good."

Dinner knife ~ Fiddle with the heart in front, Yi Xunyu said.

Looks like a light blue jade, even if the veins inside the veins are so beautiful.

A piece that can be placed on a silk red cloth and locked into a glass cabinet.

It's a pity that this thing will not be new for a long time.

Because of the special ingredients, Yi Xunyu did not use conventional methods to cook, and finally only used the ice element to remove the blood and impurities.

噗 呲 呲 、

Two chopsticks poked down, and Ixunyu's table knife started to move hard with the heart fixed by the chopsticks and which one began to saw.

Is too big to talk,

After cutting off the size of the palm, Yi Xunyu looked at it, put it in his mouth tentatively.

The entrance is filled with coolness at the tip of the tongue. The fleshy meat is like the flesh of litchi, leaving a hint of sweetness on the taste buds.

The teeth are opened and closed, and the meat is like beef tendons that are just right on fire. Then, the juice hidden in the meat exploded outwards, so that the delicious taste instantly filled the mouth.


Swallow the meat in your mouth.

Yi Xunyu narrowed his eyes slightly and spit out a cold breath, saying, "Nice ingredients."

Although it is raw meat, but it seems that the Arctic can eat raw shrimp directly. Because the growth environment is free of impurities, the taste is refreshing and delicious.

Even condiments like mustard soy sauce are completely unnecessary.

Brandished a knife covered with frost because of the cold, and Yi Xunyu began to enjoy the delicious taste of this unexpected joy.

It didn't take long for Yi Xunyu to put the last piece of bread in his mouth, took a mint drink from his hand, took a small sip, and rested comfortably on the back of the chair, not even wanting to speak.

After about five minutes, Yi Xunyu finally got up and put the dishes in the sink full of slimes, washing his hands ...

All this was done, Yi Xunyu gave a breath.

Took the next step, the next moment people have appeared in the field of ice.

Last night saw the terrible situation of the ice field, and now it has recovered about 30%. It takes about 16 hours from the time it was completely restored.

In this process, the field of ice does not affect normal use.

Hmm ... In conclusion, it's not a big problem. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

After confirming these circumstances, Yi Xunyu walked to the center of the ice field and raised his right hand to scratch in the air.

The whole ice field trembles, and then a dark blue chain emerges from the void in the shaking.

Compared with the original chain form that was staggered and neatly wound, the current law chain seems to become a little messy.

This is where the real damage to the field takes time to sort out and recover.

Following the movement of Ixunyu, a ball of chains flew to Ixunyu and then slowly opened.

Inside is a ring with a dark and unknown atmosphere.

When the realm of the ice demon dragon shattered, Yi Xunyu specifically found the exclusive rule belonging to the extreme cold hell, and then used the realm of ice to contain it.

Can also be said to be a seal, anyway, it is abruptly bringing that part of the law into its own domain.

Grab this ring with your fingers, and look carefully at the blue light flashing in Yi Xunyu's eyes, and thoughtfully said:

"This structure, it seems that my plan should not be a problem."

The laws of the extreme cold **** are only partly special, but they can still be consistent with the laws of the mainland of Adra, and even most of the world.

This also means that even if the law of extreme cold **** is repaired, the final result is only to give his own domain with the unique atmosphere of hell, and he can receive blessings from extreme cold hell.

"Think of it like this?"

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