Legend Forever

Chapter 991: Guide

Remember in a second【】


This name sounds familiar.

"I really know that in Infinite Stream, those npc characters who provide help to the traverser seem to be..."

"not this."

Cui Xing shook his head and said, "I mean the hidden profession in this world, the professional."

"I don't know, similar information has never appeared on Skynet." Yi Xunyu replied.

"Okay, it seems to be explained slowly."

Cui Xing raised his hand and put it down again, and began to think: "Where to start is better."

"Doesn't you need to expand the sound insulation circle?"

"You can't understand without them," Cui Xing replied carelessly.

"Can they understand common language?" Yi Xunyu raised an eyebrow.

"Yes. Every symbol of the calculus unequal vector is very simple, but how many can be understood together?" Cui Xing asked back.


"Then let's continue, what is this guide?"

Cui Xing sighed and emphasized again: "Don't be angry when you say that."

Yi Xunyu turned her gaze aside, and the child still didn't give up the idea of ​​breaking the bubble.

Quite persevering, but unfortunately meaningless.

"A long time ago, the profession of instructor appeared. They hid in places invisible to the world, evaded the world, and only appeared when they should appear.

In some legendary epics, you should notice a very similar place. That is, before each legend begins, there will be such a nagging person, saying a few plausible words, making predictions, and even guiding this person's future direction.

This person can be a storyteller in a tavern, a mysterious man in a black robe, or a beggar who sells crazy on the street.

Identity does not really matter, because after speaking, this identity will lose the meaning of continuing to maintain.

Well, yes, this is the guide. "

Cui Xing looked at Yi Xunyu's surprised face and said with a lip: "How can there be so many coincidences in the world, seemingly miracles, all arranged?"

"So, are you a guide?"

Yi Xunyu was silent for a moment, then asked with a finger.


"Then you, the guide, failed enough." Yi Xunyu said with a chuckle.

The other guides all ran after they had finished speaking. As a result, Cui Xing almost went to the field after running.

"No way, the old-fashioned rhetoric will no longer work. Later, people can only try to develop new methods. Otherwise, if someone suddenly appears in front of you and wants to run after a lot of prophecy, what will you do? Cui Xing shook his head and asked.

"Catch ~ hold, torture." Yi Xunyu simply replied.

Of course, it may be more ruthless.

"That's it. People now don't eat this set."

Cui Xing said with one hand: "But I am indeed doing something wrong. After all, according to the guidelines of the guide, it is strictly forbidden to have any relationship with the person who is directed."

Heaven cannot be revealed, and fate cannot be changed...

This is quite a metaphysical statement,

But to put it simply, every ‘butterfly’ in the world **** its wings, and the causal effect caused by it is much stronger than the storm. …

When a person wants to change something, he only sees what he wants to change in front of him. But I don't know how many invisible undercurrents are hidden behind this incident, and how many inertia can't stop the car to push things to an already determined result.

And those who understand their destiny know how powerful this ‘power’ is, and they naturally do not want to compete with it, or they can become a car.

In order to prevent this from happening, it is understandable to avoid contact with this fate as much as possible and to stay out of the matter.

"Then don't you run?" Yi Xunyu asked.

"It's too late to run away."

Cui Xing shook his head and said: "Let's put this aside in advance. You should also guess that the person I chose to guide is you."

"You really helped me a lot." Yi Xunyu said. Search eBook.sodutxt.

This is the truth.

"Maybe, but I think I've always just added icing on the cake."

Cui Xing thought for a while before continuing:

"How to say, the purpose of the guide to guide the selected person is not simple, but a relationship of mutual request. Or, the two are bound to a certain extent.

The instructor guides the direction and the instructed person is responsible for moving forward. However, the instructor does not simply pay. On the contrary, in the process of being guided, the instructor does not get less than the instructor. And this process, we generally call it ‘a slice of fate from fate’. "

"What do you mean?" Yi Xunyu asked along Cui Xing's words.

"That is to say, when you and I bind, even if I do nothing, I can become stronger as you become stronger."

Cui Xing looked at Yi Xunyu's expression and reached up to hold a ball of light with a blue star light flashing inside.

The color is a bit cold, it seems that the temperature is not very high.

"My field is very similar to yours because it is imitated from yours."

Cuixing took Yi Xunyu to visit her field a long time ago

^0^One second to remember【】

The similarity of the two people in the field is inexplicably high, and it is simply a twin relationship.

I did not expect that,

The profession of director is really a bit wonderful.

Cui Xing waited for a while, looking at Yi Xunyu's thoughtful expression and said, "Hey, give me a reaction?"

"Continue." Yi Xunyu said back to God.

"What's going on?" Cui Xing didn't respond for a while.

"Aren't you talking about this guide, continue to say." Yi Xunyu said for granted.


Cui Xing was stunned for a moment, and asked strangely, "Aren't you angry?"


"I'm doing this..."

"How do you feel like you are looking forward to my anger."

Yi Xunyu smiled and said, "And you should have only recently known that you are the guide?"


"Not all, based on your previous performance."

She couldn't see through people's hearts, but it was possible to lie.

At the beginning, Cui Xing really didn't know why his own field was so similar to that of Yi Xunyu.

"Okay, as you guessed, I was pitted by the teacher."

Cui Xing dropped his hand, lowered his eyes and said: "Who knows what I learned is still mixed with such a hand, somehow became the guide."...

The star field of Cui Xing is not exactly the same as the field of Yi Xunyu, because her own power system has already broken the rule that her profession can not practice extraordinary, and the star power that is different from the elemental grudge flow bypasses that. Loophole.

Since then, Cuixing has been insisting on cultivation, and has established its own "true transcendence".

The field of Yi Xunyu's cohesion is actually more like a push for Cui Xing to get feedback through this connection, let her practice faster, rather than sit back and enjoy the pie falling from the sky.

"Then what is going on now?" Yi Xunyu continued to ask.

"Because of another characteristic of the guide, the guide and the guide are tied together ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Both glory and loss, both losses." Cui Xing said.

"Huh?" Yi Xunyu's eyes flashed blue, and looked between himself and Cui Xing, but found nothing.

"It's not life and death, this thing is not so exaggerated."

Cui Xing shook his head and said: "In simple words, I'm dead. You have nothing to do, but the luck will be cut off. I won't die if you die, but the strength will be stagnant."

After thinking for a while, Cuixing added: "Oh, yes, the guide can only guide one person at a time. Only after this guide has succeeded can we continue to choose the next target."

If it fails, you can directly declare that the practice is invalid.

"That's why you are anxious?"

"No, I just think that you should start to be alert."

Cui Xing shook his head and said seriously.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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