Legend of Swordsman

Chapter 1533: 1000 Steps

The dim shadow cast by the true God without sorrow stood high, and looked at the expressions of everyone below. EΩΔ┡small "Δ said Ww" W.ん 1XIAOSHOU. Com

"The first test is to crack this Luoxing Bureau!"

"Luo Xingju was created by another extremely ancient mighty man. He also has a great reputation in the chaotic world of ancient times. Many of you should have seen or heard of this Luo Star Bureau, some even tried to crack! "

"The rules of this Luoxing board are very simple. A thousand sunspots on the chessboard is equivalent to a thousand steps. Tested one step at a time. I will give you a hundred years. After a hundred years, whoever cracked the most steps You can get the Baiyan fruit tree corresponding to this first test. "

The words of the true God without grief spread, and then a small chessboard appeared in front of many gods in the open space.

It is also a thousand sunspots. The **** of the world in front of a small chessboard will disappear every time he cracks a step.

"Let's get started." Wushen Zhenshen waved.

Many gods in the open space have sat down in front of their own chessboards, and then they have become enlightened.

"Duan Lingfeng, this Luoxing Bureau, have you been in contact before?" Jian Wushuang did not rush to crack, but looked at the next section Lingfeng.

"I have heard of it, but I have never had contact." Duan Lingfeng said.

"That's the case, then I remind you, to crack this Luoxing Bureau, you can't just rush fast, you must go step by step, step by step." Jian Wushuangdao.

He has cracked this Luoxing Bureau and also knows some skills and experience.

"I see." Duan Lingfeng nodded slightly.

Soon, both of them sat down in front of their respective chessboards and began to crack the game.

"Luo Xingju ..." Jian Wushuang's mouth had a smile, and consciousness had sunk into Luo Xingju's first pawn.

Om ~~~

As the picture turns, Jian Wushuang has appeared on a pale ground.

The ground was covered with snow, and in the forefront of the earth, a white robe figure stood silently.

When the sword Wushuang appeared, the white robe figure suddenly pulled out the long sword, and the extremely sharp sword had pierced the throat of Jian Wushuang.

Sword Warriors had been prepared for a long time, and Jian Guang picked it at will, and the sharp sword was immediately resolved.

The first step is to crack instantly.

"Sure enough, this first step is exactly the same as the first step of Ronaldinho's game I cracked. Not surprisingly, the first 100 steps of the chess game are also the same." Jian Wushuang smiled, "Before Dayu In the realm, I just passed through the inverse repair and became a heavy heaven realm, and I solved all the first 100 steps of Luo Xingju. Now I am already a double heaven realm, and my strength is still at the top of the realm. For a hundred years, I do n’t know how many steps I can crack? ”

"let's start."

Jian Wushuang closed his eyes and began to crack the game with all his heart.

He had already cracked the first 100 moves of this chess game, naturally there was no need to waste time, and soon he started to crack the 100th step.

In the 101th step, Jian Wushuang can still be easily cracked, but he is not in a hurry.

He must step by step, fight steadily, and constantly accumulate understanding of swordsmanship.


Outside the cave house, inside the grand hall.

"Is Luoxing Bureau?"

"The first test set by the true God without grief turned out to be a crack at Luoxing Bureau?"

"Well, he's trying to test the understanding of those little guys."

Many powerful people in the hall are talking about it.

Luo Xingju, the target is the test of understanding.

In the Luoxing Bureau, it is impossible to sense the existence of any Tao. Neither the Tao that they opened up before, nor the power of the heavenly Tao that they are aware of now.

In addition, even the mastery and secret technique cannot be performed.

Even if you create a high level of peerlessness, there is no advantage in cracking Luoxing Bureau.

If you want to crack the Luoxing Bureau, you can only rely on your own understanding of your weapons.

Like Jian Wushuang, who is good at kendo, it is his understanding of swordsmanship.

Duan Lingfeng is good at knife path, which is aimed at his understanding of the knife method.

And this kind of understanding needs to continue to figure out and study in this crack. Understanding is naturally of vital importance.

"Luo Xingju is very advanced. A triple heavenly god, who can crack 500 steps in a hundred years, is considered a top genius. Geniuses have gathered, and among these little ones, those who can crack 500 steps should not be in the minority. "

"Oh, so many geniuses come together to crack the 500 steps, I'm afraid it is not the top. Look at it. Some of them should be able to crack the 600th step. Six hundred steps to crack the star board, that's really powerful, just don't know how many such monsters can have. "

"Look at it."

Many strong men in the hall are waiting.

On the third floor of the Dongfu, over 100,000 realms of gods, at this moment, they are wielding their abilities and cracking the Luoxing Bureau with all their strength.

Luo Xingju changed from easy to difficult. The nature of the beginning was the most difficult. All the people present were the top heavenly gods of the triple sky. The first three hundred steps were very easy and simple for them.

In just ten days of work, most of the 100,000 Realms in the open space have cracked more than 300 steps.

One year later, more than half of the 100,000 Realms in the open space have cracked to the 400th step.

At the 400th step, the difficulty increased greatly, and everyone's degree began to slow down.

Like Jian Wushuang, Duan Lingfeng, Xinzhu, even if they destroy the Lord, they are very slow to crack. Generally, it takes several days to crack one step.

Compared with them, one of the many gods is really dazzling.

This person is King Zidong!

From the beginning ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the degree of cracking was very amazing.

It took him only seven days to crack the first three hundred steps!

It took him only half a year to crack the 400th step.

It should be noted that the Seven Kingdoms King who cracked the 400th step, except him, still took eight months, and everyone else spent nine or ten months, one year, like Jian Wushuang, even more. It took a full year and four months.

Now, ten years later, the Zidong King has cracked the 490th step, which is not too far from the threshold of the 500 step.

The Seven Kingdoms King closest to him has only cracked the 482th step, and the degree has obviously dropped, and he cannot be compared with him.

As for the King of Seven Realms, like Jian Wushuang, Duan Lingfeng, Destroyer of God, and Luo Luo, they are still hovering at the 430th and 440th steps. Compared with the Zidong King, the degree is obviously worse Too many.


(End of this chapter)

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