Legend of Swordsman

Chapter 158: Tianyun Mountains


Chapter 158 Tianyun Mountains

"It's noon. At this time seven days later, if you hand in Nedan to me, you can go to the extreme east hunting in two months through the selection war. Now, everyone enters the Tianyun Mountains!" As soon as General A had finished speaking.

There were dozens of figures on the scene without hesitation, and they rushed towards the nearby huge mountains.

Jian Wushuang, Yang Zaixuan, Su Rou and seven other Dragon Palace disciples also moved instantly.

The blood cloud also floated towards the Tianyun Mountains, but his eyes could not help but glance at Jian Wushuang during the passing.

Jian Wushuang also stared at the blood cloud.

Xueyun's mouth opened and he slowly spit out a few words. Although no sound came out, Jian Wushuang was still able to judge it according to his mouth shape. Xueyun said that it was "You are dead!" .

"Well, who died first, isn't it?"

The sword has no double-sided color and is cold. Just for a moment, the 68 Jin Dan strong men who participated in this selection battle have already set foot in the Tianyun Mountains.

This remote mountain range, because of its remoteness, is about to usher in a fierce **** battle.


"Sword unparalleled, good luck to you." Bai Lichen said.

"Good luck." Jian Wushuang nodded.

Immediately, Bai Lichen and several other Dragon Palace disciples were scattered.

There are only fifteen beasts, and naturally there are only fifteen Nedan. It is destined that most people will not get Nedan.

If their group of Dragon Palace disciples have stayed together, the overall strength is very strong, but after the acquisition of Nedan, it will become a big problem, so these Dragon Palace disciples choose to separate and compete for their own good.

"Second and fourth, what about you two?" Jian Wushuang asked.

"I won't be a problem if I win a Nedan alone." Yang Zaixuan said indifferently.

"I also want to rely on my own strength to practice in this selection battle." Su Rou also said.

"Well, then the three of us are also separated, so be careful. If you can't get Nedan, it's better than losing your life." Jian Wushuang said.

"Well, the fourth person I face is only those ordinary earth dragons, and you are facing the cloud of blood, so you have to be more careful yourself, don't overturn the boat in the gutter." Yang Zaixuan poked his lips, even if Xuan left alone.

"My third son, you have to be more careful." The fourth son solemnly.

"Relax." Jian Wushuang smiled slightly, but suddenly his expression moved, "Old man, ask you something ..."

After Jian Wushuang discussed with Su Rou for a while, Su Rou left alone.

Jian Wushuang touched his nose, but then looked up at a towering giant peak in front of him.

"Just choose this." Jian Wushuang smiled, and then stepped out and swept directly over the giant peak.

The giant peak is very large. Without any movement, it takes time to find a spirit beast among them.

But just then ...

"Hello ~~~"

A roar came from another giant peak not far away, and an extremely violent breath was also spread.

Perceived this breath, many Jindan strong men in the Tianyun Mountains were all moving.

"Yin and Yang Illusion!"

"Sure enough, it is a spirit beast of the yin and yang level!"

"Looking at this breath, it should be just a spirit beast at the level of ordinary yin and yang."

The hearts of these Jindan powerhouses are all clear.

When the general of the golden armour said that there were fifteen spirit beasts in the Tianyun Mountains, most of them had already guessed that the fifteen spirit beasts should have a level of yin and yang.

After all, the most talented geniuses in the Tianzong dynasty participated in this selection battle. They are all ranked in the Dragon List, or have the strength of the Dragon List, even the weakest, are enough to be strong with ordinary Yin deficiency. Those who fight against each other can be strong, like the top ten strongest players in the ranking list, all of them can fight Yin Xu Xiaocheng.

Such a high-level battle selection cannot make them face only the spirit beasts of Jindan level.

Therefore, these Jin Dan strong men were not surprised when they noticed the breath of this spirit beast.

"The first spirit beast has been found. I don't know who will get Naydan in the end." Jian Wushuang thought secretly, but soon he left this behind, and he now focused on the one he was in. A giant peak, the position of that beast.

There are fifteen giant peaks, each of which has a spirit beast.


A strong roar of energy came from above, and Jian Wushuang looked at it immediately, and saw that there was a violent spiritual force swing above his peak, and there was also an incomparable storm. Breath.

"Haha, where are the spirit beasts?" Jian Wushuang's eyes brightened, even when the peak looted.

At the same time, there are three other Jindan strong who are also watching this giant peak.

In just a moment of effort, all three of them, together with Jian Wushuang, appeared on the peak, plus a Jin Dan warrior who had previously engaged the spirit beast, and a total of five people stared at the giant peak.

When Jian Wushuang appeared on the top of this giant peak, the eyes of the other four people immediately looked at the sword towards Wushuang.

No way, before the start of the selection battle, Jian Wushuang had collided with the blood cloud and did not fall. His strength has been recognized. It is definitely one of the most terrible people in this selection battle. Naturally, More noticeable.

"Huh?" When Jian Wushuang reached the summit, the first thing he looked at was the spirit beast surrounded by several people.

It was a leopard spirit beast with purple patterns all over the body, like purple clouds. This spirit beast is not too big, but the body is breathtaking.

"The Cloud Leopard!"

Jian Wushuang's mouth slightly angled, the four beasts who had recognized the spirit beast, and then looked around, "With their four strengths, it should be very easy to kill this leopard walking on the cloud, but four No one is in a hurry to do so, obviously there are scruples. "

Jian Wushuang guessed it right ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ These four people have scruples, and the biggest scruples are because of him.

"Jian Wushuang, we found this leopard stepping leopard first. If you want to fight is also the four of us, you should go elsewhere." Among the four, a woman in red said.

This woman in red is the strongest of the four, ranking eighth in the ranking.

Eighth to the earth dragon list, the demon spirit Xueer.

In terms of ranking, this Ling Xueer is higher than him, but after the collision between Jian Wushuang and Xueyun before the selection war, this Ling Xueer is full of jealousy against Jian Wushuang.

"Well, this is a selection battle. Even if Naydan is in your hands, I can grab it, not to mention that this cloud stepping leopard has not been killed by you yet, so you want me to go?" Sword Wushuang sneered, but the three killing swords behind him were already scabbard, and a strong sword sent out instantly.

"Since you don't want to leave by yourself, I can only ask you to leave." Ling Xueer's voice was cold, and a turquoise long whip appeared in his hand.

PS: During the previous update, I don't know why the paragraph appears wrong. Now it has been restored!

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