Legend of Swordsman

Chapter 1687: arrival!

The core area of ​​the eighth lair, on a piece of wasteland.


A figure appeared out of thin air.

This is a young man who is a bit thin and calm and pale. The young man is full of chills, like Jiuyou Hell.

来到 After he came to this barren land, he closed his eyes and waited there silently.

After a long while, another figure suddenly came down. This man was an old man in a purple robe with a height of nearly three meters.

"Hanquan is really god, didn't you wait long?" The old man in purple robe laughed heartily.

The chilling young man, Hanquan Zhenshen, opened his eyes and looked at the person who said, "I thought it would take you at least a few days to get there, but it only took a long time, and it looks like your sword is unparalleled. It is not smaller than my Ling Xiao Bao Temple. "

"Well, the grievance between the husband and the stars is well known to the world. This time a star has appeared such a talented genius. Of course, I cannot give this genius a chance to continue to grow, and it is impossible to make him a star. The second star palace master in a vein. "The old man in purple robe said coldly.

"The sword's unparalleled talent is indeed very high, but unfortunately he is too arrogant. I have been informed that he is now sitting quietly somewhere in this core area, obviously he is waiting for me." Hanquan Shinto.

"Waiting for you?" The old man in purple robe frowned.

"Before, my Ling Xiao Bao Dian gathered ten top chaos true gods, including two powerful men who were infinitely close to the true **** list. They joined forces to kill him, but they were almost killed by him. This strength should also be It ’s enough to be at the forefront of the true gods ’list, and even if compared to me, it is probably not much worse.”

"Similar strength, this sword Wushuang is naturally not afraid of me." Han Quanzhen said coldly, "However, he never thought that this time to go and kill him, not only me, but you!"

"You and I joined forces, even the top ten strongest in the true God list, are enough to fight, this sword is unparalleled, it will undoubtedly die." The old man in purple robe smiled.

"Even if you and I can't kill him, my Ling Xiao Bao Dian prepares for the second hand, he still has to die!" Hanquan's gaze swarmed coldly.

"That being the case, it shouldn't be too late, let's hurry over." Said the old man in purple robes.

"Hmm." Hanquan Zhenshen nodded, and the two immediately swept away at the position where Jian Wushuang was.

Uh ...

On the barren dark ground, Jian Wushuang sat silently with his eyes closed.

The true gods of Dean Yan and Huanyu are staying around Jian Wushuang. At the moment, there are still a lot of strong men in the void around them. They all know that this time, the matter is not over.


Jian Wushuang, sitting on the ground, opened his eyes suddenly, and there was a sharp flash in his eyes.

Many of the strong men walking near this void also immediately noticed the two bodies galloping from a distance.

"Two people?"

"One of them is the true God of Hanquan, who is the other?"

These powerful people are weird.

Before long, two galloping figures appeared in front of them completely.

Of course, the true **** of the cold spring need not say more, and the other is the old man in the purple robe, which is nearly three meters high.

When I saw the old man in purple robes, many of the strong men present were surprised.

The true gods of Luanyan and Huanyu also changed greatly.

"Jiugong! Jiugong Lord!"

"It is the true **** of the nine palaces!"

天 "Oh my god, the true **** of the nine palaces is here?"

Everyone is shocked.

Jiugong true **** is also a strong god, and its ranking is higher than Hanquan true god!

That is the fifth super existence in the true God list!

And as we all know, the true **** of Jiugong and Xingchen have huge enmity, which can be said to be endless!

Like the old nest of the nine gods, the nine gods kingdom, the strong man in the vein of the stars would not dare to set foot.

Of course, the true God of Jiugong did not dare to appear in the Purple Moon Holy Land.

But in this collision, the protagonist is Jian Wushuang and Ling Xiao Bao Dian. No one had expected that Ling Xiao Bao Dian invited the true **** of Jiugong.

The two true gods, one is ranked fifth, and the other is ranked eleventh. If they join forces, the result is ... Sympathy glances at Jian Wushuang.

However, Jian Wushuang at this moment, when seeing the two great gods in front of him, there was no confusion, on the contrary, the corner of his mouth was still smiling.

"That's a little interesting."

Wu Jianshou smiled lightly, and his figure slowly stood up.

Huh! Huh!

The true God of Jiu Gong Palace and the true God of Hanquan appeared at the same time in front of Jian Wu, and the distance with Jian Wu Shuang was not far away.

"Haha, I heard early on that there was a great rebellion in Xingchen's veins, and today the old man finally had the pleasure to see him." Jiu Gongzhen laughed.

"Jiugong Zhenshen, in fact, you and I have one side." Jian Wushuang is indifferent.

"Oh?" Jiugong Zhen frowned.

"Do you remember tens of thousands of years ago, when the blood demon religion was overthrown in your Nine-House God, you encountered Long Qing Zhen Shen and others, and among the team of Long Qing Zhen Shen and others, none An ordinary person with the slightest divine power. "Jian Wushuang said.

Jiu Gongzhen immediately began to remember, the next moment he stared at the eyes, "That is the ordinary old man at that time?"

"Yes." Jian Wushuang nodded. "It was the blood cult that I asked Long Qingzhenshen and others to destroy, but I didn't expect that at that time, my third rebellious robbery had just arrived, so I lost all my power and turned into an incomparable Weak white-haired old man, and I saw you at the time, but unfortunately you didn't recognize me ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Well, it seems that the old man accidentally let you go, but it doesn't matter, It just makes you live tens of thousands of years, and today, you still have to die! "Jiu Gongzhen shouted.

"Jiugong Zhenshen, there is no need to talk nonsense to him, you and I shot directly and killed him!" Hanquan Zhenshen was aggressive and aggressive.

"Um." The true **** of the nine palaces also Zheng Zhengjian head.

Immediately, the two breaths of terror suddenly broke out, and they came directly under the pressure of Jian Wushuang.

The world around me also quieted down instantly.

"Jian Wushuang." Both Broken Flame God and Huan Yu Zhenshen looked at Jian Wushuang.

"Two people, this battle is not something you can reconcile and go in, you go back first." Jian Wushuang said indifferently.

The true **** of breaking off Yan and the true **** of Huanyu face each other, and their hearts are helpless.

Although both of them are top chaos true gods, it is not enough to fight against the strong gods, especially the top real gods.

"Be careful." Duan Yan Zhenshen said something, and then retreated to the distance with Huan Yu Zhenshen.

上 On the dark ground, Jian Wushuang held the Xuefeng Sword with one hand and looked at the two strong men in front of him, his eyes burning.

来 "Come on, let me see how strong the two strongest players in the rankings are, fifth and eleventh !!"

:. :

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