Legend of Swordsman

Chapter 4155: Kill again

(The first is more!)


"This battle in Fengyang Gorge is quite risky, but fortunately we all got what we wanted." A sudden smile appeared on the face of King Jiujia.

The magic potion is already in his hands.

With this strain, he has some more opportunities to break through and become supreme.

"Well, let's go find a place to hide now, after I have completely cleared the venom out of my body, and restored my divine body and divine power to the peak, then I will continue to fight." King Jiujia Road.

Jian Wushuang and Qingfeng looked nodded.

When the three were about to find a hidden place, suddenly a cold laughter blew in the sky.

"Hahaha, King Jiujia, where do you want to escape?"

King Jiu Jie and Jian Wushuang heard the words, and all of a sudden his face changed, and quickly looked up.

I saw King Zhennan, Qingxuzi, Yinpeng dominated above them, plus five blood emissaries, eight ultimate masters of invincible level, looking down at them with their hands and feet in the void.

"Why did they come so quickly?" Qingfeng Shenhou's face suddenly became extremely ugly. As a matter of course, the ruins of Tailuo are so vast that it is impossible for these people to find them so quickly.

Jian Wushuang and Jiu Jie Wang looked at this scene, and their frowns could not help but frown.

That's strange!

After they left the Fengyang Canyon, they changed their directions dozens of times in succession, and deliberately avoided all the powerful people around them, and only came here. According to the truth, the king of Zhennan and other people could not find them even if they were supernatural The location is right.

But now ...

"Is it the venom inside me?"

The King of Jiujia sank, and immediately looked into his own body. Sure enough, there was a very vague mark in the part of the venom still in his body.

This mark is completely fused with those venoms. Before the King of Nine Calamities, he was wholeheartedly resisting the erosion of these venoms, and he did not notice the existence of this mark.


The King of Jiujia raised his head, staring at Dominion Yinpeng with a flash of murder in his eyes. At this moment, his dominance against Dominion Yinpeng reached the point where it could not be added!

"How? King Jiujia, are you very angry now? Well, keep your anger. Next, I will keep you suffering in despair, and the pain you inflicted on me three million years ago. Ha ha ha ha! "Yin Peng dominated the king of Jiu Jie, and the corners of his mouth slowly opened, covering his face with a low laugh, and his waist was all bent, his eyes were full of crazy pleasure.

Three million years ago, his clan was all slaughtered by the King of Nine Robbers, and only he was left to perform a secret technique, escaped from the hands of King Nine Robbers, and recovered his life.

The hatred of the Tus is not shared!

Three million years!

He waited for this opportunity for three million years!

"you wanna die!"

How arrogant is the King of Nine Calamities, and how can he endure the humiliation that Yin Peng dominates, he immediately wants to get violent, kill Yin Peng regardless of everything, and then quickly.

Just as he was about to rise into the sky, a hand suddenly rested on his shoulder, and he pressed it lightly.

"Don't hit him, he is deliberately seducing you to kill him." Jian Wushuang shook his head and said lightly.

King Jiujia was stunned by his anger, but Sword was unparalleled.

Above them, Zhennan King and others have become prismatic, like a large net, completely sealing off the three of them.

Once the King of Nine Robbers rushed up and slaughtered with them, they would immediately fall into their nets.

Although Jiujia Wang is strong, there is still a strong poison in the body, which is not completely ruled out, and the divine power is greatly damaged. It is also very reluctant to fight against the eight invincible masters.

"This battle cannot be fought, only flee." Jian Wushuang said in a voice.

Jiujiawang took a deep breath. He was not stupid. After this impulse, he naturally calmed down quickly.

"The sword is unparalleled. If we continue to be together, I will not be afraid, but you two are likely to be a drag on me, so I will directly cast a thought on the kingdom of God and trap these eight people. You and Qingfeng are waiting. Take the opportunity to leave. "King Jiujia stared at Zhennan King, Xueming Shi, and others over the sky, and returned the message.

Jian Wushuang nodded for a moment, then nodded.

He has never been an arrogant person. Naturally, he can see that in this situation, although his state is still at its peak, he can no longer perform the trick of the primitive universe. If he fights with Qing Xuzi again, he will definitely not be Qing Xuzi. Their opponents, of course, relying on their own life-saving ability, and the incredible divine body and divine power, these people can not kill him in front of them.

However, Qingfeng Shenhou's condition is so bad that he can't help at all, and may even become a drag for the King of Nine Calamities.

Not as good as the two left directly.

"Then you take care of everything." Jian Wushuangdao.

After hearing the words, King Jiujia smiled boldly at Jian Wushuang, and said sternly: "Rest assured that with these eight people joining forces, I may not be an opponent, but in the world, if King Jiujia wants to leave, there is no one except Supreme. Can stay! "

This was his arrogance, and also the confidence of the first person to dominate the realm at that time!

Jian Wushuang looked at Jiu Jiewang's smile on him, suddenly a little dumb.

From the battle in Fengyang Gorge to the present, although he and King Jiucai did not make it clear, the two were already suffering, after all, before they entered the ruins of Tailuo, they were both confrontational.

"The sword is unparalleled, Qingfeng looks great, go !!!"

The next moment, I saw King Nine Calm's eyes condense, and a loud drink sounded loudly between heaven and earth.

"I miss the kingdom of God!"


Suddenly, an unprecedented powerful breath ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ centered on the King of the Nine Calamities, bursting away!

This breath is completely different from the breath of the previous King of the Nine Kings. It is full of a sense of avenue and mystery. When this breath comes out, the entire Taro ruins seem to be unbearable, and it emits a 'Kakaka' sound similar to glass breaking. !!

The dark black iron chains shot out from the void, covering the sky and forming the sky, forming a cold boundary, enclosing eight people in that town.

In that realm, the sky and the earth changed dramatically, mountains and rivers stood tall, mountains and rivers rushed, like a world of its own!

"This is ... a thought of the kingdom of God !!!"

"How is it possible ?! The King of Nine Calamities has not yet broken through the Supreme, how can it be possible to realize the thought of the Kingdom of God?"

"Even the Supreme, it is only possible to master the kingdom of God once it reaches a certain level. The King of Nine Calamities has exerted his power to dominate the kingdom of God ?!"

King Zhennan, Qingxuzi, Wuming Wushi, Yinpeng dominated. At this moment, they all looked at each other in shock!

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