Legend of Swordsman

Chapter 3565: 2 consciousness

(The first is more!)


"Fortunately, the time limit for this humanoid statue formation is ten thousand years. This is quite enough for me. Come on slowly."

Jian Wushuang is not in a hurry. He was a human and experienced too many strong winds and waves. Similar to the tests of these humanoid statues, he also experienced how many times he did not know. For such tests, he had no fear at all. I did, and it was useless to be afraid.

The facts are already before him, and he can only try his best to break through the retest.

"This humanoid sculpture also uses a sword as its weapon. Its sword power is extremely powerful, and the mystery contained is even more profound. I can watch it in the battle with it, and although I shot twice in succession However, it was just a head-to-head collision on both occasions. I do n’t know what the other aspects of this human figure sculpture are. ”Jian Wushuang smiled slightly, followed by another shot, and swept away towards the human figure sculpture.

Soon Jian Wushuang once again played against the humanoid sculpture.

And while Jian Wushuang was trapped in the middle of the high platform and fighting humanoid sculptures, behind this high platform was also the deepest part of this special time and space. A consciousness that did not know how many years was asleep, but suddenly woke up.

"Is anyone here in this time and space, and is still in the 18th?"

"The last time someone came to break into the eighteenth battle, it was three Chaos times before. The person who came to break through the eighteenth battle at the time, although finally stuck in the death, but he is also a master. Characters, and more or less have already broken through this splendid appearance, but the person who came here this time has only one undead saint? "

"Divine saints, I didn't expect to be able to come into this space, which is really interesting."

This consciousness is clearly awakened at the deepest part of this space-time, but it seems to be in control of everything in this space-time.

Like Jian Wushuang's events on that high platform, this consciousness is also clear.

"Old third, old third." This consciousness suddenly made a thick voice, echoing in the deepest part of this space-time.

Not long after, I was also in the deepest part of this special time and space, and another consciousness came to my senses.

"What is it?" A cold voice came out.

"You see it, the little guy who is running through the eighteenth?" Said the first consciousness.

"A cricket ant, is it worth you to wake me up?" The second awakened consciousness chuckled.

"The sage level is indeed a ants, no doubt, but this little guy is capable but extraordinary. You don't see that he has created the pinnacle of the master of the rules? And his combat power does not seem to be more important than the rules of the six realms. How much weaker, a saint, can have such combat power, not surprisingly, his life level should be extremely high, and it may even be the perfect life in the legend. Such life, even in the vast universe, can be It is a rare existence. "The first consciousness said.

"How about that? Perfect life, although rare, is not absent in the vast universe, but how many people can reach the peak? Let alone stand at the top of the universe, even if it is to take the supreme position, Difficult, and this little guy, even if he has perfect life, but from the moment he set foot in this time and space and entered the eighteenth perfection, his fate is already doomed. For millions of years, he will never be able to break through. After these eighteen finals, it is still a dead end in the end. "The second consciousness was indifferent.

"Well, you're right. The eighteen terrible battles left by the master, even in the vast universe, are extremely terrible tests, and this test is generally directed at the master level practitioners. If this little guy Already dominated, with his talent, thousands of years, maybe there is a chance to break through, but unfortunately, when he entered this extreme battle, he was just an undead saint ... "

"The test that the undead saint faces in these eighteen final battles will be dozens or even hundreds of times more difficult than the master-level practitioners. After all, it takes some unbelievable saints to reach that step in peerless education, but this is incredible. When the little guy entered the eighteenth game, he had already created a sixth-order peak. He had a high starting point, and maybe there was a slight chance. "The first consciousness said.

"Hmm, a chance? Maybe, but do you think he might succeed?" The second consciousness snorted coldly.

"This ..." The first consciousness hesitated for a moment, but smiled bitterly.

"Daughter, don't forget, we are now at the extreme edge of the universe. It can be said to be the barren land of the vast universe. The cultivaters born in this barren land are far less inferior to the universe in terms of talents and understanding. Those practitioners born in the core area, and the owner had so much fame and power in the deepest part of the universe ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Endless years came to this space and time, deliberately came to these eighteen peers, Countless, but only three people passed in the end! "

"The three of them are all the best in the universe, even the most incredible geniuses. They have since achieved the supreme position, and they are all the most terrible top supreme, but two of them are in The test that has dominated the level, there is another person who is also the ruler, and now this little guy is just an undead sage. You think that the little guy who was born in a barren land is more than the three who had crossed the eighteenth. Decided to be a genius, but want to be evil? "

"Even though this little guy has a perfect life, the level of life is just an innate advantage. Although it has endless potential, it cannot explain their talent." The second consciousness said.

"You're right." The first consciousness nodded, apparently acknowledging this view.

In their opinion, let alone the barren land on the edge of the universe, even if there is the deepest universe in the universe with super genius from all corners of the universe, I am afraid that I will be able to break through these eighteen peers at the level of the undead saint. Super evil.

"Boss, if you have time to pay attention to that little guy, you might as well fall asleep and recover your injuries. I'll wait to fight with the master, and I will continue to do so today, but you should not want to continue this way, you and I can only do The best efforts to recover, we can get rid of this predicament as soon as possible. "Second consciousness.

"I see." The first consciousness nodded, even though the spin was silent.

These two consciousnesses soon fell into deep sleep again. The deepest part of the vast space and time was completely silent again, and no sound was heard again.

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