Legend of Swordsman

Chapter 3830: Come out alive?

Third more

"Magic Flame, you said that it was extravagant that I absorbed these two pieces of life-nuclear fragments."

"Yes." Mo Yan nodded, "In the vast universe, it is extremely extravagant and wasteful to absorb the cosmic power by absorbing the power of the cosmos. The master has not understood the cosmic law before, so that ’s just luxury. But now you I have learned a little bit of the law of the universe, and then such extravagance is a bit irrational. "

"But this life nuclear fragment can not only absorb the cosmic power of the period, what else can it do?" Jian Wushuang frowned.

"For the master and you now, there is really only the only purpose of forcibly absorbing the power of the universe, but for many practitioners in the vast universe, it is completely different." The magic flame is true, "I told the master you before The immortal ghost is a treasure all over the body, and the most important thing is its life core, which is the mad battle for countless supreme masters. Although the master you now get is only life core debris, its value is still extraordinary. "

"Do n’t talk about the Supreme, just talk about the master. In the vast universe, there are countless masters' desire for the laws of the universe. Unfortunately, I can really realize a trace of the laws of the universe at the level of the master. Little pity, even at the peak of me , Did not really understand a trace of the law of the universe. "

"And the nucleus of your life in the hands of your master will enable you, a ruler, to realize a trace of the laws of the universe, not to mention the master. I'm sure that any master who reaches the ultimate level can get a piece. Such a life-nuclear fragment can easily perceive a trace of the law of the universe. From this, you can imagine that the life-nuclear fragment will be known to those who control it. "

Jian Wushuang felt a shock in his heart.

Only half of the words of the magic flame, Jian Wushuang already understood.

The life core of the undead ghost is of immense value, even if it is only a life core fragment, it is enough to make many supreme eyesight and enough to make countless ultimate levels dominate the madness.

Such a treasure is really not very useful in his own strength. Even if it is forcibly absorbed, it is at least a little more advanced in the laws of the universe. It will not increase the strength too much, but if he goes to the depths of the universe in the future, These two pieces of life-nuclear debris are very useful.

At that time, he just needs to spread the news casually saying that he wants to sell the lifeless nuclear fragments of the undead ghost. He believes that there will be countless masters coming to him, and he will buy life nuclear fragments from him at all costs. It is better to rely on these two pieces of life and nuclear fragments for huge benefits, or simply to exchange a lot of wealth, than it is now forcibly to absorb the cosmic power of the period, and to be a little more advanced in the laws of the universe.

"You're right, these two life-nuclear fragments are not very useful to me now, but they are more useful to others, and I don't need to forcefully absorb the two life-nuclear fragments of the universe now. Wei Neng went to improve such a small part of his strength, but he took it first, waited for it later, and then took it out. "Jian Wushuang smiled.

After returning these two pieces of life and nuclear to Qiankun Ring, Jian Wushuang set out and ran away from the darkened demon realm.

After spending several days, Jian Wushuang finally came out of the darkened realm.

"Come out."

After leaving the darkened realm, Jian Wushuang still couldn't help but look at the dark red forest with a cold and dark breath in the back, but sighed secretly in the bottom of his heart. "The darkened realm, in this starry realm, is definitely the eyes of countless practitioners In the forbidden area, there were only three top masters in the history of this star field before, and alive came out of this dim demon field, but starting today, there are four. "

"I, Jian Wushuang, came out."

Jian Wushuang smiled lightly.

On this trip to the Dark Demon Realm, his gains were very great, and he had fully met expectations.

He himself was very content.

And in the future, maybe one day he will come to this dim demon realm again to understand the real secrets in the deepest part of the dim demon realm, but it is certainly not recent.

"Xuanshen, space-time, cut sky, heaven ancestor, I have come out of the dark domain." Jian Wushuang also sent a message to his four friends for the first time.

The four knew he had gone to the darkened realm.

As for his relatives and friends in the early gods, he only knew that he had come to the battlefield outside the early gods, but did not know how dangerous he went. After Jian Wushuang came out of the dim demon realm, he also fought with them. Say hello.

Within the Star Palace.

It was learned that Jian Wushuang came out alive from the darkened demon realm, and the four people, the Xuanshen Taoist, the Lord of Time and Space, the Lord of the Heavens, and the Heavenly Ancestor were all very excited.

"Haha, come out, Tianhou Xiaoyou, he really came out alive from the dim demon realm, it's great." Xuan Shinto people laughed, and the laughter was extremely happy ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ 啧啧, just came out, I had been nervous before, for fear he would plant there. "Zhentian Alliance sighed softly.

"Yeah, the dreaded Demon Realm, such a dangerous place, even if the top master enters it, it is a nine-death life, and only three top masters in our star domain history came out alive from inside, so dangerous, who cares Fortunately, Tianhou Xiaoyou came out alive. From now on, there have been four people coming out of the dim demon realm, and Tianhou Xiaoyou is just a ruler. " Face smile.

"He is a great friend, Tianhou." Tianzu said these words heavily.

The four of them were shocked when they learned that Jian Wushuang was going to go to the darkened Demon Realm, and they tried a lot of times during the period to try to dispel the idea of ​​Jian Wushuang.

After the sword Wushuang actually entered the darkened realm, the four of them had been in fear, for fear that the sword Wushuang would be planted inside.

After all, Jian Wushuang's importance to them was too great for the whole pre-God world.

That was their only chance.

Fortunately, Jian Wushuang came out alive now, and they were finally relieved.

"Xuan Shen, please ask him quickly, he can gain something in the darkened demon realm," the main hall of the space-time hall.

"I'm already asking." Mysterious Shinto smiled, and soon got a reply, "Tianhou Xiaoyou said, this time he has gained something in the dim demon domain, and the harvest is not small, at least he has reached him Expected, but he didn't say anything about it, and I didn't ask much. "

"As long as he meets his own expectations, we don't care about the rest." The master of space and time laughed, "Yes, since he has come out of the dim demon realm, then he should return to the Star Palace immediately"

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