Legend of Swordsman

Chapter 3832: Test of the 2nd day

(Fifth more!)


Inside the palace, there is no cave.

This is a huge and unspoiled ancient martial arts field. There is nothing over the martial arts field. When Jian Wushuang appeared on this ancient martial arts field, hey! A figure fell from the sky.

The dark armors and boots also have dark trenches on their heads. The whole body is extremely huge and looks like a black hill. This man from the sky has a very stout body.

"Haha ~~~ It's been many years, and finally someone came to Lao Tzu."

The sturdy man in the dark armor of the whole body made a low hissing sound, and the eyes like the dark gems had completely locked the sword unparalleled.

"Looking at the test on the first heavy step on Tianfeng, do I need to defeat the opponent in front of me?" Jian Wushuang also stared at the sturdy man in front of him.

Intuition told him that this sturdy man should be very strong.

But he didn't care, first of all, the test of the red cloud world did not imply a crisis of life and death.

Secondly, Master Wu has said that as long as he understands a bit of the law of the universe, he can pass through this re-test, and then this re-test cannot help him.

"Boy, for the first time in many years you have come to Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu will have fun with you, and will not try to beat you all the time next time." The sturdy man sneered.

"Then I advise you to come up with all your strength from the beginning, otherwise, you will not have this opportunity." Jian Wushuang chuckled.

"Ha ha, good boy, look at the sword."

The sturdy man used a weapon and even a three-meter-long sword. This sword was domineering and his attack was extremely simple and rude.


With an outrageous slash, Jian Wushuang instantly felt the existence of a total of six kinds of heaven and earth rules from this sword, and these six kinds of heaven and earth rules were perfectly integrated.

At the same time, the sword also contains the extremely rich origin of the knife path universe, which makes this knife slash down, and the layers of void produce a phantom.

"What a delicate sword." Jian Wushuang couldn't help but marvel.

Although he is not good at knife path, Kendo has a lot in common with knife path, and his perception of the origin of Kendo universe is extremely high.

Now he can see at a glance that the sturdy man's origin of the knife path universe contained in this sturdy man's swordsmanship is extremely rich. His perception of the origin of the knife path universe is at least not lower than his own perception of the origin of the sword world And even stronger.

Jian Wushuang also immediately shot.

Huangquan's Excalibur waved, also with a strong origin of Kendo universe.

In the blink of an eye, the two collided in the void, creating a fierce spark.

Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh! ~~

The speed of Jian Wushuang broke out completely, moving close and close again and again, in an attempt to gain an advantage in the fierce battle with this sturdy man by relying on his body.

But the sturdy man also issued a black streamer, as if all the black ghosts were confusing, and the speed was faster than Jian Wushuang, to a strange degree, even above Jian Wushuang's body.

As for divine power, the two are completely equivalent.

clang! clang! clang! clang! ~~~

On the ancient martial arts field, Jian Wushuang fought fiercely and fiercely with this sturdy man, and the battle was fierce.

The sturdy man is faintly better than Jian Wushuang in both knife path understanding and swordsmanship, but this gap is very small. Jian Wushuang can still fight with his front. In a short time, this sturdy It is also difficult for men to gain the upper hand.

"Haha, it's not bad. You can persist in the hands of Lao Tzu for so long without even falling into the wind. Your talents are stronger than those of the disciples and even a small number of inner disciples. I personally set the test of Lao Tzu, but it is a lot higher in difficulty. Depending on your current strength, you can't break through the level of Lao Tzu. "

The sturdy man laughed. Suddenly he stretched out his hand, and on the other empty palm, a similar three-meter-long knife appeared.

"What?" Jian Wushuang was startled.

Just wielding a sword, the strength of this sturdy man's outburst is faintly suppressing him. Now this sturdy man has two big swords at the same time?

And with this sturdy man's shot and waving two handles at the same time, the sword is unparalleled and he can see that he is using a double blade. The two large blades are in a rush to show them. .

In the face of a sturdy man who has just used a sword, Sword Wushuang can also compete head-on without falling into the wind.

But now facing two large knives at the same time, Jian Wushuang can only passively resist, once one or two go, Jian Wushuang fell completely into the downwind.

Huh! !!

With a dull sound, Jian Wu's stature suddenly exploded, widening the distance from the sturdy man.

"Haha, boy, you are not my opponent, you should leave first, and come back next time." The sturdy man smiled at Jian Wushuang ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Jian Wushuang also smiled.

"No wonder Lord Fog said that only by grasping a bit of the laws of the universe can he break through the test of the second day, this guy is really terrible." Jian Wushuang admired.

After entering this palace, he found that his divine power was limited. He could only exert the power of ordinary primary masters. Any other mysterious means of improving divine power could not be performed, and the sturdy man's divine power Power is also the primary dominating level, just like him.

The divine power is quite the same. The competition is naturally the understanding of Tao, the skill of swordsmanship and knives.

However, this sturdy man has a very high level of understanding of the knife path and the method of swordsmanship. He has already merged the six heaven and earth rules, and the swordmanship contains the power of the fusion of the six rules.

In almost every respect, he is stronger than himself.

Especially when two big swords came out, he was not an opponent at all. In this case, even if he had a great improvement in swordsmanship or sword art, he was afraid that he would not be able to defeat this sturdy man. In this way, there is only one possibility to defeat this sturdy man.

Realize a trace of the law of the universe.

"Boy, why are you still not willing to give up?" The sturdy man looked at Jian Wushuang with interest.

"Give up? You think too much." Jian Wushuang smiled indifferently, and then shot again.

The same shot, the same as this sturdy man close-killed, even the swordsmanship is the same, but the difference is that this time when the sword unparalleled swordsmanship performed the sword, there is a special force contained in the sword.

This special power is simply the trace of the cosmic law he has comprehended.

With the integration of this cosmic law, the sword skill of Jian Wushuang is completely different.

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