Legend of Swordsman

Chapter 3990: free

(The first is more!)


"It is ridiculous that I really thought that the heavy law formation and even a great opportunity, but I did not expect it to be a huge hidden danger."

Jian Wu's eyes were cold, and when he saw his body flicker, he appeared in the second day, the front of the reincarnation.

He now dominates the heavenly will of the Taichu Divine Realm, and can easily appear in every corner of the Taichu Divine Realm in a single thought.

Looking at the huge ancestral gate ahead, Jian Wushuang directly released Shenwei.

Although because of his relationship in the early world of God, his strength could not be fully exerted, and even Shenwei only barely revealed a part, but this part of Shenwei is already shocking to the reincarnation.

Throughout the reincarnation sect, countless practitioners began to tremble under this might, and the reincarnation lords and the elders of the reincarnation sect appeared in front of Jian Wushuang at the fastest speed.

"Meet the Lord of the Blood Sword." The reincarnation lord and the elders spoke in unison, respectful.

"I don't know why the Lord of the Blood Sword came to my reincarnation sect?" The reincarnation lord was very worried. He knew the strength and status of the sword unparalleled. In a word, the whole reincarnation sect was estimated to be destroyed, and there was no possibility of struggle.

"Reincarnation Sovereign, many of the elders in the Reincarnation Sect have also participated in the battle with Demon Star. You should also know the hidden dangers of the mythical world in the early days." Jian Wushuang stared calmly at the Reincarnation Sovereign.

"Know some." The samsara nodded.

"Okay, look at this." Jian Wushuang waved his hand, directly driving the consciousness of the samsara masters and those elders, and looked at the bottom of the reincarnation heaven domain.

Soon after the reincarnation, they saw the huge vortex of life and death at the bottom of the reincarnation heaven.

"Oh my god."

"what is that?"

The reincarnation lords and the elders were shocked.

Although the reincarnation's old nest was above the vortex of life and death, the reincarnation heaven has always been their treasure, but they did not know the huge vortex of life and death under the reincarnation heaven.

"It was a heavy law formation. This law formation was the former three sacred realms. The law formation laid out to squeeze the potential of the mythical world in the early days was later discovered by the founder of the reincarnation. Thinking that this law formation is a good opportunity, you will set up your old nest of reincarnation here. "Jian Wushuangdao.

"Is that so?" The Sovereign Sovereign stunned, and followed him to look at Jian Wushuang, "Blood Sword Master, are you here to destroy this law formation?"

"Yes." Jian Wushuang nodded, "But your reincarnation is above this circle. If I try to destroy the circle, your reincarnation will also be destroyed, so I will now specifically come to your door to inform you. It was also contributed in the previous war. Naturally, I will not directly destroy your reincarnation, but I hope you can move the reincarnation to another place as soon as possible. "


The reincarnation master took a deep breath. He knew that since the law formation was harmful to the gods in the early days, it was definitely going to be destroyed. Now Jian Wushuang found them and asked them to move the ancestors. .

"The Lord of the Blood Sword, one of the ancestral gates will need to move, and more or less preparation time is required." The reincarnation lord frowned.

"I know, I will give you one month, and I will shoot after one month." Jian Wushuangdao.

"A month?" The samsara master nodded slightly.

One month is a bit short, but it is enough for many disciples of the Sin Sect to move to other places.

And the reincarnation lord is also very clear, since the war is always harming the early gods, the sword Wushuang naturally will not let it continue to exist for too long.

To give them a month, Jian Wushuang is very kind.

"Thank you Lord of the Blood Sword."

"Um." Jian Wushuang nodded, and left immediately.

Next, Jian Wushuang went to several other places with great hidden dangers.

Those places are not the old nests of some ancestral gates, but they are extremely remote, and some are even in some Jedi dangerous places.

However, for the current sword Wushuang, any dangerous place in the **** world in the early days would not pose any danger to him. He easily reached the places where there are hidden dangers, and immediately shot directly, using the thunder method to bring the three holy realms. The means and arrays that were laid out were defeated one by one.

A month later, Jian Wushuang returned to the reincarnation sect. At this moment, the reincarnation sect has almost migrated, at least those strong disciples have left.

Jian Wushuang did not hesitate to shoot directly, just a sword will destroy the huge vortex of life and death.

Since then, the three sacred realms that were originally deployed in the Taichu Divine Realm have all wiped out. At that moment, Jian Wushuang clearly felt that Taichu Divine Realm seemed to be relieved.

Throughout the early days, the divine realm began to change in a good direction. I believe that it won't take long before it will fully return to its normal state.

In the early days, the crisis of the **** world, including the hidden dangers ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, were all relieved.

In the early days of the gods, the vast universe was empty.

Jian Wushuang stood there with both hands on his back, and in front of him stood a respectable master.

These masters are naturally those prisoners brought by Jian Wushuang from the eternal dark prison. Although in the previous wars, these prisoners were swallowed by more than ten ancestors, but there are still twenty more who survive. Like the Lord of the Dragons, Lord of the Scorpions, and Lord of the Martian are alive.

"According to what I said before, I will set you free now in advance, but after you set free, you better leave this star field immediately. Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't leave, but I don't want anyone in this star It ’s a crime in the field, otherwise, I will shoot directly, but it will be more than just enslaving you directly. I will kill him directly. You should understand that I have this strength. ”Jian Wushuang said coldly.

Hearing the words of Jian Wushuang, these slaves were all shocked inside.

If it was said that in the eternal dark prison, they were obliged to surrender to Jian Wushuang, and their hearts were somewhat unconvinced.

But now ... they saw with their own eyes how Jian Wushuang killed the ancestors of Star Demon before, and that terrifying power was at the top of the fourth rank.

The current sword warriors, to kill them, is really no different from killing chickens. Naturally, they dare not have any doubts about the sword warriors.

"Okay, go."

Jian Wushuang waved his hand, and instantly recovered his imprint in the origin of these slave souls.

The servants were shocked in shape, with ecstasy on their faces.

Following them all worshipped Sword Wushou respectfully, and then left.


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