Legend of Swordsman

Chapter 3996: drift

(The first is more!)


Jian Wushuang said goodbye to his relatives and friends, and immediately left the incarnation of consciousness with Leng Rushuang at the same time, and then they left the early world of God together.

After leaving the Divine Realm in the early days, he and the two did not leave this star field directly to go to the universe, but went to the three battlefields.

They first went to the Red Cloud Realm to say goodbye to the mister, and then to the special time and space in the Valley of Magic Smoke.

In that special time and space, Jian Wushuang saw the wind demon again.

After learning that Jian Wushuang had swallowed the psychic Baodan, and already knew that he had deliberately lied to him before, Fengmo was quite embarrassed.

Knowing that Jian Wushuang was about to go to the universe, Feng Mo just sent the four words of Jian Wushuang, so be careful.

Farewell to the wind demon, Jian Wushuang and cold as frost then really started to leave.

At the extreme edge of this star field, in the vast cosmic void, there is no darkness and no light can be seen.

A huge cosmic boat hurried through this cosmic void.

This cosmic boat was obtained from the Lord of the Nebula, but it is an extremely complete cosmic boat, traveling through the cosmic void, much faster than the master-level practitioners.

In the spacecraft, Jian Wushuang sat side by side with cold as frost, and a guard stood behind them.

This guard is the magic flame.

At first, in order to kill the Lord of the Demon Stars, the Demon Flames used the strongest killing trick at any cost. The 20% gold swallowing **** body that finally condensed collapsed again. However, after the sword devil slayed and killed the Star Demon ancestor, he also got the Demon Star A treasure of the Lord, after that he went to the Jiudi Pavilion to exchange a lot of treasures and repair the **** body for the magic flame again.

You know, the last time Jian Wushuang went to Jiudi Pavilion to exchange special spar. The reason why it was extremely expensive was because Jian Wushuang wanted Jiudi Pavilion to be delivered within 500 years.

But this time it doesn't need to be so anxious, so the price must be a lot on the ground. In these years, the magic flame once again relied on devouring special crystals to restore the **** body. Until now, it has also restored 20% of the **** body. It will take some time. The most important thing is that Jian Wushuang's current net worth cannot support the magic flame to recover to 30% of the **** body.

However, even if it is only 20% of the deities, the magic flame only returns to the third level to dominate the peak, but its combat power is undoubtedly the fourth level. This time to travel to the universe, Jian Wushuang except with himself Beside his wife, there was a demon flame around him.

"Shuanger, you are about to leave this star field, are you ready to join me in the universe?" Jian Wushuang glanced at his wife.

"Of course." Leng Rushuang smiled and nodded.

"All right, let's go!"

Jian Wushuang laughed loudly, and immediately under his guidance, the cosmic boat broke out in a horrible speed, instantly passed through the cosmic void ahead, and had already left the range of the star field, heading for the vaster and vaster cosmic void.

From this day, Jian Wushuang and cold as frost, also really began the wandering and adventure of the universe.

And wandering in the cosmic void is the most boring and boring.

Jian Wushuang is okay. He does not need to rely on his own feet to rush on the road, and rides in the spacecraft directly, and his wife is always with him on the spacecraft, but he can still stand it.

But in the vast universe, most practitioners have just left their hometown to drift in the cosmic void, but that is the boundless darkness. This wandering is generally tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years, even some practitioners Wandering in the universe for tens of thousands of years can't meet other practitioners. These lonely and boring days are the real hardships.

In a blink of an eye, Jian Wushuang has driven the cosmic boat, and has been shuttled in the cosmic void for 3,000 years.

Inside the spacecraft.

"Fortunately, we didn't let Qing'er and Xuan'er follow them together. Otherwise, with their temperament, they have been wandering in the universe like this for an entire millennium. I'm afraid they can't stand it anymore." Leng Rushuang laughed. .

"Although they have been born for almost 40,000 years, they have not experienced as much as we have, and since they were born, it has been smooth sailing. We have always been by their side during the week. Now, if they were allowed to wander in the void of this universe, hehe ... "Jian Wushuang also shook his head.

He and the cold three thousand years wandering in the cosmic void, accompanied each other, but they are not alone, nor do they feel tormented.

"Master, according to the guidelines on the star map, we are about to reach Ziwei Xinghe," Moyan said suddenly.

"Ziwei Xinghe?" Jian Wushuang looked.

Xinghe appears only in the dark and void of the universe. Generally, the Xinghe is vast and vast, connecting different star fields around it.

Jian Wushuang had seen the star map in detail long ago, and knew that they were going to the Jiuyao Star Field, and they definitely passed the Ziwei Star River. Although Ziwei Star River was connected to a large number of star fields, there was only one medium-sized star field. Lagerstroemia indica ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Because of this, this star river will be named Lagerstroemia indica.

"Before heading to Jiuyao Starfield, we have to go to Ziwei Starfield first, and Ziwei Starfield is at the very end of Ziwei Xinghe. If we want to go there, we have to cross the Ziwei Xinghe completely. I'm afraid the process will take thousands of years. "Jian Wushuangdao.

The universe is too vast. Even if they are riding a spacecraft, they are already much faster than ordinary practitioners, but it still takes a lot of time to get on the road. For such a thousand years, it is already relatively short.

Jian Wushuang was talking, but the spacecraft had already reached the edge of the vast Ziwei Xinghe.

"That's Xinghe?"

Jian Wushuang is still sitting in the cosmic boat, but can see the vast galaxy in front of him through the cosmic boat.

This galaxy is colorful and exudes a dazzling light, gorgeous in the void of the universe, and extremely eye-catching.

"So pretty." Cold as frost couldn't help it.

"It is very beautiful, but there are many crises in Xinghe." Jian Wushuangdao.

He carefully looked at the star map and some information given by Shen Yun, and mentioned the danger in Xinghe above.

In the vast universe, the endless universe of dark and void is actually extremely safe, because the dark and void of the entire universe is too large, and there is no light to see. Although many practitioners leave their hometown, they must be in the dark of the universe. Drifting, but this kind of wandering is very difficult to meet other practitioners.

Like Jian Wushuang, they drifted here from their hometown, relying on a cosmic boat to travel through the dark darkness of the universe for three thousand years. Although they passed many star fields, they did not encounter the existence of a practitioner.

But the universe galaxy is completely different.

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