Legend of Swordsman

Chapter 3999: Couple

(Second more!)


Xinghei is still eye-catching and beautiful, it seems that the crazy killing in the Xinghe is just to make this Xinghe a little more colorful.

The spacecraft was still moving forward, but at this moment in the void ahead, a killing was under way.

"A star thief again." Cold as frost, his eyes were cold and indifferent, looking at the battlefield ahead.

After three hundred years of traveling in Xinghe, the scene is similar to the one in the front, they have encountered many times before.

Every time I see Star Pirates plunder, those practitioners generally suffer. Of course, some practitioners are indeed strong enough, or the strong ones are particularly powerful. Instead, Star Thieves suffers, but this is only a minority.

And like Jian Wushuang, they took a spacecraft, and no one dared to provoke it in Xinghe.

Seeing the battlefield ahead, Jian Wushuang did not intend to ignore them, but at this moment ...

"Fu Jun, look at that." Leng Rushuang said suddenly, pointing in one direction.

Jian Wushuang followed the guidelines and immediately saw a spot on the battlefield where two figures were being besieged by six and seven star thieves.

These two figures are the masters themselves, but now they are also the masters.

"Xiaoyue, you are ready, I will fight to create a chance for you to escape, you must seize this opportunity !!" The stern man in a white robe holding a spear snarled, his eyes were scarlet one slice.

"No, Brother Yun, let's go together! If you die, I won't live." Standing back to back with a cold man is a woman in red. The woman in red has a decided face without any desire The idea of ​​escape alone.

"What a silly thing to say!" The cold man scolded.

The star thieves who besieged him also laughed when they heard the conversation between them. "It is really a pair of life and death. Do n’t worry, you two will die together. We promise. . "

"Haha, kill them !!"

Each of these star thieves had cold eyes, soaring into the sky, and showed great strength.

The Lengju man broke out. It was obvious that he had performed a special secret technique, and his strength reached a new level in a short time.

"Quick, Satsuki, run away, run away !!!" The stern man shouted wildly.

"No, die together!" The woman in red was absolutely incomparable.

This scene was completely watched by the sword Wushuang on the cosmic boat.

Jian Wushuang saw that the cold man and the woman in red should be a husband and wife, and they joined the universe together, unfortunately, they were intercepted by a star theft, although the cold man desperately wanted to create an escape for his wife Opportunity, but his wife was unwilling to abandon him and leave.

Not surprisingly, the final outcome of this couple should be killed here by these star thieves.

"Fu Jun, do you remember what you said to me when you were going to swallow the elixir and tried desperately with the star ancestors?" Leng Rushuang looked over.

"Of course I remember." Jian Wushuang nodded slightly.

At that time, he was holding a mortal heart and desperately wanted to do something with the Star Demon ancestors. To some extent, he wanted to fight with the Star Demon ancestors. At that time, he said to the cold, if the Star Demon ancestors were not dead, Let her leave the early world.

But the answer was cold and frosty, saying that if he died, he would not live! !!

Jian Wushuang remembered that the coldness at that time was just as determined as the woman in red.

"Fu Jun, this couple is very pitiful, let's save them." Leng Rushuang suddenly spoke.

Jian Wushuang glanced at it as cold as frost, but nodded slightly.

He knew that the coldness of frost moved the reclusive heart, because she saw her original self from the woman in red.

And Jian Wushuang did not refuse.

"Let's go."

Jian Wushuang's thoughts moved, and the cosmic boat that had slowed down or even stopped almost instantly broke out the amazing speed and shuttled the Xinghe River, and in a blink of an eye came to the battlefield ahead.

Buzzing ~~~

The emergence of a huge cosmic boat scared the strong men killed on both sides of the battlefield in an instant, especially those star thieves, who couldn't help stopping at this moment.

The spacecraft stopped in the void around the couple.

"You two, come in." Jian Wushuang's voice came out of the spacecraft.

"Speaking of the two of us?" The cruel man with a scarlet gaze was stunned first, but followed with ecstasy.

"Xiaoyue, go, let's go up." The cold man took his wife and swept away towards the spacecraft immediately.

A space channel also appeared in the legal array on the spacecraft, allowing the two to enter the spacecraft.

As for the star thieves, they all watched this scene, including the six masters who besieged the couple before, although they were anxious, they did not dare to come forward.

A sturdy old man over three meters walked over.

"Thirteen leaders, what should we do?" The six masters who besieged the couple before all started asking.

"Spaceship?" This old man is the leader of the star theft robbery leader ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ his eyes are as big as Tong Ling, staring at the spaceship in front of him, his face is extremely gloomy .

After a little hesitation, the strong old man walked directly towards the cosmic boat.

"My Excellency in the spacecraft, I am the thirteenth leader of the ancient Yuanxing. The two were just the prey of my ancient Yuanxing, and I ask you to return them to us." The old man Shen said loudly.

His words surprised many of the star thieves from the ancient Yuan star, and all of them immediately shuddered.

In the spacecraft, Jian Wushuang passed through the spacecraft and overlooked the strong old man.

"The master of a second-level peak, dared to run over and let me make friends?" Jian Wushuang also had a hint of wonder in his heart.

Under normal circumstances, since they rescued the couple and took the cosmic boat, these star thieves should be aware and obediently give way, but the strong old man did not, but instead ran over to let them pass. .

"Fun." Jian Wushuang smiled.

He didn't know that although this strong old man knew that it was possible to have a cosmic boat in the universe, the ancient Yuan star in which this strong old man was located, even in the Ziwei Xinghe, was even the top ten large stars. Stealing gangs are very powerful, with ancient Yuan Xing as the backing, and he also has a hint of confidence in his heart.

The most important thing is that he was not willing to come to the meat of his mouth and was taken away.

Just then, the sword unparalleled.

"The thirteen leaders of the ancient Yuan Xing, right? I don't care where you come from, anyway, just now that couple, I saved, and the acquaintances, just go away, and dare to say a word, you all, stay here. "

Jian Wushuang was too lazy to talk nonsense with these star thieves.


PS: Two more arrived today!

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