Legend of Swordsman

Chapter 4200: Level 5 Master

(Second more!)


In his view, Jian Wushuang is only the fourth-level master. Even if this breakthrough is successful, he becomes the fifth-level master. It will not be his opponent.

Time passed slowly, and the vortex grew larger and bigger, like a black hole that devoured the stars, and it was so terrifying.

The Lord of the Wind and others did not leave, but sat quietly on the riverside of Wudao River, waiting for Jian Wushuang's exit.

One day passes ...

Two days have passed ...

In the blink of an eye, time passed two years.

The river of Wudao has been surrounded by people at this moment, they are all angry, and stare at the turbulent vortex in Wudao river with bad eyes.

Since the appearance of this vortex, the regular atmosphere in Wudao River has become chaotic and sucked away by the vortex as much as possible. They have not practiced in this Wudao River at all.

Therefore, they are now accumulating a belly of fire and want to vent.

Rumble ~! !!

Finally, one day two years later, the entire water surface of Wudao River began to boil violently, as if boiling water boiled, and large fists swelled up.

The momentum seemed to be like something terrifying monster, coming out of the Wudao River.

"Jian Wushuang is coming out!"

"Well, Jian Wushuang is finally coming out, it really makes me wait."

"Apologize! Jian Wushuang must apologize like us!"

On the banks of the river, many new disciples of the Shrine of Life shouted.

The magic wind dominated, and even under the crowd of the stars and the moon, he slowly got up straight and looked at Wu Dao with a gloomy expression.


At this moment, Wu Dao is at the bottom of the river.

A boulder full of water plants suddenly shook.


This huge rock suddenly opened a crack.

Click, click, click.

Immediately afterwards, the cracks became more and more, and at last a loud noise blew up the boulder completely, exposing one of them, sitting crouched on his knees, with a stern figure in black hair.

"Fifth grade dominates ......... It finally became." A low, indifferent voice came from the mouth of the black figure.

next moment.

The figure in black slowly raised his head and opened his eyes.

Suddenly, the two gods flashed like lightning in the night, flashing from his eyes!

"I ... have become stronger."

Jian Wushuang murmured to himself, he could feel that after he had digested the magic drug in the body, the full and powerful divine power would almost burst his divine body! !! !!

Jian Wushuang has an illusion. Now, as if he raised his hands and throws his feet, he can explode a star and smash a galaxy!

"Master He Ling, thank you again this time."

Jian Wushuang looked towards the distance, a pair of unlovable, sitting on the ground paralyzed, his eyes staring at the sky with a smile.

"Don't talk to me, I just want to be quiet." He Ling waved his hands weakly.

Jian Wushuang heard the words and could not help but smile.

"Master He Ling, then you take a rest slowly, and I will go first." Jian Wushuang arched his hand at him.

For ten thousand years, he should go out and have a look.

The next moment, Jian Wushuang stepped on his right foot, and the whole man rose into the sky!


Huh! !! !!

A golden light suddenly rushed out of Han Dao!

"Sword unparalleled !!"

"He finally came out !!"

Suddenly, countless cold hums sounded.

The Lord of the Demon Wind squinted his eyes immediately, stepping forward, and swept toward the sword unparalleled.

"You are the sword unparalleled?"

He stood in front of Jian Wushuang, looked at Jian Wushuang up and down, and asked with poor eyes.

Jian Wushuang's expression was quite strange. Why did so many people surround themselves as soon as they came out?

Although puzzled, Jian Wushuang didn't think much, politely arched back and said, "Is it, is there anything wrong?"

"Do you know that because you are alone, it leads to the chaos of Hanoi ’s rules, and we ca n’t cultivate anymore?" The Lord of the Wind asked.

"Oh, that's embarrassing." Jian Wushuang replied, probably at the last moment of his breakthrough. He didn't notice the intensity, which caused too much regular breath.

After that, Jian Wushuang swept away.

The retreat of 10,000 years made Jian Wushuang helpless.

Looking at the back view of Jian Wushuang's departure, the expression of Demon Lord dominated suddenly and gloomy.

"Apologize is over?" Magic Wind dominated Han.

His supporters, the new disciples of the new life shrine, are even more eloquent.

"Why is there such a rude person?"

"Can't go, you have to leave something at the price!"

"Well, because he is alone, so many of us are unable to practice, can it be easily revealed with an apology?"

"Yes, we must compensate for our losses!"

Their voices were not concealed deliberately, so they all reached Jian Wushuang's ears.

Sword without footsteps.

He frowned, looking back at the disciples of the newly-increased life shrine, and said lightly, "How do you want to compensate?"

Suddenly, these disciples of the newly-increased life shrine could not help but glance at each other.

It seems that this sword Wushuang is a soft persimmon.

They were all happy, and they did not expect that Jian Wushuang would speak so well, and they actually promised compensation.

There are still some fears in the original ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ immediately disappeared.

"I want 10,000 universe source stones!"

"I want a magic potion!"

"I want a rule of treasure!"

They shouted in a rush.

The demon wind dominated, and there was a slight contempt on his face.

It seems this sword is unparalleled, but that's it.

"Quiet." He pressed his hand down.

Suddenly, the noisy crowd quieted down.

Demon Lord nodded his head, quite satisfied with his prestige.

"Jian Wushuang, when I first came to this life shrine, I heard people saying everywhere that you are the first genius of this life shrine, but I don't believe it, I want to teach you. How?"

The magic wind dominated and looked at Xiang Jianshuang, and Pi Xiaorou did not smile.

He didn't wait for Jian Wushuang to talk back, he smiled freely and continued, "Jian Wushuang, don't say I bully you. Seeing that you have just broken through the fifth grade, I will let you do it first.

Jian Wushuang heard the words, and his expression was strange for a while. Now, he is afraid that he is comparable to the supreme King of the Nine Kings of Calamity, and he dare not say that he will let him do it first. Let him do it?

"Oh? Are you sure?" Jian Wushuang blinked.

"Well, I speak to the magic wind, and I always tell you that one trick is to make you a trick. Is there still a fake?" The magic wind dominated and heard a rather unpleasant snort, saying: "Sword Wushuang, I promise you that if I lose, all these compensations will be written off, how about it? "

Jian Wushuang heard a faint ‘um’, and then glanced over the faces of the supporters dominated by the demon wind, raising his eyebrows and asking, “You all agree with him.”


PS: Two more arrived today!

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