Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1003: Big Dipper

Chapter 1, Chapter 3, Big Dipper

"In that year, the old man left this Longshan, followed by the foreign son, living in the town of Fuyang, the foreign son is also a family of martial arts, but the people are scarce, and his generation is only a little stronger than the old, only he is alone. The martial arts of his family, when he was young, just laid the foundation, the old man died of injuries, and he did not have time to teach the martial arts behind him, so that when he was married, his martial arts was still ordinary!"

"Later, in the town of Fuyang, he met a disciple of Dalin Temple. The disciple introduced him to Dalin Temple. Unfortunately, the disciples of Dalin Temple were not the focus of the training of Dalin Temple, but they were used to consolidate the secular. One method of the power, the foreign son did not get the guidance of Master Gao Ming in Dalin Temple. Only after a group of disciples of Dalin Temple were busy, they expanded the power of Dalin Temple."

"As soon as the foreigner slowly understood it, when he repented, he met the sacred ambassador of the Dragon God. The ambassador revealed a magical martial art. He also said that as long as the foreigner can learn the alchemy of the Dragon God. The refining of the medicinal herbs they demanded will allow the foreigners to cultivate the inner workings of the gods. The foreigners are of course heart-warming, and they want to agree on the spot, but the ambassador said that there are some others who want Let's go with her, let the foreigner consider the day, and later she will bring those people back, and then return to the Dragon God!"

"Which, at night, the saints did not come, the law enforcement disciples of Dalin Temple came first, and they saw that the foreigners could not help but take it. When they wanted to take the foreigners away, the saints were again Appeared, asked if the foreigner would like to join the Tianlong gods. If he promised, she would immediately rescue the foreigner. Unfortunately, not waiting for the foreigner to answer, an old Dalin Temple monk appeared immediately, fighting with the saints. That magical martial arts, let the old man see ... how to say it, just like juvenile juggling as a child, it is incredible!"

"But, in the end, in the end, in the absence of winning or losing, the ambassador suddenly held his abdomen and pointed his finger at the monk, saying that the monks of Dalin Temple were so mean, and then they were pale and fleeing, and that The monk of Dalin Temple also chased the front... The foreigner was naturally brought back to Dalin Temple by the law enforcement disciples of Dalin Temple."

"After about ten days, the foreign son was put back, the martial arts had been abolished, the look was dull, and later there was Zhigao. The foreigner only pointed out his martial arts for several years, and then passed away, and he felt that Xiangyang Town I can't live, and I went back to Qilong Mountain with Zhigao. Hey, Zhigao's qualifications are good, but he didn't have a good practice of martial arts since he was a child. Therefore, although it is also a martial art with family biography, he can only run the rivers and lakes to sell art. For the sake of life. Fortunately, my medicinal herbs in Longshan are still some real materials, and the plasters that are squatting are also effective, so that they can barely make ends meet."

"Oh, it is this medicinal medicine, which has brought us a lot of troubles. The two most dangerous ones are not saved by the young man, I am afraid that I will have already returned to the West!"

Zhang Xiaohua listened, and it was a heartfelt score. He smiled and said: "This is my fate with Qu Da Ge!"

Then I thought about it and asked: "Dare to ask the old man, that Xiangyang Town... How far is it from here?"

“Why do you want to go to Fuyang Town?” asked Jinger’s grandmother.

"Exactly, what the elderly see does not mean that my sister has anything to do with the sacred ambassador of Tianlong. So, Xiangyang Town...we want to see it, maybe we can find something!"

"Oh, if the young man thinks this way, it is better to go directly to the Tianlong gods to see it. If the Zixia girl has a relationship with the Tianlong religion, would she know if she went?"

Zhang Xiaohua smiled bitterly: "I am a disciple who teaches disciples. At this time, there is still business. How can I go to Tianlong to teach? Or wait for the future... Oh, maybe I will wait for Tianlong’s king to go to my fragrant teaching. I can also ask. So, this is the same thing that Xiangyang Town can't go!"

However, when Qu Zhigao said the location of Fuyang Town, Zhang Xiaohua smiled and said: "This Xiangyang Town is on the way back to the fragrant religion, I can't change it, and go and see it!"

"Yangyang Town is the site of Dalin Temple, and there are often disciples of Zhengdao League. If Zixia girl is looking for a **** god, I am afraid... pay attention!" Qu Zhigao advised.

"Well, I am waiting for the ambassador of the sacred sect, and I have the permission of the elders of the law enforcement hall. There should be no big problem." Zhang Xiaohua laughed and then asked: "The old man, the older generation listened to the big brother said yesterday, your home. The ancestors have been guarding what is in the Longshan Mountain. This is... What is going on?"

Jinger's grandmother frowned slightly, and took a look at Qu Zhigao. He smiled: "There is nothing, but it is a little promise of the ancestors, and there is no need to elaborate!"

"Mother Kiss~" Qu Zhigao said: "Ren Shaoxia... I have been to that place, and I have also entered. You have never said, where is the ancestors left, leaving a fate, Ren Shaoxia's heart is thick, the ancient way, It is exactly where you should go to see the place, are you saying?"

"Is Ren Shaoxia already gone in?" Jing Erniang was shocked and said: "That place... I am a dragon mountain. For thousands of years, no one has ever been able to enter..."

Zhang Xiaohua nodded with a smile: "The younger generation did go in, but... but there is no evidence. There are so many things inside. It is estimated that the seniors have never seen it. How can they distinguish?"

"I would like to ask Shaoxia, is there a portrait inside?" Jinger grandmother asked a serious question.

"Exactly, it’s only a long time ago that I can’t see it clearly!"

"Oh, then... can the words be seen? Who knows who this is?"

Zhang Xiaohua shook his head and said: "The writing cannot be distinguished. According to the younger generation, this portrait should be a real fire!"

"Fire Dragon Real Man?" Jinger's grandmother's face is incredible, and her mouth grows big. She said, "What did you just say is the fire dragon?"

"Yeah, it is the fire dragon. What's wrong?" Zhang Xiaohua asked inexplicably.

"Oh, you...you don't have to slay this dragon mountain again like you are a mother!" Jinger grandma heard Zhang Xiaohua say the word "fire dragon real person", she had already burst into tears, and she could not stop crying. stand up.

Zhang Xiaohua is not clear, so after waiting for a long while, Jinger Grandma stopped crying and wiped her tears: "Let Ren Shaoxia laugh!"

"Don't dare, please ask the elderly to solve!"

"Oh, let's say, this is also a matter of thousands of years ago. It is said that this Longshan used to live with a god. I don't know that a young man surnamed Li elopes here with his beloved one. The human body was weak and sick, and they were all dying. They were rescued by the old gods. However, the qualifications of the two men were poor. They were only accepted as disciples by the old gods and passed on some superficial fairy laws. Later, the old gods traveled far away, and this pair Young people guard this place. If a good person enters his Dongfu and sees the portrait inside, he can say the name on the portrait: 'Fire Dragon Real Man', that is to have his inheritance, they and their descendants do not have to Watch here."

"Of course, this is something that young people and their descendants can go in and try!"

"After the young man promised, the old **** left some shallow things, and he went away and never saw his whereabouts, and the young man stayed, kept his promise and guarded the cave!"

"Just, this world has undergone tremendous changes. Every generation of Xiaolong Mountain is not a man who can inherit the incense. Over time, when it comes to the generation of the old body, it will change its surname. If there is no accident, the next generation of the dragon will change its surname!"

"The old man is hard, the younger generation brings the fire dragon to you and your family!" Zhang Xiaohua was very moved, and said a word.

"Don't dare, the promise of the people, the loyalty of the people, the ancestors have promised the Fire Dragon Immortal, but also the help of the immortals, of course, to guard the Dongfu for the immortals!"

Later, Grandma Jinger glanced at Qu Zhigao and said: "However, there is an ulterior motive in the old body, and I hope that the heroes will complete!"

Qu Zhigao smiled and said: "Mother, if you want to do things for your child, then you don't have to, Ren Shaoxia Gao Yi, already told the child last night, you know this qualification, you can mix it on the rivers and lakes. A meal is a must, can you dare like Ren Shaoxia? Ren Shaoxia has promised that when the opportunity is ripe, the income will be Jinger... his door, baby, oh, and mother, can also settle in his school !"

“Really?” Jinger’s grandmother’s eyes were extremely surprised and said: “We...we are waiting to pass the fragrant teachings?”

Zhang Xiaohua smiled bitterly and waved: "The old man misunderstood, not a scented teacher!"

"Oh?" Jinger's grandmother immediately awakened, said: "No, Shaoxia got the old god's Tao, naturally use the old fairy sect, just do not know... Which sect is the old god? The old ancestors never Said ~"

Zhang Xiaohua scratched his head and said: "This ... the old **** is also no door and no faction, the kid has long been a name of the Beidou faction, generally do not know whether it is appropriate!"

When Jinger’s grandmother heard it, she smiled and said: “There is a **** of the old gods, and it can be true with the mouth. The ancient book contains: the Beidou has seven stars, the first day is the palace, the secretary is the star; the second day is the palace, Si Lu Xingjun; the third day of the palace, for Lu Cun Xingjun; the fourth day of the right palace, for the Yanshou Xingjun; the fifth Yuheng Palace, for the benefit of the star Jun; the sixth Kaiyang Palace, for the diocese Jun; the seventh shading palace, is the mother of the star, the total name of the seven divisions of the king. It is the survival of the world of the sage, the singularity of the genius is only disaster, the life of the people is only life! The Xiadou faction of Shaoxia is the star of the rivers and lakes. Will be able to pass on the fragrant teaching and the Tianlong teaching, and achieve the eternal teaching!"

Zhang Xiaohua sweats and swears: "The old man praises, only the little son believes in the mouth, when it is not true, when it is not true!"

Jinger’s grandmother smiled and asked: “Whether the Shaodou’s Beidou faction... is it in this Longshan Mountain? The old god’s Dongfu is here!”

"No, no" Zhang Xiaohua waved again and again: "The kid is still young, when he is not heavy, this...will talk about it later. And..." Zhang Xiaohua said, "There is nothing in the cave of the real dragon. It is also inconvenient, that is, after the kid has a chance to start a business, it is estimated that ... will not be here!"

Jinger’s grandmother’s face showed a trace of disappointment...

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