Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1011: Water cloud

The first thousand and eleven chapters of the water cloud

Liang Cangxu took everyone to catch up with Zhang Xiaohua and waved his hand, which was to put Zhang Xiaohua and his dream in the middle.

Zhang Xiaohua looked coldly and waited for everyone to stand still. This is the hand of the hand: "The disciple who taught the Dalin Temple in the lower sacred sacred sacred, do not know the brother, what is it?"

"Hehe" Liang Cangxu patted the horse in front of him, and handed a tribute to him: "In the waters of the clouds, Liang Cangxu, I have seen the disciples of the fragrant teaching method!"

"Ah? What's in the water?" Zhang Xiaohua stunned and blurted out and said: "Is it a martial art? What about the water?"

Liang Cangxu smiled and said: "Exactly, I sent the name to the water and the clouds, and I have not yet made a name in the rivers and lakes. I called Ren Shaoxia to laugh!"

"Hey, Liang Xiong, since I know that I am under the surname, I also know that it is a disciple who teaches the law. It seems to be prepared, but I don’t know what it is?"

Liang Cangxu nodded: "Looking for the Shaoxia and Zixia girls, of course, there are things, but it is not convenient to talk here. Can you tell Liang to the other?"

"Hey? Where is the water cloud?" Zhang Xiaohua wonders.

"Ren Shaoxia is really confused. Since I can't name the rivers and lakes in the water, this place can't be told of course!"

Zhang Xiaohua shook his head: "It would be difficult to do it. In the next step, we must rush back to the sacred teachings to tell the Lord!"

"Oh, go or not, but Ren Shaoxia has the final say, do you say it, Zixia girl?"

The dream looked cold and said: "I am the younger brother."

Zhang Xiaohua proudly said: "Is it? I..."

Before he finished, the knife in Liang Cangxu’s hand was slightly shaking, and the voice continued. Next to a disciple, he said, “You are a kid, and Liang’s brother gives you a face. If you are toasting, don’t eat and drink fine wine, Then I will blame me for waiting for the hot hand!"

"Noisy!" Zhang Xiaohua replied: "I talk to your brother Liang, where is your opening..."

The word "open" has just spit, and the figure of Zhang Xiaohua is floating from the four. The body of the squat is near, the disciple is only in front of him, a figure is nearby, not waiting for the disciple to act, one The voice is angry again: "You dare....."

Unfortunately, this "dare" word is just spit, and the "squeaky" sounds soft. The disciple feels that his face is hot, his mouth hurts, he just wants to spit out the blood in his mouth, and there is a knife flash in front of him... ...

However, this knife light only touched the disciple's eyes, it was stopped, because Zhang Xiaohua had already laughed and hahahad, and his body shape turned and flew back to the back of the four.

"Ha ha ha, I just dare!" Zhang Xiaohua's sentence is thrown in front of the knife!

Waiting for Zhang Xiaohua to sit on the back of the four, the disciple screamed, and a blood spurted out of the mouth. The two teeth were also spit out. "You..." the disciple put his hand on the waist. On the top, it was finally impossible to draw it out.

Liang Cangxu's relaxed look, at this time has been dignified, took the knife back from the disciple's eyes, eyes staring at Zhang Xiaohua, said: "Ren Shaoxia is actually a good work, hiding on the road without revealing, but it is to let Liang accident !"

Then cold and cold: "What is the reason for Ren Shaoxia? In the face of Liang, when Liang is a blind man?"

"There is no reason, but Ren does not like other people to point their fingertips. Anything you want to do, you are stopping, you must do it, you don't want to do it, you just ask... Ren will not do it! Moreover, Ren Mou is just a disciple who teaches the Fa-rectification, and the sisters of Mo Zhengong, all of them are better than the ones that are under the hood, and they are not proud of it!"

"Ren Shaoxia is young and vigorous, but it is really necessary. What is the martial arts of the female disciple of your inner door? You don't have to play for Shaoxia. Liang knows naturally, but... even if Ren Shaoxia has done a good job, you can... I am sure I can escape me. Waiting for the palm of your hand?" Liang Cangxu stared at Zhang Xiaohua, and the long knife in his hand did not leave his hand.

"Escape is not to escape, do not escape is to escape, is there any difference between this escape and not escape?" Zhang Xiaohua smiled.

Liang Cangxu sighed and immediately stroked: "Sure enough, I came back from the Dalin Temple. I learned the mantra of the Dalin Temple vulture! Unfortunately, you are not a master of Changxing, nor a master of Chang Geng, nor a long-lived abbot. So, you Even if it’s a lotus flower, it’s not going to escape today!”

"Don't escape, don't escape, Liang brother, the younger brother has several questions. If you can answer it according to the truth, the younger brother will persuade my sister to go with you. How do you see it?"

"What problem?" Liang Cangxu warned: "If it involves me to send a secret, Liang can not reply!"

"Oh, then let me listen and talk!"

"Okay, let's talk about Ren Shaoxia!"

"Liang Shixiong?" Another disciple next to him whispered: "Why is he so polite with him, he took it directly! What are we afraid of so many brothers?"

Liang Cangxu frowned and glanced at him and said, "I have my own opinion!"

"Liang Shixiong, you brother... I don't seem to understand your pains!"

"Nothing is not strange. The wise man must have a loss. My disciple only wants to do his best for the head of the family, but forgets that you are a messenger and a messenger. If you are born, you will be born." Take it, isn’t it that I haven’t left the rivers and lakes before, so I’ve offended the sacred sects and Dalin Temple first, can I still go safely in the future? It’s better to ask Ren Shaoxia and Zixia girl to come to me. When you are a guest, you are good to send, everyone has a face!"

"Admire, admire," Zhang Xiaohua said: "Liang Xiong, as far as you are concerned, you should send me a fragrant teaching, be shocked!"

"Shocked?" Liang Cangxu brows slightly wrinkled, then smiled: "Ren Shaoxia, you... Is this the first question?"

Zhang Xiaohua shrugged: "If you think so, then it is!"

"Well, since Ren Shaoxia said that, Liang said that according to the facts, the horror is exactly what I sent to you in the water cloud! Just... there is no news of horror for a long time, and... Ren Shaoxia is also aware of it. I am afraid he is a lot more fierce?"

"Well, it’s also a matter of indecent assault. I also answered the question of Liang Xiong in the next. I only learned from other fines of your party. As for who is living and dying, I really don’t know, but... before going out There has been a major event in the teachings. The masters of the sects are all taking the masterpieces of the factions, and I am afraid that this horror is also among them!"

"Oh, this way!" Liang Cangxu nodded.

"The Lord is the head of your water cloud?" Zhang Xiaohua asked again.

"Well, exactly, this does not need to be concealed. Ren Shaoxia's autobiographical cult is taught, and it appears in Mo Zhencheng. I think it is necessary to return to Chungu..."

"Hey, you... can you do it, even Ren and his sister have been to Mo Zhencheng?"

"Don't dare to praise this, Ren Shaoxia and Zixia girl, people who don't know how to get to Dalin Temple, that is what is so powerful, Jianghu people are all kept in the dark, if not for the disciples of other martial arts, Liang I still don’t know the two inconspicuous male and female disciples, but they are the messengers of the fragrant teaching!"

Zhang Xiaohua smiled and said: "I am afraid that your party told you in the details of Dalin Temple!"

"Oh, is this the third question?"

"Of course not." Zhang Xiaohua glanced at the white: "Is this idiot question, is it what I asked? Anyone with a head can think of it." Then he looked at the dream and asked: "Quan Xuan Teacher, is your hand?"

"Jing Xuan Shi Tai?" Liang Cangxu stunned, and immediately shook his head with the rattle: "What is the joke of Ren Shaoxia? How is the martial arts of Jing Xuan Shi Tai, Ren Shaoxia is much clearer than I am, I have to send people between the water clouds, What kind of person can I send? How can this person mix into the fragrant teaching? This question is Ren Shaoxia... Hey, you can think of it with your mind, why bother?"

Zhang Xiaohua grinned and smiled: "But just to ask for evidence, don't you have to be so ridiculous?"

"What is the problem with that Shaoxia?" Liang Cangxu seems to be a bit stunned.

"No, wait for any thought, then feel free to ask." Zhang Xiaohua scratched his head.

"Slow ~" dreams screamed on the side: "I asked a question!"

"Zi Xia girl please speak!"

"Who is the sacred priest of Tianlongjiao?"

"Sacred ambassador?" Liang Cangxu stunned and shook his head. "This question... forget it. Since asked, Liang will still answer it. Liang has never heard of any sacred ambassador."

"Ah?" Zhang Xiaohua and the dream looked at each other, and the eyes were full of surprises.

"However, Liang Mou heard that Tianlong teaches a mysterious saint. This saint is in a position of respect in teaching. One person is above the 10,000 people. In addition to teaching the emperor to release the heavens, everyone must respect her. Of course, this is only what Liang has heard. This Tianlong teaches the saints to be mysterious, not to mention the outsiders, that is, in the Tianlong teaching, few people can see her except the Tianlong Babu. Real face!"

"Well, there is..." The dream asked again: "Jing Gangda elders... is it...?"

“Jing Gangda Elder?” Liang Cangxu’s glimpse, wonder: “What happened to Jing Gang’s elders?”

"Forget it, just when I didn't say anything..." The dream shook his head.

Liang Cangxu thought about it. . . . . .

Zhang Xiaohua looked at the dream, and the dream nodded slightly. It seemed to be quite satisfactory for the answer.

"And... do you have an old man wearing a bronze mask between the water clouds? He claims to be the owner of the flag!"

"The flag owner?" Liang Cangxu said without hesitation: "I don't have any flag owners between the water clouds. This old man is not the person between me!"

Then there was some intolerance: "Well, Liang has already answered your questions, two... Are you going with Liang?"

Zhang Xiaohua smiled and said: "The gentleman is hard to chase after saying that he is going to export, and naturally he will not repent."

"Good, refreshing" Liang Cangxu did not seem to think that the solution was so smooth, he smiled and said: "The two don't mind if I ordered your acupuncture point!"

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