Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1016: Ambition

The first thousand and sixteen chapters of ambition

"Since Ren Shaoxia understands, it will save too much explanation!" Bai Yanqiu sneered: "I heard that you have a very good relationship with your sister named Zixia. If you pass on the fragrant teaching, you are afraid of being quiet." That may not be ok, since you have been in the water, and you will stay with me, you will live here safely for a lifetime, sweet, harmonious, and beautiful, isn’t it quick?”

"Good plan, good plan!" Zhang Xiaohua almost always wants to caress.

"Well, Ren Shaoxia is hard work for me." If I can name the rivers and lakes, I will be the first one in Xiandao. At that time, the whole body will be..." Then, Bai Yanqiu was sent by Qiu Bo: "Do you still need to talk about it?"

Zhang Xiaohua's goose bumps, almost shake off the spot!

Bai Yanqiu floated in the air and came outside the hall. Sure enough, there was no trace of humanity within the Baizhang. "Come, gather at the Yingying Temple, and there are big things to do in the water cloud!"

Immediately, the sound of "咚咚咚咚" was loud, and many disciples, old and young, male and female, did not know that they all came out from there, and swarmed to the hall.

Waiting for everyone to come together, Bai Yanqiu let a disciple go out with Zhang Xiaohua...

Zhang Xiaohua followed the disciple and walked out of the hall slowly. He looked back at Bai Yanqiu, who was stunned by his eyes, and the disciples who were in a hurry. They didn’t feel the sneer at the corner of his mouth: "This thing... really finely studied... Not only for the water cloud, but for my Beidou faction... is it not an opportunity?"

And said that Zhang Xiaohua returned to the Jingshe, the dream had already come over, and eagerly said: "How is it so long? What are the heads asking? When are we going back?"

Zhang Xiaohua naturally won't worry about her dreams. She only smiles and laughs: "There is nothing. The so-called Baizhangmen is very interested in our fragrant teaching. It is the sisters and the masters who eat and drink. Fine inquisition, you think, ah, where can I understand? I am afraid that she will disturb you, this is what I said, let her hear the clouds come to the fog, very appreciate me, and let me I also gave them a disciple in the water cloud. How can I do it? For a long time, the white palm door is very ugly, just gave the wine cellar, asked me to drink wine, huh, huh, dream here, my heart Also here, what is the thought of eating wine? Come back slowly..."

"Hey!" The dream is that the smile will come out, and the previous fears will be thrown into the clouds. A finger points to Zhang Xiaohua’s forehead and smiles: "You have a good charm, and Nie Qianyu of Huichungu still wants Zhang Pinger, who is away from the fire hall... Hehe, I heard that it is getting colder than before, and I don’t have any words about the male disciple. This white head, how can I see you, so you are so embarrassed? Will the position of the disciplinary disciplinary be given to you?"

Zhang Xiaohua touched his nose: "The kid is not talented. It is not a vernacular statement than Pan An!"

"Ha ha ha" dream seems to have a small flower on Zhang Xiaohua's face, laughing almost bent down: "I heard that the predecessor of the immortal in the Huichun Valley, looks outstanding, if the predecessor is you... Can say so!"

"嘿嘿" Zhang Xiaohua shrugged without a reason: "Everything is possible!"

"Laugh me! If you are the handsome predecessor of the immortal, I...maybe... the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect..."

Seeing the dream and laughing, Zhang Xiaohua is also happy, accompanied by a lot of words, but also for a long time, this will rest.

Zhang Xiaohua is alone in a quiet room, sitting cross-legged, is to check his own meridians, although Bai Yanqiu uses the method of Xiandao to point the acupuncture point of Zhang Xiaohua, but after all, he is not willing to use the instinct in his meridians, but uses internal force to simulate the infuriating Therefore, Zhang Xiaohua only slightly transported the worry-free method, which is to open a hole.

However, Zhang Xiaohua was afraid that the next day Bai Yanqiu discovered that he immediately stopped the operation of the heart and kept the other acupuncture points closed.

I know, Zhang Xiaohua woke up the next day, and it was discovered that the acupuncture points of the whole body had already been untied, and they had to smile and prepare for the situation.

I don’t know where the second day, the disciples of Shuiyun didn’t bother to disturb, only the fruits and vegetables, and the food and drink were all well supplied. I had no doubt about him, and Zhang Xiaohua was there. Not much to ask.

Zhang Xiaohua wanted to go out and see the movement of Bai Yanqiu, but he was afraid that there would be any powerful prohibition in the water cloud, or Bai Yanqiu had a secret magical power, and he would just wait for an excuse to find a few excuses to serve the disciples. In the ecstasy, they got some news from the mouth of the water.

For three days, there seems to be a big movement between the water clouds. Bai Yanqiu simply forgot Zhang Xiaohua and his dreams. He will be sent to the army, and he will be busy with it. As for what he is busy with, he will serve the disciples. The status is limited and the knowledge is limited.

The dream is also anxious. At the same time, Zhang Xiaohua also urged the disciples. The disciples only smiled. They said more than one word. They didn’t know how to deal with it. They had to go back and look for Zhang Xiaohua’s trouble.

On the evening of the third day, Zhang Xiaohua knew from the mouth of the disciple of Shuiyun. Most of the disciples in Shuiyun had already gone out. Bai Yanqiu also went out of the island in the early morning of the day. As for where he went, he still didn't know.

Wake up the disciple, Zhang Xiaohua is secretly pondering, not to mention, Bai Yanqiu is now two plans now, one is to re-exit the rivers and lakes, the other is what the unintentional things.

I just didn’t hear what I said, and I didn’t hear it. People just missed a little bit of wind in front of them. When and where, I don’t know. However, listening to Bai Yanqiu said, maybe he will wait here for a lifetime... it will not happen!

Therefore, Bai Yanqiu’s work this time should be something that has returned to the rivers and lakes!

"Hey, this cockroach actually wants to turn the poor road into a white bearded Zhang Xiaohua. It’s really awful. It’s not in the water and clouds. Can you afford this awkward acupuncture point?" However, Zhang Xiaohua It’s depressed, coming in from the outside of the water cloud. On this road, he can see clearly. Without the guidance of the disciples in the water cloud, he can’t easily go out. If he wants to go out, he can only bring his dreams. Flying out, but seeing the huge smoke above the giant island, Zhang Xiaohua does not need to know God, it is almost certain that the smoke is unintentional, flying ... can go out, still a problem.

"Forget it, think about it so much, let's talk about the first scourge in this water cloud!"

Zhang Xiaohua made up his mind, thinking about how to start, listening to the dream and shouting: "Little flowers, where are you?"

"Here... I am in the process of blending with the younger brother of Shuiyun!"

Zhang Xiaohua smiled and said.

"Small flowers, have been three days, this... The time to rush back to the fragrant teaching has been extremely tense, you ... why don't you hurry to find the white head, or Liang Cangxu, Li Xu? You are not saying them Even if there are ten courage, they will not move us. How come now... I watched, people seem to have already beaten their ideas!"

Zhang Xiaohua smiled and said: "Do not worry, I have already said it to the disciple, let him go back to see the white head, let him tell the white head, if she still wants to eat on the rivers and lakes, then she will quickly We sent this place. Otherwise, if you get a message, you will be united and you will kill them."

"Ah?" The dream screamed: "Small flowers, you... you said that, the first thought of people is not to kill them?"

"哎哟" Zhang Xiaohua is "stunned": "No... dream, you are really smart, I didn't think of it..." Then, he muttered: "However, this is also good, life can not be the same... ...dead can be the same hole!"

"Hey!" The face of the dream was red, and he sighed: "I am not serious, don't hurry up to catch up with the disciple?"

"Yes, this is the kid!" Zhang Xiaohua solemnly, got up, rushed out and rushed out...

"Be careful..." Dreams of concern, chasing Zhang Xiaohua's **** out!

Zhang Xiaohua hasn’t finished the house yet, but he’s got to the ground. When he’s got out of the ground, he’s already changed his face. It’s the handsome and unusual immortal predecessor, hiding his body shape in the air, Zhang Xiaohua is The party will release the knowledge.

In the middle of the sky, there is a faint white fog, which is even worse than in the daytime. When Zhang Xiaohua’s **** touched the white fog, he was bounced back and could not go out of the island. Just like Zhang Xiaohua thought, flying I can't go out.

Moreover, the surrounding area of ​​Judao is a water pool. There is also a ban in the water pool. What Zhang Xiaohua will meet, besides the bandits, is the fire. This otter can only be heard, how can it be taken from the water?

"It seems that we still have to break this air ban!" Zhang Xiaohua indulged in a moment, is to release the knowledge, and carefully examine the origin of this smoke.

I don’t know how to look at the smog, and there is no flaw in it. Zhang Xiaohua can’t see what the smoke is. I don’t think it’s scratching my head. At this moment, there is a light in the distance. There is a faint voice, it seems to be a louder voice, Zhang Xiaohua’s heart suddenly moves, and the law is a glimpse, that is, go to the lights...

At the light place, it was Bai Yanqiu who asked Zhang Xiaohua's main hall on the same day. There were many room and pavilions behind. In the brightly lit, there was a lot of darkness. This dark place is also the palace of the carved pillars, just this piece. There are very few places where there is a light in the room. According to Zhang Xiaohua’s thoughts, this must be Bai Yanqiu’s residence. If he wants to discover the secret of this smoke array, he has to find it from the residence of Bai Yanqiu.

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