Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1018: Real Mirror

The first thousand and eighteen chapters of the real celestial mirror

He said that the celestial mirror was taken out of the purse by Zhang Xiaohua, and immediately he took out the palm of Zhang Xiaohua and flew in the air.

The celestial mirror first floated slowly, rose into the air, stopped, and stopped at the center of the big bronze mirror. Then, the celestial mirror was mirror-faced, gradually glowing silver-white brilliance. The brilliance of the brilliance is getting more and more bright, and when the brilliance gathers to a certain extent, it forms a faint beam of light. The pillar of light slowly dims, slowly stretches, and goes straight to the top of the palace. Take it.

The beam of light passed, and the top of the palace seemed to be transparent, revealing the thick smoke in the night sky. Then, the smoke was like snow and snow, revealing a huge round hole, revealing the stars in the night sky!

After a few breaths, the stars in the round hole suddenly flashed, and a crazy star force rushed into the mirror, and the tremor of the 昊 嗡嗡 , The sound of almost joyful seems to be absorbing the stars of the sky!

Close to a meal, the celestial mirror gradually stopped shaking, and then it was a slight tilt, gradually facing the huge bronze mirror in front of the bed, immediately, the starlight was reflected by the celestial mirror onto the bronze mirror!

The big bronze mirror did not react at all, and the starlight was not reflected again. The figure of Zhang Xiaohua in the big bronze mirror also disappeared.

Gradually, the center of the big bronze mirror began to show a silvery white dot, and the small dot was getting bigger and bigger. When it was the size of a copper coin, it stopped expanding and became a circle and a circle. The whole bronze mirror is expanded, so the mirror of the entire bronze mirror is like a lake.

After a few laps and a return, the silvery white point gradually expanded. This time it was expanded until it was about the same size as the 昊 镜 mirror. At this time, the entire mirror no longer swayed, but slowly The distortion, the middle circle began to increase the brightness, and when it was bright to a small round moon, the sky mirror floating in the air was another turn, facing the circle on the bronze mirror.

At this time, the skylights shot into the sky are no longer, the stars of the sky are also stopped to vent, and the top of the entire palace has been restored to the original, which leaves the brilliance on the large bronze mirror and the brilliance on the mirror. The whole bedroom is the same as the white one!

Zhang Xiaohua squinted and looked at the silver brilliance on the mirror and the brilliance on the bronze mirror. The two brilliances reflected each other as if they were doing some kind of communication, and then, a few breaths. In the meantime, the brilliance of the two mirrors is brilliant, and Zhang Xiaohua’s eyes are swayed, and the eyes are extremely natural. Just when Zhang Xiaohua closes his eyes, the celestial mirror moves forward without any sound. In an instant, it is the distance between the two mirrors, which is not in the huge bronze mirror.

Waiting for Zhang Xiaohua to open his eyes again, the celestial mirror has disappeared, and the silver-white brilliance on the huge bronze mirror gradually fades, that is, the circle in the middle is gradually shrinking...

"Hey, my little mirror?" Zhang Xiaohua shouted, and flew to the front of the bronze mirror: "Is it eaten by this big mirror? It is broken, stealing chickens and not eroding the rice, but this is a big loss!"

When Zhang Xiaohua’s heart was remorseful, the circle on the bronze mirror had become gone. He only heard the sound of “呲”, the huge bronze mirror shook slightly, and then it was the sound of “嘎吱嘎吱”. The whole palace is almost to be shaken. Seeing this, the huge bronze mirror in front of Zhang Xiaohua began to shrink slowly, and so on to a certain extent. The wall that was previously covered by the bronze mirror revealed the height of one person.

Zhang Xiaohua couldn’t look at the hole and looked at the copper mirror that was still shrinking. The bronze mirror was different from the previous one. There were some decorations outside the round mirror that didn’t know what the material was. The entire mirror is surrounded by a rectangular shape. The surrounding materials are engraved with mysterious patterns. The patterns form extremely esoteric symbols. The patterns are infinitely inlaid with fine carvings. Above the mirror, three sly words are in the eye, but these three characters are not the ancient words that Zhang Xiaohua is familiar with. They are in the eyes and do not know the meaning.

"What is the mirror?" Zhang Xiaohua grinned, taking it for granted.

The celestial mirror is still shrinking, and it has been reduced to one foot square, and the party has stopped. Then a purple brilliance flashed again, and then a very wild and desolate atmosphere was emitted from the celestial mirror, and it flashed away. The celestial mirror is still floating in the air!

Look at the restored celestial mirror, Zhang Xiaohua does not think about extending his hand is a fishing, 昊 镜 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被 被It seems that nothing happens! Zhang Xiaohua in Haotian Mirror has restored the original face of Zhang Xiaohua!

I scratched my head and thought about it. Zhang Xiaohua took the celestial mirror into the purse and looked up at the hole that had just been covered by the big mirror. Needless to say, the big mirror is part of the celestial mirror and is used as The hole was banned. Nowadays, the big mirror and the small mirror are combined with a mirror, which is naturally exposed. Moreover, this hole must be the place that Zhang Xiaohua always wanted to find.

Exploring the gods into the hole, Zhang Xiaohua’s brows are slightly wrinkled. The gods can only see three feet in this hole. It must be that the prohibition inside limits the use of the gods.

Zhang Xiaohua’s detective will take it out of his dreams and jump into the hole...

The hole is similar to that seen by Zhang Xiaohua in the past. It is all down, but this channel is a blue brick of water, which seems to have been artificially built before.

There are flaming torches in the passage, and the whole passage is bright. However, Zhang Xiaohua walked for a while, and the whole passage was quiet and there was no movement.

Immediately afterwards, the ramp began to appear in the passage, and some small rooms began to appear on both sides of the passage. Zhang Xiaohua carefully pushed one open, there was only one simple futon, and there was nothing else...

Zhang Xiaohua walked along the passage, only to walk down, and it was a meal. He came to a place that looked a little broken, saying it was broken, but it was just that the bricks were gone, and the passage was also It became a stone wall and a mud block, and the torches here were also much less, and it looked very dark.

Turning a turn, Zhang Xiaohua has a small space in front of his eyes. There is no passage in this space. There are only three small doors on the left and right sides. Each small door is exactly the same, and there is a side in front of the front door. The torch is hung on the wall.

Zhang Xiaohua first used the gods to look at the place of about three feet. There was no special place. The small door also shielded the gods. Therefore, he only hesitated and shouted open the door of his left hand. .

The small door opened silently, Zhang Xiaohua held a dream, quickly looked at it with his eyes, and there was no trace of humanity. This was the only step that would jump in and the back door would close.

The door is not spacious, there is a space of two feet square, the wall is not a torch at this time, but the big night pearl is inlaid on it, the number is large, the whole room is bright.

Zhang Xiaohua stood at the door and looked up. There were three rows of four columns and one or twelve jade tables in the room. Each table was either jade, or a ritual, or a jade bottle.

"Ha ha ha" Zhang Xiaohua almost wants to cover his mouth and laugh: "I finally found a place!"

Zhang Xiaohua smashed a lot of rubbish. I want to go deep into a secret room of the immortal school. I found the situation of so many babies. This is the first time in history. How can I not be happy?

Pickpockets, Zhang Xiaohua went to the table of a jade closest to him. There was a half-moon-shaped jade, and the gloss was a little dull. However, the half moon-shaped edge, the faint silvery flash, should be a source. The instrument.

However, when Zhang Xiaohua reached out and took it, he was blocked by a layer outside the implement. "哎哟" Zhang Xiaohua slap his head and said: "Lee very sad, so forget about God?"

When he let go of his knowledge, he realized that the whole room is unrestricted. On a dozen jade tables, each table has a different prohibition to protect the things on the table. This prohibition is different from what Zhang Xiaohua saw before. What is the difference? Very simple. As Zhang Xiaohua saw before, most of the bans were weak, and the power of the ban was weakened. In some cases, Zhang Xiaohua could easily break the ban by almost no effort.

The ban here, the fluctuations of vitality is very abundant, and there is no influence by the lack of heaven and earth!

"唉" Zhang Xiaohua took a look at the tone and checked one dozen different prohibitions one by one. My heart was awkward and regrettable. From the beginning of contact with Xiandao, it is estimated that the history of the old and the ban will be broken. In the future, it is really necessary to rely on one's own strength to truly break the ban!

After thinking about it, Zhang Xiaohua waved his left hand, and an unnamed sword spurted out. Sure enough, there was no movement, and it was necessary that the flow was consumed as soon as he broke the dragon vein ban.

However, looking at so many things, can not take a little, it is really unwilling to let Zhang Xiaohua heart.

So, Zhang Xiaohua compared it a bit, and went to one of the stone tables that leaned on the edge of the right hand. There was a solitary jade slip on it. The above prohibition made a faint brilliance of water blue. The ban is somewhat familiar, and the volatility inside is weaker than other bans. It is not necessary.

Touching the chin and pondering for a while, Zhang Xiaohua took out a fire symbol from his arms and threw it on it. The flame generated by the fire symbol was only slightly burned and immediately extinguished...

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