Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1023: Leaving the water cloud

The first thousand and twenty-three chapters leave the water cloud

Peng night rained Li Xu and smiled and said: "I am the foreign ambassador of the head of the family. If there is no direct communication to the head of the family, how can I be called an external ambassador? I know, the head of the adult is not..."

Later, Peng night rain did not say, turned back to the dream and said: "Zi Xia girl, you first boarded the ship, this ambassador sent you to see the head of the adult."

I glanced at him with a glance, and I turned a blind eye to Li Xu, and stepped on the boat without hesitation.

Li Xu Zhang mouth to stop, but can be slightly lifted and put down.

"Li Tangzhu, this ambassador went to you to punished and wounded the meridians. Of course, there are some problems with this scorpion. There is nothing unusual about it." Peng night rain went to the side of the big boat and said, "And... the password tonight. Is it decided by Li Tang himself?"

Li Xu was somewhat inexplicable and nodded: "Exactly, what is wrong with Peng’s foreign minister?"

"Nothing is wrong, it's great. Just, if some people don't understand the style, don't do anything that is arty!"

Li Xu was furious: "My password for the night rain..."

However, when he just said the password, he immediately realized that he was awkward.

Peng night rained a hand: "Li Tangzhu, the first to go out of the island, the head of the generals to the news, the island hurried, this Chuanxiang sent two messengers, only asked one person to pass the fragrant teaching, not asked another One person, if there is any concealment in that Xiaoyao, it is not appropriate for me to send the action. Therefore, let the ambassador bring this purple glow to the past. Her old man has detailed inquiries! Li Tangzhu, can you be satisfied?"

"Where, where, Peng Wai has the mouth of the head, since it is cheap, the old man only asks, the younger brother is on the heart, in addition, that... the password tonight... is really old.... The younger brother is blame... this old man will let the people change it!!!"

"Don't change it tonight, let's talk about it tomorrow!" Peng Yeyu rushed to stop and said: "I don't want to go down... Hey, just hurried away, so I listened to Li Tang's password tonight, and I only have some in my heart. Unhappy, forget it, but it’s all about things. I’m still admiring Li Tang’s, and I’m coming back and cheering!”

"Well, let's talk." Li Xu laughed, took a jade bottle from his arms and handed it to Peng Yuyu: "This is the old medicine from the Dalin Temple. It is most suitable for trauma, Peng Wai... This scorpion hurts really badly, or it is better to heal earlier..."

Peng night rain caught the jade bottle and smiled; "Li Tang is more troubled!"

After that, jump on the bow and cried: "Come on the boat soon, before the night, the ambassador will have a pool!"

"Yes, Peng Wai, you are reassured, there is no problem at all." The man who fought the boat saw Li Tang’s master release, and he did not hurry to wear sin.

When the big boat slipped out, Peng night rained the arch of the hand: "Li Tang, let's rest early, wait until you come back and thank you again!"

"Peng Wai, the road is careful, go early and go back early!" Li Xu returned to the ceremony, the words are quite warm, let people feel the harmony of the two young disciples of the water and rain friends!

Looking at the big boat, Li Xu took a smile and yelled: "Look at you, let the old man say you? Tonight, this password, you... Why don’t you remind the old man? Do you name the people? Password, how can you not make people angry? Go, hurry... Hey, forget it, if you have such things in the future, you must tell the old man earlier!"

Then, look up and look at it, whispering: "This is a disciple... sometimes it’s really arrogant!"

Li Xu is not aware of it. Not far from the big boat, the rain behind Peng’s rain has long been soaked, that is, the forehead is also slightly sweaty. At this time, he is using his finger on his head and swears: "This old man ......"

The man who fought the boat listened all the time, bowed his head slightly, and concentrated on the boat, as if he had never heard it.

Dreaming sitting in the cabin, two big eyes staring at Peng night rain, full of curiosity...

The way to go out between the water clouds is different. However, this does not require Peng night rain, he only stood in the bow of the boat, relying on the face familiar to the disciples of the water, and let him... ...some angry passwords, all the way through.

Waiting for the big boat to dock, Peng night rain with a dream of a big boat, the man who sailed the boat arched the hand: "Peng Wai, the small is not far away, I wish the foreigner to make new achievements."

Said, park the big boat next to the waterhole.

At this time, the disciples who patrolled the shore also rushed over...

Now that he has reached the shore, Peng Night Rain is more fluent, and he has sent those disciples in a few words. He also sent the big white horse of the dream, let the dream ride on the big white horse. Peng night rain also rode a horse. Children, the two walked for a while and came to the mountains.

Look at the sky, Peng night rain arches: "Zi Xia girl, sent to the next, and the future road, please Zixia girl left!"

"Slow!" The dream is a little worried: "Peng Gongzi will be sent off, or if you take the slogan of your head, if you ask the door later... How does Peng Gongzi answer? If not... I will go with it. Fragrant teaching, you can also have a shelter!"

"Thank you for the Zixia girl. In this move, it is just a transaction with Ren Xiaoyao. Under the natural circumstances, there is a way to get out of the way. Well, the time is not early, and you are leaving!" Peng Yeyu obviously does not want to say more, take a horse, along The mountains go in the other direction.

Dreaming of the back of Peng Yeyu, waiting for a while, is also a shot, go in the other direction, it was just discussed with Zhang Xiaohua!

Peng night rain walked for a while, did not look back, jumped from the horse back and waved his hand on the horse's head. The horse immediately fell into a tragedy, then did not move, then reached out from the arms. Throwing out a thing, "啪" thrown on the horse's body, the horse immediately caught fire, and for a long time, everything turned into nothing...

At this time, Peng night rain, suddenly a left hand wave, a strange movement, the whole person disappeared instantly!

In the early morning of the next day, a smear of fish on the side of the day, the bright sun as the egg yolk just rose, in the mountains between the water and clouds, within a cave, Zhang Xiaohua opened his eyes.

I think about what I did last night when I was able to form Peng Yeyu. I didn’t feel a smile on my lips.

Letting go of the gods, I have long since disappeared from the dreams, and Peng night rain has disappeared. All the things are estimated to be impossible to find, but the stones in the Baiyanqiu Palace and the underground jade. And the Dan furnace that has long been turned into six gossip Zijin furnace, still need an explanation!

In this regard, Zhang Xiaohua had planned to go well last night, only to see him grow up, changed clothes, and is easy to form the appearance of Pan An, a glimpse of the law is to come over the mountains!

At this time, the water cloud is still shrouded in dense fog, but... the mountain wind that has gradually begun to increase on the water pool, the thick fog on the outermost side of the water island has been blown away, not as strong as before. Not scattered!

Zhang Xiaohua will be dreamed out and turned into a sword light like eight fish. He swims around himself, and he flies and performs flying. He first hides his body and comes to the water pool, waiting for him to come next to the water island. God has already discovered that there is a layer of faint array on the water island. He will surround this water island. He will not go inside. He will show his body shape first and drink a big voice: "Where is the girl's hoe?" ”

Such three sounds, these three sounds contain the instinct of Zhang Xiaohua, the whole pool is shaking slightly, whether the water cloud is still awake, or staying in the morning, are alarming, everyone is terrified Watching this fairy flying in the sky!

"Small girl in the door of the knife, isn't it? That... it's easy to do it. The poor road will take away the things that belong to the poor road. You tell her that it is!" The voice did not fall, Zhang Xiaohua's figure went Flying outside the mountains, but for a long time, disappeared between the horizons!

Standing on the giant island, everyone who was disturbed by a good dream, at this time, just woke up like a dream. It turned out that people have already penetrated the enemy's back. The things that belong to them have already been taken away. It is a fairy, so many people, so strict. The defense, actually... When people walked, they didn’t know it!

When everyone panicked, I didn’t know who was the sharp-eyed, and saw the rising sun in the sky, shouting: “Look, look, let’s the fog between the clouds... Where have you gone?”

No, it was still a thick cloud yesterday, and now it has been blown away by the mountain wind, and the true face of this giant island between the water clouds has already been revealed!

"The big thing is not good!" Li Xu, who is hiding among the people, changed his face and screamed: "Hugh to panic, the immortal has already gone, and then say... Besides, people are not looking for your troubles. What are you afraid of? You... Go and see if the big array outside the island is still there?"

A man with a weak face is running to the shore, but for a long time, he is happy to come back. He swears: "Li Tangzhu, the big array on the island is intact, and the array in the pool outside the island has not changed!"

"Good!" Li Xu breathed a sigh of relief, his face was slow, and nodded: "The brethren, good-looking, and the immortals estimate that there are some things to do with the help of the lords. Since the lord is not there, people have not left the meaning, or Every busy one!"

Everyone thinks about it, and gradually it is to restore calm. Although the disappearing cloud makes people not used to it, after a while, the enjoyment of lazy sun has already made them forget the change.

On such a big change on the water island, Li Xu certainly couldn’t hide it. He immediately sent a disciple from Yu Mingtang, took the boat out of the island, and quickly wrestled with Bai Yanqiu!

And Zhang Xiaohua fooled everyone in the water cloud, hiding his body while walking, people seem to be disappearing in the sky, actually did not go far on the ground, the gods swept away, have long seen the position of four, The bandits smashed the past, and God did not know that the ghosts would bring joy out, and they went straight up, and went straight ahead to the dream that had gone through the night, chasing it up~

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