Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1025: The first teacher of the rivers and lakes, the first person in the world

The first thousand and twenty-five chapters of the first teaching of the rivers and lakes, the first person in the world

Chen Chenping flat mouth, said: "Dish disciples ... disciples will meet sooner or later, it is better to ask now!"

"Teach you to know that this bottleneck is different for everyone. Even if it is the bottleneck of this education and the bottleneck of long growth, there is no similarity. My experience suggests that there may be some lessons for long growth. For you...but playing the piano!"

"The cow is a cow. If the teacher is talking about it, the disciple will listen to it and can't comprehend it. It is a story!" Chen Chen smiled.

"Oh, in fact, it is not the teaching, the fairy road is not like the martial arts, not the bottleneck, the teaching is to say, you do not understand at all, but may lead you astray!" Jing Yi teacher shook his head too: " However, if you listen to the story, it is no harm to teach you this!"

Chen Chen listened, and his eyes rose sharply. He almost wanted to applaud one and said: "That Master! Let's talk about it!"

Jing Yi is too cried and laughs. He said: "In fact, it is not a story, but it is because a former disciple of the Golden Temple, Mo Qingshan, has collected a grass and a Dan as a teacher, and this grass is also served by the current disciples. I am so happy that I will return this grass to Dan, according to the wishes of Mo Qingshan. This grass is also a rare fairy grass under the sun. This teaching will be used to treat this herb as a medicinal herb. Breaking through the bottleneck!"

This matter involves the affair of the quiet teacher too early, everyone in the temple is aware of it, and at this time it is heard, all of them are Mo Qingshan's obsessive emotions, and they don't feel guilty.

I only listened to Chen Chen’s envy: "It’s good luck to go to this place. I went to a ruin. I just got the grass and Dan who I never thought of." Hey, hey, the master, it seems... tomorrow is The martial arts conference, I heard that the longevity master of Dalin Temple has passed Jinghai Lake, accompanied by the deputy master of the Qingmu Temple. This is the Xiaoyao and Zixia... How come there is no news yet?"

Next to the peacock, the brow is also slightly wrinkled, and the eyes are confused and confused. Looking at the quiet teacher too, whispered: "The disciple went out to teach the dragon, and the Swift and the sisters came out to make the right way, and they all came back ten days ago. Although the Dalin Temple is farther away, it is time to return now!"

The quiet teacher is too undecided to look at Xue Zhenshi too, and asked: "Can there be news of these two people?"

"The master of the martyrdom, since the two of them appeared in the Longshan and Fuyang towns, there is no trace, no one knows where they went!" Xue Zhenshi said: "And... and the dragons on the rivers and lakes The figure of the disciple, do not know if they are related to the dream and the dream?"

Chen Chenqi said: "What is the relationship between Tianlong and Ren Xiaoyao and dreams? Are they not sent by Confucius?"

"Oh, what happened is still happening!" Jing Yi Shi sighed: "However, they are still a sacred disciple, and they are told disciples on the rivers and lakes. If they find their traces, they should report them immediately!"

Jing Yi Shi is so strange to say that everyone is surprised, Chen Chen’s mouth is also open and open, but fortunately, he did not ask for it at the end!

“How about the reception of Xuezhen’s sister, Huai’s reception?”

"Everything is almost ready, but this martial arts conference is a grand occasion that I have not seen in the fragrant education for many years. There are a total of two hundred and thirty sects of invitations. There are no invitations, and there are 512 unsolicited ones. According to the meaning of the teacher's adult, it is the guest who came here. These sects are also sent to the sacred religion and are also ready to receive. Under the count, there are nearly 800 large and small martial art, starting from the sacred pool, all of whom are my disciples. As a companion, I will enter the mountain tomorrow, and when I am pregnant, it should be the reception of my inner disciple. But I was only prepared to receive 500 martial art. Now I have more than 300 mundane, but the manpower is not enough!"

"What is there to be told?" Jing Yi teacher said with a smile: "This kind of event, it is estimated that the disciples of the fragrant peak want to participate, and you are informed to leave the Fire Temple, Qingmu Temple, Weak Water Hall, Houtu Temple, Some disciples are coming, I am afraid that those disciples are too happy to be there!"

"Teacher wise, this is the last notice!"

"There is one more thing, the master of the church, listening to the Jinghai Lake disciple, the Tianlong teach... there is no king, the disciple..." said the peacock.

"Nothing..." Jingyi Shiyi waved his hand: "Tianlong teaches the most hateful. It is the inheritance of the magical religion. It is separated from the four schools of my immortality. Although the immortality is annihilated, the magical teaching is also annihilated. In the past few thousand years. There is less battle between life and death, but after all, it’s out of tune with them, and it’s normal for them not to come!”

"But... when the disciples went, they... didn't say no!"

"So... they will come last, maybe wait for the sects to come to this Huaiyu Palace, and their king will be late!"

"Teacher, how can this emperor release the sky? How is this big shelf?" Chen Chen said.

"The Emperor's Day" is too bitter to laugh: "The Emperor of Tianlong teaches that the heavens never show up in the public. We will pass the martial arts meeting of the fragrant teaching. The emperor will never participate, and the Tianlong teaching will come. People are just a king!"

"Oh, it is so!" Chen Chen stunned, but immediately asked: "But... the master, you... have broken through the bottleneck, and the cultivation of the fairy road is better than the emperor, who is more powerful?"

All the people in the temple are discolored, and the quiet teacher and the peacock almost want to marry Chen Chen.

Jing Yi Shi was as if he had been asked about his thoughts. His eyes were staring at the clear sky outside the window. He lived half a sigh: "The emperor released the sky, is the first person in the world, and the first person in the fairy tales. The beginning of the creation of the fragrant sect, the Dalin Temple, the sect and the sacred door, is! Until now, still!! Silly gimmick, do you say that this teaching is better than God?"

"What?" Chen Chen was dumbfounded: "How is it possible? It’s hard to be the emperor of every generation, it’s the first in the world."

"Oh, this year is also a suspicion, but... this is a fact, a fact of no contention, no one doubts this fact, and no one dares to overthrow this fact!"

"Can... the singer is annihilated, the sacred door and the sect are all gone, how has the Tianlong teaching always been so powerful? They... how are they passed down?" Chen Chen seems to have to make up for it.

"The magic road is different from the fairy road. The fairy road is cultivated on the basis of heaven and earth. The magic road is different... As for what inheritance they use, the teaching is also unknown. I only know that although the strength of the heavens and the earth is greatly reduced, although it has an impact on Tianlong teaching, it can be far away for me. The influence is profound, so... Of course, the emperor’s interpretation of each generation is also declining, but this does not affect them... It has always been the first big party in the rivers and lakes, and the emperor has always been the first person in the rivers and lakes!”

"That Jingxuan Shibo, Jing Gang Shibo..." The peacock whispered: "Whether this is the case...I want to ask clearly?"

Jingyi Shi is too stopped. If you look at the peacock thoughtfully, nod your head and say: "Exactly! Life will pass me on the fragrant two elders, even if the emperor is the first person in the world, Tianlong teaches the world. The first big teacher, this matter should also be clearly stated!"

Everyone in the heart praised and nodded: "The teacher said that it is very much."

"But... Peacock, you think about it again, this thing is in the face of the heroes of the world, ask, do you think it is possible?"

"The lord of the lord..." The peacock's face changed, frowning, and half-baked, and shook his head: "Teacher is wise, disciple... or lack of experience... This is really inappropriate."

Next to Chen Chen, he said: "Sister, what kind of riddles do you play with the teacher? Is it clear?"

The peacock glanced at the quiet teacher too. He turned his head and said: "The things of the two divisions are related to the Tianlong religion. But after all, we have no evidence. If they ask me plainly, they will certainly not admit it, and they will in turn If we want our evidence, this... Doesn't it seem that we are rumored to be incompetent? These things are no more than the vendettas of the Ming and Ming swords on the rivers and lakes, and they can go to the door brightly!"

"No..." Chen Chen was also awakened, and said: "I... I thought I could find justice for the two divisions!"

"The fairness is in the heart of the heart, and the fairness is in the hearts of the people!" Jing Yi teacher nodded. "This is what I have to teach myself to do. I haven't asked anyone before." Moreover, I passed the incense to kill so many gods. When you are fine, how often do you hear them say? Even if Chen Chen now tells Tianlong to teach a certain **** to destroy it, even if the emperor has doubts, he can’t ask you in the face of the world. !"

"This is just a matter of playing on your own face!"

Then Jingyi Shi is too clear: "After all, tomorrow is the excitement that I have not been rumored for decades. It is the enemy and the friend are tomorrow's guests. Everyone is still calculating, how to do this martial arts conference tomorrow!"

Everyone's face flashed with excitement. When you say a word to me, they all offer suggestions. This Chen Chen glanced at the peacock and said to himself: "This pair of dogs and men, I don't know where to hide!"

The next day, it was a good weather with a beautiful wind and a beautiful day. It was a fascinating atmosphere in the sacred religion.

Under the sorrow, Jing Yi is too in a palace dress, and there are dozens of women in the palace dress standing next to each other. However, each person’s head is covered with a veil, which makes it impossible to tell which one is which!

There are already dozens of people on the mountain road where the loess is paved, and there are already dozens of people in the field of vision. I saw that among the dozens of people, there are currently a few old men dressed in robes, and there is no horseback riding, behind the old man. It’s a few old people in Tsing Yi, and they’re not riding horses. It’s just that although these people don’t ride horses, they just seem to walk, but the figure is like a peer, and the speed is extremely fast, which is the dozens of clothes in the back. The young disciple rode the horse and could not keep up with the danger!

Seeing the old man, Jing Yi Shi has a smile on his face, a slight meal at his feet, his body shape floats, if the catkins are generally gently forward, only a few feet away from the air, this stood still, opening: " Long growing old, Zhang Sanmeng master, have not seen for many years, can they be well?"

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