Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1029: Wulin Conference (4)

The first thousand and twenty-nine chapters of the Wulin Conference (4)

Immortal inheritance of the great religion, this is the originator of the world's martial arts, these five seats have long been scheduled 10,000 years ago, just the vicissitudes of life, the world is changing, the other five factions do not say, each has its own life, has long been gone Closer to the five factions.

The five factions alone have changed a lot. The fragrant sects have not been in the rivers and lakes for a long time; the gods and knives have been extinguished early, and they have now been replaced by water and clouds; the new dynasty has been replaced by the Zhengdao League.

Nowadays, in the Huaiyu Palace, the five factions will sit on five seats, and there is a new order on the rivers and lakes!

Jing Yi Shi finally went to the high platform and went to the jade seat in the middle. She just sat down, on the high platform, the colorful brilliance flashed, and a slight sound of silk bamboo sounded, although it was slight, it could be passed early. All over the inside and outside of Huaiyu Palace.

In the Huaiyu Palace, more than two hundred sects, in the eyes of thousands of people, are all envious of the color, the heart is calculated, I do not know my own martial art, when can I get this high platform?

"Well, everyone, please drink tea, rest for a while, let's continue to be wonderful after the martial arts conference!"

The quiet teacher was too slightly handed, and the voice spread throughout the Huaiyu Palace.

Immediately, the inner disciples of the fragrant peaks were all holding trays with tea and fruits that were taught by the fragrant scent and sent to the tables of the various sects.

The people in the rivers and lakes are all unruly. When they see beautiful women, even the inner disciples who pass on the fragrant teachings, they are fascinated by some eyes. However, when they see these women’s martial arts repairs, At the time, I don’t think it’s stunned. Maybe from the surface, I can only see it with the naked eye. I can’t see the real martial arts of a person. But... the heads and elders of these factions, which ones have not indulged in the martial arts for decades? How can we not find the characteristics of martial arts from some details? Seeing a woman of almost age, who is as good as her own martial arts, how can they look at people with a colored eye?

Well, maybe there are some special hobbies, so I won't mention them.

Therefore, almost all the old people, self-proclaimed is inevitably a high-level elder.

The young disciples can be different again. At this time, they are so beautiful, where can they be self-sustaining? Laughing on the early face, one by one will stand up and be polite. Their teachers, this is to stop, but they are all turning around and not talking.

The young disciples of these various sects are all young talents selected by the various factions. In addition to their long experience, they also showed their talents in front of the heroes of the world, and they have earned a face-to-face task for the faction. The disciples are so good, they must have played a small calculation in their hearts. If this disciple has won the favor of a certain female disciple and climbed up with the fragrant sect, then... the status of his martial art is not said on the rivers and lakes, saying Uncertain... There are a few jade seats on the high platform, and there is a chance to sit down!

As a result, some young disciples who were born with sorrows were also secreted by their own teachers and secretly under the table.

But... This is a wishful thinking after all. It is a good way to teach the disciples of all the temples. Although there are no disciples of Mo Zhengong, it is impossible to put their eyes on the rivers and lakes, cough, of course, unless it is like Zhang Xiaohua... ...infatuation, hit the fragrant peak, only... maybe consider!

Inside and outside Huaiyu Palace is a lively scene, and there is a scene on the high platform.

As the quiet teacher shook his hand, a law smashed out, and from the high platform, immediately raised a layer of milky white ban, the high-profile group, Bai Yanqiu and Zhang San look fretting, quite puzzled, you can see Long growing old, and Jia Louluo are quiet, they look at each other, no sound.

"Well, I can't have a good time to entertain the guests, and I don't want to give up." Several female disciples passed through the milky white ban, holding their own trays in their hands. A small wine glass, in front of everyone, Jing Yi teacher said with a smile: "This is the ice-cold wine brewed by my fragrant teaching cold grass, which is the recipe of the fairy tales, for the infuriating Quenching has great benefits! Please use..."

Said, Jing Yi Shi too to drink the wine glass in his hand, and then close his eyes to adjust interest, seems to be in the spirit of refining wine.

"Ha ha" Jia Luluo saw it and laughed: "I don't think that the fragrant teaching is so generous. These rare things are also brought out to treat guests. If I don't come this time, I will suffer a big loss!"

Say it is also to drink up.

"Amitabha" grows up and grows the old mouth to declare the Buddha number, saying: "The wine is not wine, the meat is not meat, the wine is in the intestines, and the Buddha stays in the heart."

It is also a drink.

Bai Yanqiu looked at the green wine in the small glass of his hand. He didn't feel awkward. This wine glass was white jade carving. It should be warm, but it can be taken in his hand at this time. It seems to be a little cold, and this cold is different from usual. In the warmth, the silky hail, lifted the glass of wine, and a dark fragrance floated into the nose. The wine swayed with the palm of the hand, and every time it swayed, there would be a scent of fragrance, and Bai Yanqiu would The knowledge was released, and the face did not change slightly. I saw that in the small wine glass, the heavens and the earth were full of energy. I didn’t know how many times the heaven and earth elements contained in the fairy tea between my own water clouds, and this energy was aroma. It is a slight drift.

Bai Yanqiu did not dare to neglect, Yangkou was to pour the wine into the mouth, and immediately a fresh wave from the mouth, then a stream of blood rises from the belly, it is the essence of heaven and earth, Bai Yanqiu face is reddish, Immediately transport the heart of the knife door, refining this heaven and earth into the meridians!

At this time, Zhang San is different. Seeing that the other four people cherish this seemingly weird wine, and they are closing their eyes and adjusting their interest. Where do you not know that this is a fairy thing? I can smell the glass of the hand, there is no smell of ordinary wine, only a kind of fragrance, let him feel refreshed, have nothing to do with wine, hesitated a moment, it is to quote, Jing Yi teacher opened his eyes too With a smile: "Zhang Mengzhu, this is the method of Xiandao. If you don't understand the fairy tales, you can't temper the essence of the wine. This wine... is a general drink. The gain on internal strength is not too big. It can be said that it is a waste. I think that if someone in the right way knows how to practice the fairy tales, Zhang Meng’s master will not bring it back. It’s a good thing to bring in the younger generations!”

Zhang San’s eyes narrowed and his face turned blue, but he immediately returned to normal. He nodded: “Just Yi Shi said so.”

"Okay, bring a jade bottle!"

"Yes" banned a voice outside, a female disciple dressed in a light red dress came in from outside, holding a small jade bottle in his hand.

"咦??????" The female disciple had just come in, and she saw Jialuluo, who had just opened her eyes in the jade chair, and screamed.

The female disciple is also a glimpse, looking at Jialuluo inexplicably.

“Calling”, Jialou Luo leaped from the jade chair, and seemed to forget to use his light work. He walked to the female disciple in a few steps, and he grabbed the wrist of the female disciple.

"Ah?" The female disciple sneaked a sneak peek, but she was a rival to Kaloulou. She was caught and screamed when the body was moving. The jade bottle fell to the ground.

The Jingyi teacher was too embarrassed, and he took a hand, and the jade bottle flew into her hand. He was not pleased: "Gaillou, what is your intention?"

I know that Jia Loulu simply ignored her, holding the wrist of the female disciple in one hand, and acupuncture points in one hand, began to widen her eyes and looked carefully from head to toe!

Jingyi Shi was too cold, and handed the jade bottle to Zhang San, saying: "Zhang Mengzhu put this hail wine into the jade bottle, put it in the wine glass for a long time, the essence of the inside will disappear!"

Zhang San took it, and poured the wine glass into the jade bottle according to the words, put it in his arms, no longer talked, and looked coldly at Jialuoluo.

Jia Luluo seems to have gotten some treasures. He looked at the female disciple all over the body, and it was bad... Take off the clothes and observe.

The female disciple's face was shy and red, but in the eyes it was terrified, and the body kept groaning. Although she couldn't move, she could still turn her attention to the quiet teacher.

"Enough, Galoulou, let go of your hand!" Jing Yi is too angry.

"Hey, quiet teacher too, wait a minute..." said, Galoulou extended his right hand, one finger is pointing to the eyebrows of the female disciple.

"哼" Jing Yi Shi is too cold, his hand is moving, and a slap in the wind is the vest hole that hits Jialuluo.

"嘿嘿" Jialou Luo laughed, his body flashed slightly, that is, he escaped.

"唉" Jing Yi Shi is too tall to pull up, as if the light smoke floats in the air, one hand stretched out and grabbed the back neck of Jialou Luo, the Jialu Luo did not return, the same figure shook, a disability The shadow flashed, and in the blink of an eye, it flew to another place in the high platform. The hand was still carrying the female disciple. When the Jingyi teacher was too stature in the air, he wanted to continue chasing, and the one of Jialuluo’s fingers, Already in the eyebrows of the female disciple.

"Ha ha ha" Jia Lou Luo gave a surprise smile, then fell to the ground, released the hand of the female disciple, and fell on the jade seat!

However, the path of the female disciple did not unravel, but she could only stay there!

"Gauluo Luo, what do you mean by this?" Jing Yi Shi went to the female disciple too, looked up and down, and looked at it with God, and there was nothing unusual, not anger.

"Nothing, nothing, quiet teacher is too strange!" Jia Louluo seems to be in a very good mood, a thin face with a smile, said: "There is a ruthless invitation, but also the quiet teacher is too convinced!"

Jing Yi Shi looked at the frightened female disciple and shook his head. "If you don't make things clear, you won't be able to answer anything!"

"Oh, in fact, nothing!" Jia Louluo looked at the female disciple behind the Jingyi teacher. He smiled and said: "This woman is the body of real fire. The fire-like true element contained in the meridians is the breakthrough of this king. The urgent need for the bottleneck, I had to be cheeky in the next, and I asked the Jingyi teacher to go to the woman and make a double repair!"

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