Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1032: Wulin Conference (7)

The first thousand and thirty-two chapters of the Wulin Conference (7)

Jingyi Shitai’s words are pertinent. The true purple phoenix is ​​of great power. The infuriating energy that can be needed is also massive. If there is no refinement in the middle of the refining, it is impossible to use it.

Think of Zhang Xiaohua that year, the level of three or four layers of refining, actually can only use the jade, the first use of the device, or the ring, it was already in the middle of the refining, but even so, It can only drive the dragon ring, let the dragon ring set the others, and can't release the real fire inside the ring!

In the middle of the refining process, this is the incredible existence of the annihilation of the immortality. Where are the younger generations of the various generations who can look forward to it? Therefore, don't say that it is the real purple phoenix, that is, the dragon ring, even the jade symbol is placed here, they may not be able to use.

In fact, when Jing Yi Shi introduced the imitation of the purple phoenix, he also deliberately avoided one thing.

That is ------the gods. The use of the instrument, of course, is to use the infuriating, can control the instrument, more depends on the knowledge of God, just copy the power grid made by the purple phoenix, is to rely on the precise control of the gods, in order to display.

And the knowledge of God, if it is not cultivation to the late stage of refining, or the use of the secret method of the sect, it is impossible to give birth to the gods. Jing Gang, who wants to die, is too young, but the Taoist monk is limited. It is only through the secret method of the fragrant teaching that he has cultivated a weak god! It’s too far away from Jingyi’s teacher, and Jingyi’s teacher is too strong when he is still in the process of passing the fragrant teaching and teaching. The gods are also very powerful, even more than Zhang Xiaohua. It was a terrible three-pointer. It was a pity that the dragon vein was absorbed by Zhang Xiaohua, and the ban was broken by Zhang Xiaohua. The gods of Jingyi Shitai were beaten back to the prototype! However, then again, even at this time, Jing Yi is too weaker than Zhang Xiaohua. In the eyes of the disciples of the rivers and lakes, it is still the existence of the gods, far from the height they can achieve in this life!

Jing Yi Shi will display the imitation of the purple phoenix, put it into the jade, and smiled and said: "Whether the hero Junjie in the scene has escaped the champion of this sword, the old man personally will use this purple phoenix, and how to use it. Give me the secret of the purple phoenix!"

Subsequently, the three female disciples placed the tray in their hands on the jade case next to the high platform, and the ceremony was withdrawn.

Jing Yi Shi looked back and asked: "Long grow old, do you always say a few words?"

"Amitabha" grew up and stood up and nodded. "I don't want to be crowded. The scent of the scent is now shot... oh, it's very wide, far beyond the expectations of the old man. The old man is so, the crowd in the field must be early. Just move your heart..."

"Boom" burst into laughter, the people under the stage did not expect the long-growth to say so straightforward, they all laughed. "No, it’s all in the lower eye, and the hand is itchy..." said the daring.

"Well, everyone wants to take it, but there are only three rewards, so don't let the old man say that the sword will be wonderful after a while! It must be tense!!" Then the long-growth old man turned: "But this time, the sword is It’s a matter of learning and not fighting for life. No matter what kind of grievances on the rivers and lakes, I have to go here... I must forget the previous things. The old man reiterated the principle of the sword here, and can’t hurt people’s lives. Reluctance, if you want the life of the other party, then immediately cancel the qualification of the sword! Expelled Huaiyu Palace!"

Jing Yi Shi Tai and Jia Lou Luo face unchanged, it seems to have long known that Bai Yanqiu thought about it, look at the field, asked: "Master of longevity, if it is ... if unintentionally ... hurt his life?"

"White Palm Gate...The sword is the sword, it is a 'theory' word, this rule is obeyed for thousands of years, no exception, whether intentional or not, must be expelled off the court!" Said unceremoniously.

Bai Yanqiu had nodded and looked at Zhang San. Zhang Sanmeng seemed to be thinking about other things and didn't care.

"Well, the old man has already finished, I wish this sword a successful conclusion, and everyone wants to be successful!"

The same length grows and sits down, and the quiet teacher looks at the other three people, all silent, so he said: "On the sword... start!"

During the speech, one of the hands was beaten on the high platform. The sound of "噼" sounded, and the high platform was slightly shocked. Then, in the Huaiyu Palace and above the square, among the gaps between the crowds, dozens of rises And even hundreds of prototype high platforms, these high platforms were pulled up from the ground, and raised little by little, until about a foot, they stopped!

Everyone in the high stage, first and foremost, immediately understands that they are all interested in watching this as a platform for the downfall.

The contour station stopped, and a white figure leaped to the middle one. It was the white palace dress, and the masked snow treasure teacher too.

I saw that Xuezhen was too tall in the high platform, and rushed to the four sides to give a slight ceremony. He said: "Because the master of the teachings of the Lord, the old body Xuezhen is in charge of this sword, and now the old body will tell the public about the specific rules!"

The voice just fell, and the scented female disciple who gave the tea to everyone just appeared again, but this time I took the pen and paper and other things in my hand and put them on the table of each person.

Xue Zhenshi pointed to the pen and ink paper and said: "This time on the sword, in addition to the Pei, Tianlong, Dalin, Shuiyun and Zhengdao League, there are four places to participate in the sword, the other departments have only two The number of places, as early as when the disciples sent the invitations, has already been explained. I also ask you to write the name of the disciple and the martial art of the martial art in your own house, on the paper. Then, look for the same as the old body. In the ring, at the bottom of the platform, there is a small circular hole, and you can put the paper with the name in it."

"There are fifty such in the Huaiyu Palace and the outside of the palace. In the Huaiyu Palace, each of them can cast ten names. The platform outside the palace can cast twenty names, as long as the name of the platform is full. The small hole in Fujian and Taiwan will be closed. There are two hundred and thirty sects in Huaiyu Palace, two in each martial art, four hundred and sixty disciples participating in the sword, fifty in the martial arts, and there are still vacancies for forty disciples. There are 512 martial art outside the palace, and 1,020 disciples participate in the sword, and there are twenty-four disciples in the fifty. The names of these twenty-four disciples are invited to Huaiyu Palace. The downfall inside."

"The small hole in the ring will be closed at the time when the old man speaks a fragrant incense. Only the disciples who have invested in the name during this period are eligible to participate in the sword, otherwise they will not be considered!"

"The confrontation of ten or twenty people in each platform is arranged by Fujian and Taiwan, and they are guaranteed to be fair."

"There are four disciples and four other disciples and 16 disciples. In order to guarantee a fair period, the first round will not participate. After each of the downfalls has decided on a final winner, they will participate in the second round of one hundred and twenty. The name of the sword!"

Xue Zhenshi said the rules of the various swords, and finally said: "I just sent the teacher to announce the award of the final three swords. According to the rules of the sword, there will be one hundred winners in the first round. One hundred disciples will receive one each of the other parties, Yu Dandan, Xiao Ning Bing Dan and Dalin Temple, to encourage them."

"Well, please send the names of the disciples who sent their own sects to the sword to the paper and put them into the ring! The first round of the sword is ready to begin!"

Say, a scented disciple took a scented incense stick to the platform where Xue Zhenshi was too!

I heard that Xue Zhenshi said that the first round of the award of the victory of the sword is the legendary sacred religion and the healing medicine of Dalin Temple. Everyone on the field is awe-inspiring, and the three kinds of rewards exhibited by the former Jingyi Shitai are of course. It’s tempting, everyone’s heart has a longing, but... But after all, not everyone has the hope to go to the last step, the three rewards to the end, most likely to be five super-big disciples Captured.

On the contrary, it is the first round that Xue Zhenshi Tai said, that is, the reward that the final winner can get in every downfall, so that everyone's heart is burning the fire of hope!

No, there are ten people in Huaiyu Palace, and one of the 20 people outside Huaiyu Palace. All the young disciples present are excellent disciples of all factions. Everyone almost thinks that they are definitely the last winner. Three medicinal herbs, each means a life, how can we not let them be tempted?

Therefore, when Xue Zhenshi said that he could start, the heads of the factions immediately picked up the pen, wrote the name of the disciple under the door at the fastest speed, took one of them, and the other elder took one, each performing their own merits. Go to the ring that has already been touched!

Yes, the sword must also be tactical. The two disciples of their own martial art must not be placed in a platform. Also, do you have a familiar martial art? Do you know the disciples who know the details? This...is all to be considered in a fragrant time.

The martial art that is closer to the Huaiyu Palace has long been the first to go to the palace. The name of the two disciples of their own sects will be put into the ring. If there is nonsense, the palace will be one of the ten choices. Although the martial arts may be a little higher, After all, the opportunity is a lot bigger.

For a time, the inside and outside of the Huaiyu Palace became a mess. From time to time, there was a slight effort to smash it together. There was just a optimistic view that the ring was ready to put the name into it, and the result was thrown in by a dark weapon next to it. Then The small hole disappeared immediately, and this person could only turn back and swear, and did not dare to delay, and went to find another downfall.

As a result, at the end of the day, I ran out of a dozen people from Huaiyu Palace and shouted: "Where there is a downfall, where is the downfall?" It is the head of the mind that is flexible in the square. When the Fujian and Taiwan are full, these people in the Huaiyu Palace have no choice but to vote. They have to find the 20th choice in the square!

The ridiculous thing is that above the square, 512 sects and 1,024 people are silent, standing honestly, and obeying the rules of the sword...

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