Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1041: Wulin Conference (16)

The first thousand and forty-one chapters of the Wulin Conference (16)

The tiger cub under the stage is also funny, saying: "Get it, take it, and open this peach blossom. Well, if you win, this *** tiger will send you!"

Everyone is absolutely down!

I saw Zhang Xiaohua put a cooked copper rod in the hand a little, and said to Chen Yang: "This *** ... is really light ... no way, can not find a suitable between rush, first will Let's go!"

Speaking of a stick flower is dancing, it seems a bit oyster!

"Halo~" Seeing Zhang Xiaohua so, Chen Yang almost wants to make a fire. He was scared for a long time, and he was so worried that he was affected by Bai Yanqiu’s face. How to use this stick now is almost Not used!

"Since the younger brothers have to follow the next victory, it is impossible to be in the next. If they are older, they will not take the lead. Please ask the younger brother to make a move!" Chen Yang is quite polite.

"Well, let's say," Zhang Xiaohua laughed. Look at the long growing path next to him: "There is just a hand-picked approach, and I just want to find someone to test."

After that, you are welcome, and you will be able to use the cooked copper stick.

"Hey? This move... seems to be a Luohan stick? Not... the sky stick method!" The long-growth old eyes are poisonous, only one glance is to see the improperness of Zhang Xiaohua's stick method.

However, after two strokes, he found that it was wrong: "This is not right. How can it be a lot worse than the moves in the Luohan stick? It seems that there is a bias towards the two dragon sticks... This is a small donor... Learn to be true. Miscellaneous!"

Not to mention, long growing old doubts, eyes staring at the two men's test, Chen Yang also set off a huge wave, from Zhang Xiaohua's first stick, Chen Yang is full of coping, he is willing to put Zhang Xiaohua down To save his fault of fault. However, Zhang Xiaohua's stick method, the first ten tricks, still looks awkward, and there are many flaws. The connection between the various moves is also a great problem. Several times he was hit by a bronze man, forcing Zhang Xiaohua not to Do not stop the move, use the force to resist!

What surprised Chen Yang was that Zhang Xiaohua’s strength did not seem to be smaller than that of him. Every time the weapon’s impact was a loud sound, it was more lively than the comparison between him and the tiger’s beg, but Zhang Xiaohua’s collision with him every time. Again, I tried to pick up the move that I just broke!

After so many dozens of tricks, Chen Yang gradually felt that it was inappropriate, because Zhang Xiaohua’s moves became more and more skillful, and the cooked copper rods were like Zhang Xiaohua’s elongated arms, naturally, and Zhang Xiaohua’s stick method was also The more mysterious, not only the flaws, but also the movements between the various moves, the sky and the waves, the overwhelming hit to Chen Yang, let him have a breathless feeling!

A loud shock of "啪", Zhang Xiaohua cooked copper rod hit Chen Chen's copper man, laughing loudly: "Shuang, so stick, only on the day!"

Then, another big drink: "Chen Yang, and look at the next means!"

After that, he turned his head and made a "squeaky" sound between his neck. He lifted the cooked copper rod and danced it up. It was like a flipping yellow dragon, rolling over to Chen Yang's face and kneeling down!

When Chen Yang saw it, he suddenly felt that his heart was not good. He looked at a flaw in Zhang Xiaohua’s tricks and pushed the copper man in one fell swoop!

"Just let you come!" Zhang Xiaohua laughed, a squat on the copper man, Chen Yang hands micro-aesthesia, not waiting for Chen Yang to change, Zhang Xiaohua is a wave, cooked copper rod "call" One sound, the oblique thorn is also pulled out, it is Chen Yang's left shoulder, Chen Yang helpless, only lifted the copper people hard block, and Zhang Xiaohua since the station took the opportunity, where is it to say what kind of polite? I can almost hear the sound of "噼里啪啦", and Chen Yangzhou is the target of Zhang Xiaohua's cooked copper rods!

And the poor Chen Yang, just the opposite of what happened just now, is that he is chasing Zhang Xiaohua's flaws and wants to compare with Zhang Xiaohua. At this time, Zhang Xiaohua hits the bronze man every time, and the strength is a bit bigger. And when the ten counts come down, Chen Yang can't support it. He really doesn't want to understand. This looks like a young and weak young man. How can the two arms have such great strength? Even bigger than the tiger cub just now, and watching the strength increase little by little, it has not come to an end!

Zhang Xiaohua is more and more excited. He has always used prajna. He has never used the stick method. Today, he feels that this stick is a weapon that should be used by a lord. , not exactly your own long term!

"Yu Na Hanzi, only this trick, if you can block, this Shaoxia immediately jumped down the platform!" Zhang Xiaohua was loud and loud, and he cooked the copper rod in one fell swoop. The girl was coming to Chen Yang’s face. It was he who had long since A comprehensible shock!

"Ah?" Chen Yang was also said to be loud and loud, but when he saw that it was almost filled with the world, he was weak from the momentum, and wanted to flash it temporarily, but it was like locking. He, let him move, the cooked copper rods are shot down a little bit!

"Good!" Chen Yang hearted a horizontal, copper people waved, transported the whole body strength, hard and hard is to meet!

First of all, there was a loud noise in the "Dangdang". It was huge than the sounds that everyone had heard just now. Chen Yang only felt a pain in his hand, his arms were sore, his mind was unconscious, his hands were loose, and the bronze man’s "呜" was At the same time, Fei Fei, at the same time, was a "squeaky" sound. When everyone looked at it, the cooked copper rod with the thickness of the goose egg was actually bent by Zhang Xiaohua!

"Ah?" Not only is Chen Yang dumbfounded, but in the entire square, except for the tiger cub, the others are dumbfounded!

No one had thought that this young man who couldn’t look forward to Yang’s arms now has such a great strength that Chen’s copper people are all flying. Chen Yang may not be known yesterday, but today has a reputation, and this reputation is only a few moments, and Zhang Xiaohua stepped on his feet!

Different from the surprise of others, Changsheng Master, Chang Xing Master and Chang Geng Master have long known that Zhang Xiaohua is extremely powerful. His Dafa Temple's law-protective disciples are not enough. The results are also expected. What they are surprised is the stick method used by Zhang Xiaohua!

When this stick method was first seen, it was similar to what Luohan stick, and then it was different, and there was also the shadow of the Tongtian stick method, but when they saw the end, they did not really see the complete Tongtian stick method!

"Is it a pass-through method for Ren Xiaoyao? Or is it other?" This is a common doubt in the hearts of the three masters.

"Well, this game is over, and the old man announced that the disciplinary disciple of the fragrant teaching method will win the battle!" With the announcement of the longevity master, the audience is full of boiling. Some of the dissatisfaction in the heart has disappeared. The sword is the perfect combination of strength and moves, it is really pleasing to the eye!

Unlike the elatedness of everyone in the audience, Chen Anode is repenting, reluctantly handing the "broken sword" in his arms to the longevity master, and the longevity master turned and smiled: "Ren Xiaozhu, the last time in Dalin Temple, only listen to Chang Geng’s younger brother. From your style, now you finally see it, it’s really good, it’s a generation of young man!”

Zhang Xiaohua’s “buzzling” is a laugh, saying: “If someone else said this, the kid can still be proud for a while, but how can these things see the eyes of the longevity master? Just now the kid has heard the teacher of Mo Zhengong say roughly Dalin Temple only sent disciples of the Yuanzi generation. The empty Zen and the empty giants did not come to power. If they came, how could they have the chance to have a kid? The master praised this, but laughed at the kid!"

The longevity master laughed and handed over the "Broken Knife" and said: "This is the reward of this sword. You have collected it. This cheat is a classic from the martial arts. The old man has seen it before, especially For those of you who have such good external skills, if you are organic, you may really set foot on the fairy road!"

Zhang Xiaohua’s heart was warm, and he took it by hand. He said: “Xie master pointed out!”

Yes, although Dalin Temple is a martial art with two sects, there are also some barriers between the two sects. Whether it is a long-lived master or a famous old man of the Tibetan Classics, he cares for him with an attitude of an elder and even gives Some pointers, perhaps these pointers may not be useful for Zhang Xiaohua, but this kind of care Zhang Xiaohua is extremely useful.

Therefore, Zhang Xiaohua was only on the stage of the collapse, and he applied the newly learned Tongtian stick method. On the one hand, he practiced his hand, on the other hand, of course, he wanted to return the Dalin Temple.

Sure enough, the old grower asked: "The old man still has a question to ask Ren Xiaozhu."

"Master please speak!" Zhang Xiaohua replied with a smile.

"The stick method that was once used by Xiao Shizhu... Is it the cheat in my Dalin Temple?"

Zhang Xiaohua asked: "What do the masters think?"

"The plausible, like and not like, seems to be a mixture of many sticks!"

Zhang Xiaohua said: "Listen to Master Chang Geng, the world has martial arts out of Dalin. Presumably this stick method is also true. Perhaps, maybe not, if the master can understand it, it is naturally the sticking method of Dalin Temple!"

Zhang Xiaohua did not directly mention the Tianlu method from beginning to end, but the Changsheng Master did not seem to ask again. He only slightly sighed at the gods, meaning profoundly: "Yan Xiao Shizhu really... The Buddha is deeply rooted. If there is a chance in the future, please ask the small donor. Go to Dalin Temple!"

“Going to Dalin Temple?” Zhang Xiaohua thought about the nine-piece lotus table and bamboo that was taken directly from the Buddha space in Dalin Temple, as well as the wind beads. He immediately wanted to shake his head into a rattle, but he immediately read: “ I still have to grow up and grow up. When I have a chance, my disciples must go!"

As for when there is a fate, that is, Zhang Xiaohua has the final say!

Long growing old smiles and no longer speaks. When I first return to the high platform, Zhang Xiaohua also goes in. At this time, the dream has already seen Zhang Xiaohua’s great deity, and he sneaked at him more than a thumb. Zhang Xiaohua would laugh, but Let Jialou Luo brow slightly wrinkled.

On the high platform, Zhang Xiaohua took out the "Broken Sword" and "If the Water Flow" and handed it to the quiet teacher, saying: "The disciple is fortunate not to be insulted, these two cheats..."

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