Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1043: Wulin Conference (18)

The first thousand and forty-three chapters of the Wulin Conference (18)

Zhang Xiaohua is also extremely sensitive at this time, but he can't release his own knowledge, and quickly sneak his mind and hide the gods and instinct deeply!

Above the high platform, everyone reacted differently. The quiet teacher was too strange. When I looked up to the place where God knew, the longevity master was picking up the eyebrows. I didn’t consciously stand up, Bai Yanqiu’s late night, eyes 睁It’s round, like discovering something incredible. Of course, her performance is not as good as that of Kaloulou. Galoulou’s “call” slammed from the high platform and flew straight in the air, outside the Huaiyu Palace. And go.

Zhang Sanmeng Lord... but his face was slightly red, and then some whitish, look at the strangeness of the people around him, quickly close his eyes, and after a while, will return to normal, and look to the outside of Huaiyu Palace.

In the Huaiyu Palace, about 2,000 people are listening to Jing Yi’s words too. It’s strange to see the difference on the high platform. They are all turning their heads...

At this time, a very pleasant voice sounded: "The fragrant sacred and the sacred door must be re-emerged. How can the King of Heaven not come to see it?"

With the sound, a tall, thin figure dressed in black floated in the air, as if it were a god, flying in from the Huaiyu Palace! The back of the black man’s back is slightly lower, and his face is respectful!

"The emperor released the sky!" Jing Yi teacher too blurted out, look at the long growing old side, Bai Yanqiu and Zhang Sanmeng masters are also afraid to sneak up and stand up, and greeted a few steps forward.

The black man fell from the air, and it fell on the high platform. One voice sounded: "The inheritance of the five schools of thought, the king has not participated for many years, can not think of today can come! Longevity, quiet, you can wait it is good?"

"Very good, very good, the emperor released the sky, you can be good?" Jing Yi Shi and the long growing old eyes are a little nervous, but the face is piled with a smile, said.

"Is this the emperor's release?" Under the high stage, Zhang Xiaohua accompanied the dream and looked far away: "Look at this floating technique, but it is no different."

Zhang Xiaohua is not proud of his flying skills, and then very curious to look at the Emperor Shi Tiantian, who was mentioned before Qin Shiyue, the leader of Tianlongjiao!

Emperor Shitian dressed in black, the style of this clothing is rather weird, it seems to be tightly wrapped around the body, the emperor's entire head is hidden in the fight, do not know what is strange in the fight, can not see the face of the emperor . Although the emperor released the sky on the platform, it seems that the foot did not really fall to the ground.

"The teacher did not expect the emperor to release the day, so there is a long way to meet, but also hope to forgive." Jing Yi teacher said with a smile.

"It is a matter of course, this King is also a temporary decision, and did not directly inform you of the fragrant teaching, made an uninvited guest, but also hope that a few forgive me!"

In the face of this first person in the rivers and lakes, in addition to the long growing old and the home quiet teacher can still cope with it, Bai Yanqiu and Zhang San have some shackles, do not know how to move. Under the platform, not to mention, the silence of the scene, a footstep sound came from outside the Huaiyu Palace is a dozen disciples of the Tianlong teaching, sneaked in, walked under the high platform, standing down.

"Okay, let's sit down!" The emperor Shi Tianyi waved his hand and walked to the front of the five chairs and sat down in the middle of the seat.

The quiet teacher was too frowned, but he could cover it and sit down next to the emperor's day. He grew up and looked at it. He also sat down. Bai Yanqiu looked at Zhang Sanmeng and went to the emperor to release the heavenly ceremony. In the water, Baiyan Qiuqiu, I have seen the Emperor Shi Tiantian!"

"Well, it was originally called the water cloud, I thought it was called the knife door!" After the emperor said, he would stop talking.

Bai Yanqiu is boring, can't dare to say anything, bow down and find the chair next to Jingyi Shitai to sit down.

Zhang San stepped forward and was also an archer: "I have seen the emperor to release Heavenly King!"

"Well, Zhang San, I haven't seen you for a long time, you... Hey, Wugong has made great progress!" The emperor Shi Tian looked at Zhang San very strangely.

Zhang San’s face changed slightly and smiled: “If you make progress, you can’t be the opponent of the emperor’s day!”

"That's not necessarily awkward!" said the emperor Shi Tiantian: "The world's martial arts are returned to the sect, and in the end, they can all be trained to the extreme!"

Zhang San arbitrarily coped with a few sentences, and the last chair sat.

"Heaven, don't know how you feel free to come to me to teach you?" Jing Yi teacher laughed.

"Silence, your words are... contrary to the heart, don't you know that this king will come?" Di Shitian replied.

Jing Yi Shi nodded and looked around. He said: "I know that the king wants to come, but I didn't expect to come so soon, I didn't expect it to be on this occasion!"

Immediately, he said: "Heavenly waits."

Then, I got up and walked to the front: "You, the sword of the martial arts conference has ended. I pass the fragrant religion to recite the food. Please drink it in your arms. If anyone wants to leave now, I teach The disciples also pointed out on the way. Because the Tianlong teaches the emperor to visit the heavens, he can't greet you. I am sorry, the matter below the martial arts conference is responsible for Xuezhen Shitai!"

Said that the snow cherries too nodded, went to the emperor's day, said: "Also ask the king to follow the teaching!"

"Well," the emperor nodded, but his eyes were swept away. It was the dream of seeing the audience together with Zhang Xiaohua.

Jing Yi Shi said to the long growing old, Bai Yanqiu and Zhang San: "This teaching has to say something to the emperor, and the three are also free!"

"Oh, Jing Yi Shi Tai, the martial arts conference has ended, the old buddy will not bother here, wait for the opportunity to come back later!" Long growing old hands together, smiled: "The emperor released the king of heaven, goodbye later!"

"哼" is like the Buddha's devil is incompatible, the emperor released the sky to see the growth of the old and pleasing to the eye, only a slight sigh, no longer speak, far from the enthusiasm that was first revealed.

Bai Yanqiu and Zhang San looked at each other and also said goodbye.

Zhang San was impatient, and thought of dealing with the peaks. After he finished his speech, he immediately went out of Huaiyu Palace.

Zhang Xiaohua stood in the distance and saw Zhang San hurriedly leave. Naturally, he knew why he was, his brow wrinkled, and he wanted to go out. After all, Zhang Xiaohu’s sword refers to the peak, which is where the Zhengdao League is now. Inevitably, Zhang Xiaohua still has some unwillingness to his second brother.

Yes, look at some of the twinkling dreams next to it, Zhang Xiaohua sighed, perhaps first help the dream to figure out his own life.

Sure enough, the emperor released the sky and the quiet teacher too disappeared in the palace soon, the peacock came to dream, and Zhang Xiaohua.

It is still the small palace, but at this time, a layer of ban has been placed on the outside of the palace, and no one can hear the sound inside.

The peacock brought the dream and Zhang Xiaohua into the small palace and sneaked out.

"You...called Ren Xiaoyao?" The emperor said that the two men came in and did not speak directly to the dream. Instead, they asked Zhang Xiaohua first.

Zhang Xiaohua only thinks that the emperor has released the gods and sees them all over the body. Under the fight, the two eyes are also shot, and the sweeping up and down seems to be the secret of the whole body. figure it out! And a faint pressure is also with the knowledge of God, the pressure on his body, but also on the heart, so that Zhang Xiaohua has a breathless feeling!

Zhang Xiaohua saw the situation, did not feel the heart jumped, the forehead saw a slight sweat, tacit mind, and tried to cover up his cultivation!

About a sip of tea, the emperor released the genius to withdraw the gods, and his eyes also left Zhang Xiaohua, looking at the dream.

Zhang Xiaohua sneaked the sweat on his forehead, and then I remembered it. I immediately said to the court: "In the sacred teaching method, the disciples are happy, and I have seen the emperor!"

"Well," the emperor looked at the dream, but said to Zhang Xiaohua: "You, very good, although I have been stunned, but ... can persist in this majesty, it is already very valuable!"

"Majestic?" Zhang Xiaohua stunned, said: "Is the pressure just now? This is the majesty of the door? It seems that... there is nothing great!"

However, he smiled and said: "Don't dare, the disciple is a late-time student, there are still many things to learn from the predecessors!"

"Well, well, I have a lot of inheritance in Tianlong teaching. Since you only have martial arts and have not cultivated any immortality, you can naturally cultivate. When you return to Tianlong, I will practice some of them."

"Hey?" Zhang Xiaohua yelled, and asked: "Disciples... disciples follow the king of heaven... Tianlong teach?"

When the emperor disregarded him, he asked: "How did you meet Xiaoya? Tell me the story of the matter! Oh, yes, I have found a lot of clues in this period of time, let me talk about it. ......"

Zhang Xiaohua looked at the dream, and the dream was still low, and she didn't know what was in her mind. So she started from the first side of the dream and talked about finding a small village outside the town!

Of course, Zhang Xiaohua is talking about dreams. His own things are not to talk about, hey, presumably, even if Zhang Xiaohua wants to talk about it, people may not be willing to listen to it!

After the Zhang Xiaohua finished speaking, the emperor nodded and asked: "Xiaoya, you...what must you know your own life?"

"Yu Emperor released the sky, I... already know, but my memories are all forgotten, and... I don’t know... Why is the mother-in-law, the sage of the dragon, my own... and... why? It has been missing for many years!"

"Well, your mother is not a sacred ambassador. The sacred ambassador is the external name. Your mother is my god. I am teaching the last virgin! However, because... for other reasons, she left the Tianlong religion and chose to be in the small mountain village. Life. What is the reason for this, this seat does not have to say now, you will definitely understand later!"

"And you... is the goddess of my generation who teaches this generation!"

"I?" The dream raised his head in horror, and he was extremely puzzled: "This thing... I don't know why?"

The emperor looked at the familiar face of the dream and smiled: "You silly boy..."

Then, look at the Jingyi Shi Taidao: "This is my Tianlong teaching affairs. Does the teacher avoid it?"

"Oh, of course..." Jing Yi Shi stood up and left.

Zhang Xiaohua also wants to go with him, but he is stopped by the emperor: "No one is away, this is also related to you!"

"I???" Zhang Xiaohua is inexplicable.

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