Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1047: Little black and little yellow

The first thousand and forty-seven chapters of Xiaohei and Xiaohuang

"Ha ha ha, Xiao Huang? Xiao Hei??" Zhang Xiaohua stood in the air, his face was full of smiles, his heart was also a warm anomaly, and the sadness caused by the dream leaving was diluted a lot.

However, when the time was half-column, Xiao Huang came first, only to see that it was only about a foot in front of Zhang Xiaohua. It was stopped, a tail that was bigger than its entire body, gently squatting behind the back, quiet Quietly floating in the air.

There is a faint voice in Zhang Xiaohua’s heart: "Mother is... is that you?"

Zhang Xiaohua’s face was awkward and she didn’t know how to answer it. Only in her heart: “This kid, Laozi was originally a man, how could he become a mother?”

At this time, Xiao Huang seems to understand the general, the small eyes are showing joy, the big tail is a glimpse, the "噌" sound falls on the shoulder of Zhang Xiaohua, two small claws licking the head of Zhang Xiaohua The abnormality of relatives is just this intimacy, and Zhang Xiaohua’s hair can be messed up.

Zhang Xiaohua felt the intimacy of Xiao Huang, but also reached out. It was the relatives' care of Xiao Huang’s body. Xiao Huang was used to it, and the small head was holding Zhang Xiaohua’s hand, one after another.

"Wang ~ ~", a black shadow is also flying, like Xiao Huang, but also flew to the front and stopped, Zhang Xiaohua just felt a voice in his heart shouted: "Hey, is it you? ?"

I saw Xiao Huang’s “噌” as soon as he flew away, and he fell straight into the black body, and suddenly he threw the black.

Although the black body is a little bigger than the little yellow, it can't be prevented from falling down, and then, the black anger screams, stands up again, shoots a small paw, hits Xiao Huang's face, and plays Xiao Huang. After a glimpse, Xiao Huang did not do it, and the big tail was smashed, and it was on the little black face. The black "Wang" sounded like a pain!

"Broken" Zhang Xiaohua was shocked when he saw it: "Is it true that two little things don't know each other?"

Think about it too. After I was born, I have been in my arms, but I have never opened my eyes. How can I know?

Zhang Xiaohua quickly flew to two things, and was about to separate them. In my heart, there was a voice: "I said it was awkward, that is, how could it be a mother-in-law?"

"It’s a mother, I’ve been calling it all the time, you’re mistaken.”

"I am right, hey, that's it!"

"I am right, it is a mother, it is a mother!"

"Halo ~" Zhang Xiaohua realized at this time, the original ... two small things for this to make trouble!

Zhang Xiaohua stood there crying and laughing, only waiting for two small things to make trouble, a small thing and a shoulder, is standing on the shoulder of Zhang Xiaohua, my heart has been noisy: "Hey, tell it, you are jealous." ”

Another dissatisfaction: "Mother, tell it, you are a mother!"

If it refers to a direction, Zhang Xiaohua may be able to use his hand. If he is eating something, Zhang Xiaohua may also be able to use gestures, but... Niang Qinhe, these two, Zhang Xiaohua really do not know how to talk to them, think For a while, only stretched out their hands, patted their heads, nodded on the left, and nodded on the right!

Well, let alone, it’s quite useful. The two little things are quiet, thinking that Zhang Xiaohua agrees with them!

"Hey, my heart is finally clean!" Zhang Xiaohua sighed.

Then look at the sky, Zhang Xiaohua will let go of the gods, find a cliff below, put the jade character out, ban the cloth, sit on the knees, practice the worry-free heart.

And two small things, seeing the stars falling, are also happy, each of their strange postures float next to Zhang Xiaohua, a lot of starlight, they are also inhaled into the body!

Wake up in the morning, look at the chasing in the air for a while, and Xiao Huang and Xiao He, who are playing on the ground for a while, Zhang Xiaohua has a sunshine in his heart.

Immediately, it was frowning, as if I had forgotten something. After a moment, I suddenly took a forehead and took out two small stone from my arms. Yuan Shigang just took it out. Xiao Huang and Xiao He immediately noticed that they all flew. Come over, floating on the hand of Zhang Xiaohua, very eye-catching.

"Oh," Zhang Xiaohua stretched his hand and handed Yuan Shi to the front of two things. Xiao Huang and Xiao Hei looked at Zhang Xiaohua, Zhang Xiaohua nodded, and two small things turned a few somersaults in the air at the same time, then small Huang "smacked" a white light from the nose, sucking the little stone into it little by little, and Xiaohe said a "white" light from the mouth, also see Xiaoyuanshi swallowing!

"Always?" Zhang Xiaohua thought, and took two out of his arms, but this time, the two little things only sniffed with the nose and shook his head slightly.

"Well, I want to be full." Zhang Xiaohua put away Yuanshi, put two small things on his shoulders, his body shape floating in the air, looking at the direction of the fragrant peak, thinking about something.

He went to the fragrant peak last night. He was thinking about it. He was quietly waiting for the teacher to wait for him. He went to the monument under the fragrant peak and tried to use the method of refining the fossil monument. Received, and then look at the benefits, you can see two small things delayed the time, and now go, fear of inconvenience, it is estimated that the guardian of the Ruijindian day will be strict, he may be alarmed.

"Forget it, I have gotten a lot of good things from the people's fragrant teaching. The monument is left to the quiet teacher." Zhang Xiaohua made up his mind and flew away, turning back *** nearby.

When I found Huanhuan, I didn’t feel like I was scared by Xiaohuang and Xiaohe immediately. I walked away and didn’t dare to approach. “How can this be good?” Zhang Xiaohua was very puzzled, remember Xiao Huang when they were young, I also took them with them and did not like them!

Nothing, Zhang Xiaohua stretched his fingers and pointed four, but also in the middle of the air, and secretly recited himself: "You two... fly first, follow me on, wait to go out and say!"

The two little things are quite well-behaved. I don't know if I understand it, or I understand it. Anyway, I flew up. Then Zhang Xiaohua took the four, but I took it and went to the direction of Dianchi.

Two small things flew so fast, and the figure was hidden in the mountain forest, but it was not discovered by others!

It’s easy. In a few days, Zhang Xiaohua came to Jinghai Lake. In these few days, Zhang Xiaohua had long wanted to fly out. I can think of myself as a person who is too concerned about the quiet teacher. If you don’t let people look away, or leave at a normal speed, it will definitely make you quiet. Yi Shi is too suspicious, and may even send people to find himself in the sacred religion. Therefore, it is still not to be able to ride on the four to come to Jinghai Lake.

Zhang Xiaohua is no longer a disciple of law-protection. It seems that the law of the quiet teacher is also passed to Jinghai Lake. Moreover, Zhang Xiaohua’s performance on the sword at the Wulin Conference that day also passed to Jinghai Lake with the departure of people from the rivers and lakes. Therefore, although the disciples of the fragrant teachings did not have the previous respect, they still had a smile on their faces. Zhang Xiaohua was obviously different from the disciples of other sects. At least, when taking a boat in Jinghai Lake, Zhang Xiaohua enjoyed the preferential treatment. !

Waiting for the shore, Zhang Xiaohua is a bit embarrassed, looking for the disciples of the Ruijin Temple who had been in front of Dianchi, and asked him to go to a secluded place, using the ecstasy to ask the information of the disciples. This is only riding four without leaving!

"The disciples of the sects left more than a month ago. It was after I left Dalin Temple with my dreams. At that time, the entire rivers and lakes did not know that the portal of the fragrant sects was wide open. I am afraid that it is not just the right way, but Other sects will not know the departure of the sects!" Zhang Xiaohua rides on the back of Huanhuan, secretly pondering: "Because the portal of this sacred religion is also open to the expectations of the quiet teacher too, she... she How can we make a decision to let the sects go out to spread the fragrant religion in a short period of time? Is it not that she will not be afraid that the sect will never return?"

"Hey, this quiet teacher is too, really good, is not the leader of the fragrant teaching, presumably..... I must have planned this early, and the various reactions of the sect will be counted. The portal is only open. But it is to give her an early chance. If there is no such opportunity, then it will take another year and a half, and I will start it!" Zhang Xiaohua sighed and thought: "Maybe, I don't have to think so much, wait to see. The second brother can just ask!"

"Well, my second brother has been away for more than a month. I spent more than two months from Pingyang City to Mocho City. From Mo Zhencheng to Chuanjiao, I used it for ten days, but if it was the second brother, they went back to Pingyang directly from the fragrant teaching. City, afraid that it will take less than two months? However, thousands of them, while walking, will cover up the traces, and it may not be much faster."

At this time, Zhang Xiaohua has already passed the fragrant teaching. There are still many people in the rivers and lakes on the road. Zhang Xiaohua knows it. Seeing that Xiaohei and Xiaohuang have bypassed Dianchi, they are heading in their own direction, so they look Seeing the four underneath is not like a brow, if you are riding a quad, you don’t have to travel for more than a month to get to Pingyang City. At that time, I am afraid that the battle with the Zhengdao League will end soon. Can't help the second brother, let alone protect!

I only have to use the flying technique to catch up with the disciples!

However, what should Huanhuan do?

Suddenly, Huanhuan was frightened. He threw his legs into the jungle next to the mountain road. Zhang Xiaohua smiled bitterly. Needless to say, the little yellow and black in the air came again.

However, just arrived in the jungle, Zhang Xiaohua’s heart moved. These four were not caught by the disciples of Tuodantang in Tianmufeng earlier. They could still be escaped by four, but they have not been found. If they put it here, maybe It can also be stable!

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaohua jumped from Huanhuan’s back, took the parcel, patted the four bald horns, and smiled: “Huanhuan, I have something important, I can’t take care of you for the time being, you... Find a place to hide here, wait for me to finish things, have a chance to come back to you, how?"

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