Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1050: Blood confession

The first thousand and fifty chapters of the blood

In fact, just now, when Jia Luluo mentioned the blood vessels that recognized the Lord, Zhang Xiaohua thought about it. At this time, he saw more and more dense, more and more red-red smoke. Zhang Xiaohua immediately remembered I got the wind beads I got in the Forbidden Valley in Dalin Temple.

I remember that the wind was very unruly at that time, and the bamboo that suppressed it was consumed by it. However, when I collected the wind, I was cut by the wind of the wind, and a drop of blood was dripped. After the wind, the wind beads are much more honest, and there is no evil wind blowing.

"It is difficult, that is, blood is confessed to the Lord?" Zhang Xiaohua thought to himself.

Thinking about it, the red-red smoke has already approached Zhang Xiaohua, looking at the meaning of Jialuoluo, but also wants to pack Zhang Xiaohua in the smoke, and then kill.

Zhang Xiaohua quickly flew up about a mile, and the explorer took out the jade from the belt, and the ban on the jade was still there. The gods were still there, and nothing happened. Zhang Xiaohua opened the jade, and took the wind beads in his hands. Sure enough, there was a feeling of blood connected. "How, how can we release the wind?" Zhang Xiaohua wondered.

The wonderful thing is that Zhang Xiaohua’s thought just flashed in his mind. A suction force from the wind buds is now, and the true air in Zhang Xiaohua’s meridians is sucked into the wind, and then a sinister wind is coming from the wind. Beyond the beads, the sound of "呜" was scraped off into the smoke of Jialuluo. The wind was only a glimpse at first, and it was already a gust of wind in the smoke!

It was the nemesis of the smoke. When the wind was blown, all the red smog was blown clean, revealing the caralo with an incredible expression on his face, and then there was another wind blowing, "咔嚓" A crackling sound, the wind actually blows a crack in the white bone floating on the head of Jialou Luo!

"Ah?" Jialou Luo was shocked, and immediately walked away, and the bones were also in his hands!

Other Tianlong who stood in the distance to watch the battle, saw the Jialou Luoqi walk, did not stop, turned around and went to the direction of Jialou Luofei!

Seeing their clumsy look, it seems that they have never experienced such awkwardness!

At this time, Zhang Xiaohua was also pale, just two evil winds, sucking 90% of his body's true gas, let him have the heart to kill the thief, but also unable to chase!

"Blood and blood confessed to the Lord? It is really wonderful, but... I didn't think I could be the master of this temperament? Otherwise it wouldn't let it **** my infuriating!" Zhang Xiaohua thought, the wind beads Also earned jade!

At this time, Xiaohei and Xiaohuang followed the fall from the sky, and some strange eyes looked at Zhang Xiaohua’s income in the belt, while Zhang Pinger’s face showed surprise, a few steps forward, and fell to the tunnel: "Thank you for your help!"

Zhang Xiaohua waved his hand and lifted Zhang Pinger out of thin air. He smiled and said: "Moxi, Moshe, the poor road is just the right time. Anyone will reach out!"

Immediately look at this uninhabited wasteland, frowning: "This place is dangerous, not a long-term plan, where is the girl, the poor road to send you a ride?"

Zhang Ping's face was bitter and shook his head. He said: "In the next long time, there is no loved one in other places. Nowadays, the fragrant teaching has already been abandoned. This is the world, but it is no longer in the place!"

"This..." Zhang Xiaohua was a bit embarrassed.

When Zhang Pinger suddenly thought of something, he fell to the ground and cried: "Chen Chang is merciful. Can you discard your disciple under the door? It is the disciple who is a cow and a horse, and he must repay the grace of the fairy!"

"Hey? This is a good idea!" Zhang Xiaohua's face is a hi, the Beidou faction at this time, in addition to Zhang Xiaohua, is estimated to be a small donkey, a puppy, um, and the Nie that must be included in the door wall Qian Qian, if you receive Zhang Pinger, you can also add popularity!

So Zhang Xiaohua nodded: "You get up."

"Disciples obey!" Zhang Pinger heard that Zhang Xiaohua did not refuse, and he was happy in his heart. He got up from the ground and changed his name in the mouth!

"I must know that the poor road is the person of the immortal. This cultivation of the immortality is no more than the martial art. If it is impossible to get started, it will be awkward in life."

"The disciple is not afraid, even if the disciple does not have any gains, as long as he can be under the wing of Master, he will be satisfied!"

"Hey, how is it so simple? If your qualifications are not good, what is the use of my fairy door?" Zhang Xiaohua smiled: "The teacher's things, first Moti, wait for the poor road to have time, look at your qualifications, Handle it together."

"Thank you Master, you are sure!" Zhang Pinger said with joy.

"Well, well, since I want to worship the poor as a teacher, that poor road can't leave you alone!" Zhang Xiaohua turned his eyes and thought of a way, saying: "You close your eyes and wait for me to ask you to open." , you open it again!"

"Yes, Master" Zhang Pinger closed his eyes to obey.

Zhang Xiaohua reached out to take a look at Zhang Ping's waist and flew in the air, flying back with Xiaohei and Xiaohuang.

When I came to the place where he had thrown four things like Huanhuan, he fell down and said to Zhang Pinger, who was already full of blushing: "Okay, you blink!"

Zhang Pinger opened her eyes according to her words. She didn't see where it was, but she was very clever and didn't ask. She only whispered: "I don't know Master took the disciples here? This is Master's. What about the residence?"

Zhang Xiaohua shook his head and said: "The poor road is temporarily trivial and cannot be returned to the government. The poor road has also left a registered disciple in Huichun Valley. The poor road can't send you back to Chungu. Now I want to help you find a mount. You ride. It’s good to go back to Spring Valley!”

"Huichun Valley, Nie Qianxi?" How did Zhang Pinger not know? Surprised: "The disciple knows about this, but... But isn’t Nie Qian’s going to the Beidou faction? Master is this...”

Zhang Xiaohua’s mysterious shook his head: “You should leave it alone.”

Said, from the arms is also a jade message sent to Zhang Pinger, said: "This jade is the same as Nie Qianxi, you just have to explain things to her!"

"Yes, the disciple knows!" Zhang Pinger took over the jade and carefully hid it. Just raised her head, it was the fear of seeing the distance, and she wanted to look forward to the four different images. I didn't feel like blurting out: "Happy Huan?"

"Happy Huan?" Zhang Xiaohua was surprised by the pretense. One pointed out that the four did not look like: "Is it? Do you know?"

Zhang Ping's face fluttered red, whispered: "Yes, this is a disciple who had a very good relationship with the brothers before the sacred teaching. However, it should be in the fragrant teaching, how to get here?"

"Ha ha" Zhang Xiaohua smiled and said: "So very good, the poor road still wants to help you find a mount, you actually met the mount of the old man, here is the mountain road, there is no scented disciple in the surrounding area. This animal may have been abandoned by your brother?"

"No, the brothers are very concerned about this four!" Zhang Pinger shook his head.

"But, you didn't look at the four look like it? A bitter and hateful, is it abandoned?" Zhang Xiaohua looked around: "It's close to the mountain road. If it is seen by others, maybe it will be caught." If it is a mount or a small thing, if it is killed and eaten, if your brother knows, isn’t it extremely sad?”

"Yeah, what can I do?" Thinking of Zhang Xiaohua's sadness, Zhang Pinger also had no idea.

"You must ride first, wait until you meet this brother, and then he is not too late?" Zhang Xiaohua smiled and said: "You saved his mount, he can not blame you!"

"This..." Zhang Pinger also felt very reasonable when she heard it. She only nodded.

"Well, you go up, Huichungu seems to be in that direction, you can ask while you are walking." Zhang Xiaohua pointed to the direction and said: "When the poor roads are finished, I will go to Chungu to find you. !"

"Master...you can't ... drop your disciples!" Zhang Ping said pitifully.

"No, the poor road is the person of the immortal, the most stressful!" Zhang Xiaohua could not laugh, turned around and flew north.

Zhang Pinger didn't see Zhang Xiaohua flying, only patted her cheek, and realized that this was really not a dream, only to rejoice in the direction of Chungu!

Zhang Xiaohua flew back all the way, and he searched for the harpsichord that was thrown on the ground, and then went north.

Just once and for all today, it was fighting with Jialou Luo, and used the infuriating body of the whole body. Although Zhang Pinger had already recovered some before, it was waiting for the sunset, and there was a lack of infuriating. Zhang When the small flowers saw it, they no longer hurry. In the wilderness, they found a small hut that seemed to be used by hunters for hunting. They fell down and laid down the ban to start regaining infuriating.

Waiting for the fullness of the gas, the moon is also high!

Zhang Xiaohua stretched out and let go of the gods. After watching it for a long time, there was nothing unusual. Only then did the wind beaded out. The wind is still like that. It’s an honest, quietly staying inside the jade, can be small flowers. I will not be able to immerse myself in the knowledge of the gods.

"Blood and blood confessed to the Lord? It seems that it is not as good as sacrifice!" Zhang Xiaohua secretly thought, in addition to the feeling of blood and blood, in addition to being able to blow out evil winds, other Zhang Xiaohua still do not know!

"What about other instruments?" Zhang Xiaohua immediately thought of the instruments that the gods could not penetrate.

Zhang Xiaohua first took out the bamboo that suppressed the wind beads. He bit his heart and bit a bite on his finger. A drop of blood containing gold wire dripped on the bamboo of the Qijie, watching the blood drop still be absorbed. The same infiltration into the bamboo, Zhang Xiaohua suddenly burst into shock: "Hey, inside my blood, how can there be golden filaments? Is it not... What serious illness did I get?"

Zhang Xiaohua was very flustered to give herself the pulse. She saw the **** in her body for a long time, and could not find any abnormality. It was the infuriating in the meridians and slowly went for a week, and still did not find any clues.

"This... what is going on?" Zhang Xiaohua wondered.

At this time, the bamboo of the seven festivals suddenly gave off a faint Buddha light, and then it was extinguished, and Zhang Xiaohua’s mind seemed to have some inexplicable things, and the bamboo in the hands of Zhang Xiaohua also had a blood connection. Feeling it!

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