Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1052: Lu Yueming's mind

The first thousand and fifty-two chapters of Lu Yueming's mind

"Oh, okay! I haven't let these people go, but I still have a hair!" Zhang Xiaohua thought about it, but when he looked at it again, the so-called 昊天镜 actually had The mouth of the 18th layer of rituals has a corresponding magical power after each layer of rituals. If you want to break through the space and shuttle through time and space, you are afraid of the 18th floor that you can't always sacrifice.

Waiting for Zhang Xiaohua to memorize the first layer of the mouth and try to cultivate, this is almost vomiting blood.

The only layer of the mouth of the scorpion mirror is enough for him to slowly ponder the middle of the refining, let alone talk about the so-called eighteen layers? Moreover, the instinct used in the use of this celestial mirror is also huge. If it is only used for protection, Zhang Xiaohua's instinct is more than enough. If it is an attack, in addition to the attack of the self-protection method of the Mirror, any other attack, as long as it One kind, absolutely take the instinct in Zhang Xiaohua's meridians.

It seems that this celestial mirror is not the instrument used by the refiners in the realm of Zhang Xiaohua!

"Nothing, no help!" Zhang Xiaohua shrugged his shoulders and sent the surnamed Zhang’s mirror to the purse. He shouted no help, yeah, or first familiarize the mouth with the rituals, and slowly sacrifice it!

It is said that Zhang Xiaohua is also extremely declining. There are a lot of implements in the belt, but some of them are not some garbage. They are some of the best, and they can use them very little. On the other hand, some other ones can be used, such as purple phoenix. The gamma disk is not the right way to come, and can't be taken out.

Well, there are still some things that you can't figure out, such as: five elements of beads, blue gourd, earth heart, yin and yang fruit... forget it, don't say it, say much, Zhang Xiaohua has to be sad.

This night, Zhang Xiaohua rested in the grass house in the wilderness, and the worry-free heart was still cultivated. Two small things, Xiaohei and Xiaohuang, also curled up in the starlight, instinctively adjusting the interest.

In the early morning, Zhang Xiaohua did not hurry to hurry. First, he practiced the Beidou Shenquan, and took out the cooked copper rods. In a fresh and fragrant earthy fragrance, he practiced the Tongtianshu method several times. On the same day, the tiger said, if Chen Yang won, this cooked copper rod will be sent to Zhang Xiaohua. After the collapse, Zhang Xiaohua did not find the tiger cub, decisively put the cooked copper rod away, gave the tiger a The opportunity to keep your promise.

The Tongtian stick method has a total of three hundred and sixty moves. The more Zhang Xiaohua is practicing, the more comfortable he is. The more the infuriating flow in the body is, the smoother it is. It is necessary to say that there is any specific benefit in cultivation. Zhang Xiaohua himself cannot say clearly. I feel that as long as I have been practicing all the time, not to mention the skillfulness of the moves, the battle can be cheap, and it will have a profound impact on my cultivation!

When the sun is over, Zhang Xiaohua is leaving, and it is going north!

In order not to get lost, Zhang Xiao Lai flies, while releasing the knowledge, waiting to see what the market town, that is, falling, quietly looking for someone to inquire!

So it took more than eight days to fly.

On this day, just as Zhang Xiaohua flew in the air, he suddenly found out that on the spacious official road, there was a team of caravans, and the caravan suddenly caught his attention.

It’s not that this caravan is different from other caravans. It’s not what the caravan sells. It’s just because one of the caravans of this caravan, Zhang Xiaohua looks quite familiar, wait carefully. I want to come, it is Zhang Xiaohua followed Zhang Xiaohu, Zhou Mufeng Zhou Shishu, who came across the mountain village of Shixinfeng Houshan, it was Zhou Mufeng’s martial arts loss, it was Zhang Xiaohua’s broken Dantian with Runmai. Repaired.

"Oh, it turned out to be the old, weak and sick of the sects. They...and they came out." Zhang Xiaohua smiled, and the acquaintance looked at the caravan carefully. This caravan is not big, only a few dozen people. In addition to Zhou Mufeng and other people, Zhang Xiaohua is not aware of it. I think that thousands of people in the mountain villages are all zero, and they are on the road, in order not to cause the righteous alliance, or the attention of other rivers and lakes.

Since I saw the disciples of the sect, the little tiger is not far away. Zhang Xiaohua’s heart is anxious, speeding up, and wanting to see the second brother earlier.

However, it took a few more days to fly, and there was Zhang Xiaohua’s heart. I also saw a lot of disciples on the road, not to mention Li Jian, Liu Qingyang, Shi Niu and others in the village. Wen Wenhai, Lu Yueming, Xue Qing and He Tianshu also met, but they did not see Zhang Xiaohu!

"Hey? Why is this? It's hard to be... The second brother is left? Not right!" Zhang Xiaohua wondered, fell from the air, and shook his body, hiding in the carriage, vertical Listen to the movement inside your ears!

This carriage is quite large, it is the dress of the rich merchants, sitting in Wenwenhai and Lu Yueming, both of them sitting cross-legged and closing their eyes, seemingly hurrying to practice.

After waiting for a while, Zhang Xiaohua was somewhat intolerant and was about to get up. He saw Lu Yueming open his eyes, open his mouth, want to say something, and shut up. At this time, Wen Wenhai also opened his eyes and smiled: "Luo Shidi, if there is anything, can do as much as possible, why do you want to swear again and again? Is it a matter of Xiaohu?"

"Oh, yes!" Lu Yueming asked Wen Wenhai to ask, and he said: "In fact, I always wanted to talk to my brothers. I just had a preaching disciple, and I dare not reveal the wind!"

"Hey, Lu Shidi, the so-called break through the fan cage Fei Caifeng, and open the gold lock to go to the dragon, now I have already passed the fragrant teaching, this river and lake is big, can only be a sea leaps, the sky is high, the birds fly Now, why are you still afraid of those who teach the disciples?"

"Oh, Wen brothers have forgotten, I am still martial arts now, how can such a heroic? If you are seen by the disciples, I am afraid it will be bad for Xiaohu!"

Then I sighed again: "I don't know what Wen's brother feels. I really realized that the quiet teacher is so powerful. She... she can actually release the disciples of our school to spread the fragrant teaching. Sending disciples to help us rebuild the sect, she... she is not afraid... can't control us?"

"Yes!" Wen Wenhai also sighed: "This is the old means, I am afraid that Master will not use it when he is alive!"

"Yeah, although Master used to deal with Luoshuibang in the same year, it is also such a method, but also... I have left the home of Yu Yupeng, I am afraid that there is something in the water and rain. The quiet teacher is too good, no one is. Stay, I heard that even Li Shibo and Liu Shishu... they are all released!"

"Well, it's really big." Wen Wenhai nodded. "However, if the quiet teacher is too unprepared, my first one is not to believe!"

"Well, presumably the deputy lord called Qian Kunheng, and the disciples who are sent to help us, are also relying on the quiet teacher too!"

"I guess this is also one of them. Maybe there are two, so you have to ask the little tiger!"

"Well....." Lu Yueming had some gimmicks and half a scorpion, and he said: "And, the quiet teacher is pushing the tiger to the position of the lord, really... beyond my expectations, I think Wen’s brother has never Didn't think of it!"

"Really, I thought that the quiet teacher is too young to train the tiger for several years. When the time is ripe, slowly announce it, so I know it suddenly..."

"This is also the means of quieting too!" Lu Yueming sighed: "On the one hand, I found a chief disciple of the sect, and on the other hand, I found the most controllable one, that is, the most famous and righteous, and the most unjustified. It will allow me to wait for the disciples to listen to Xiao Hu’s command for the time being, and to make my disciples have a gap in their hearts. They can’t twist their minds into one!”

"Hey, can't you?" Wen Wenhai nodded in agreement, but did not ask more, presumably thought for a long time in his heart.

"Is it..." Lu Yueming thought for a moment and said: "Don't Wen's brother position the gang to help the lord...not tempted?"

See Wen Wenhai saying nothing, Lu Yueming said: "Before... I lost all my skills. I can't do anything about this position. But now... it's different. Master Zhang is not there. When you are led by Wen, you..."

"Ha ha ha" Wen Wenhai chuckled, said: "Lu Shidi, you... tell me how to say you? You and my brothers for many years, what do you want, I can't know? You also have any words to set me up. In fact, as early as when Xiao Hu gave me a cure and told me about the chief disciple of the ancestral hall, I have already made my mind clear to him. This is the so-called sorrowful lord, and now the gang leader, I didn't put it in my eyes. Oh, actually, even if I put it in my eyes, can I grab it with my disciples? Can I fight with the benefactors who have restored their skills?"

"Hey!" Lu Yueming smiled and stopped talking.

"Lu Shidi, I know that you greatly appreciate Xiao Xi's chivalrous heart, and want to fulfill him. Since you all think, how can I not think of this master? If you say, grab this position, now you and me, Not qualified?"

“Hey?” Lu Yueming heard, not surprised: “Who else? Are other brothers still alive?”

"The other brothers and sisters are alive, I don't know, but... we still have three divisions and uncles... but they are alive!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Hey, that can be broken. If it is Shibo, they have to compete with Jingyi, and maybe the position of Xiaohu is still unstable!"

"Hey, this Lu Shidi doesn't have to worry about it. If it only cures Li Shibo and Liu Shishu, Zhang Xiaohua's position really needs to be considered, but... Listening to Xiaohu, he will be all the disciples of the Lushan Villa... It is cured! You said, the two uncles... How can I grab him again?"

"Ah?" Lu Yueming completely dropped his chin: "How is it possible? Is it difficult for Zhang Xiaohu to meet the gods?"

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