Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1062: Evil Tiger Mountain Villa

The first thousand and sixty-two chapters of the evil tiger mountain villa

I thought that because of my own reasons, I almost lost my family, and Zhang Xiaohua was not angry.

He just took the small nuggets sent by Nie Qiang, changed the scattered silver, and paid for the cost of sending a family letter, which would actually cause such a disaster. Then... those who had some money and were Cuishan, isn’t it a “what is the flag”? Isn't it more sad?

Later, Zhang Xiaohua asked the owner of their flag, and did not stop. They still threw the things in the cottage into the belt, and then vacated, first motivating the ban, just let The thief in the Xi Cuishan cottage could not escape, and then he threw down the jade in his hand!

Immediately, a **** of human beings was born! ! !

Under the control of Zhang Xiaohua, the fire became more and more fierce, and everything was burned!

The thieves who were still calm at the beginning were not able to see things, they were all fleeing.

The surrounding of the cottage has long been banned by Zhang Xiaohua, no one can go further!

Suddenly, the entire cottage is a mess!

The screams of heartbreaking, the confession of dying, the sound of rap, the bursts of waves, all the waves, are all introduced into the mind of Zhang Xiaohua. Several times, Zhang Xiaohua stretched out his hand and wanted to withdraw the prohibition of the cottage. You can see the wooden frame in front of the cottage. When there are hundreds of unarmed and unrecognized bodies, Zhang Xiaohua’s hand is stopped again!

Killing is certainly not the best method, but if you kill someone who can save more people, even if you fall into **** after death, what is the point?

Suddenly, Zhang Xiaohua’s mind is clear, his body is in the air, sitting on his knees again, and the long-lost traces of the heavens in his mind are slowly stimulating. The way of life and death, the hand of cause and effect, the two influence each other, and they all agree Push it up...

The screams, and gradually gone, seem to have some Sanskrit, with some chanting!

Zhang Xiaohua's body shape is gradually disappearing, slowly blending between the heavens and the earth!

I don’t know how long it took, Zhang Xiaohua’s figure is flashing, and the open-eye Zhang Xiaohua looks no different from before, but the sky in the body is clear, but it’s clear. And there has been some progress!

Looking at the cottage that has become gray and almost non-existent, Zhang Xiaohua secretly sighs: "I knew this, why should I be?"

At the same time, Zhang Xiaohua’s ear seems to think of the dream again: “I knew it, I had it!”

"Because of the fruit, the fruit and the cause, how similar is it!" Zhang Xiaohua shook his head slightly, and took the jade around the cottage and turned and flew back to Guozhuang.

Can go to Guozhuang, Zhang Xiaohua smashed, although the house of Zhangjiaxiaoyuan has been repaired, but the courtyard is miserable, and the school is deserted?

Guo Sufei and Zhang Cai were sitting in the yard. Ji Xiaohua and Zhang Xiaolong made up the broken roof of Zhang Xiaohua on the roof of the hut. Liu Qian was next to Bai Ren, and looked at the house from time to time!

Only a hundred bears are holding a small wooden stick, but at this time, I am looking forward to seeing you.

"What is this?" Zhang Xiaohua thought it was to fall.

"Little uncle?" Bai Ren called this time very clearly, looked up at Zhang Xiaohua.

"Little flowers?" Zhang Cai and Guo Sufei wake up, Zhang Xiaolong and Ji Xiaohua are also called.

No, I saw Zhang Xiaohua standing in the yard, Guo Sufei could not help but tears.

"What's wrong? Niang, the rice is still not ready?" Zhang Xiaohua wonders.

“ Cooking?” Zhang Cai yelled: “You are going out all day and night, what else to cook?”

"Ah?" Zhang Xiaohua stunned, and immediately understood that he realized that Tiandao was only a moment. This time actually passed a day and a night, Xiandao, and sure enough... is the fairy road.

"Oh, this way, my mother, I suddenly practiced, I didn't expect it to be so long, I am fine, you see..."

Zhang Xiaohua turned around and extended his arm and showed it.

"Well, okay, nothing is fine." Guo Sufei said with a smile: "Mother is cooking for you!"

"Oh, no, my mother, I basically don't eat anything now." Zhang Xiaohua waved: "Yes, I forgot, I have excellent tea here, hey, mother, you taste it, right. Yes, Mr. Liu... let it come over and taste it?"

Zhang Caidao: "My family came here yesterday. After waiting for you to see you for a day, good life comforts us. It must be okay, and it is estimated that it will come soon."

Zhang Xiaohua nodded and said: "Mother, I... I have to go out for a while, oh, I promise, I will definitely come back before noon!"

"How? Going out?" Guo Sufei did not agree.

"Mother, the thief of Xicui Mountain has been killed by me, but... there are people behind them, this tone is not out, my heart is not smooth, it is not good for future cultivation!" Zhang Xiaohua is afraid of her mother. He went out and simply moved out of cultivation.

"The thief of Xicui Mountain? Are they killed?" Zhang Cai and Zhang Xiaolong were surprised.

"Well, chickens and dogs don't stay!" Zhang Xiaohua does not seem to hide.

"Is it... too embarrassing?" Liu Qian could not bear it.

Zhang Xiaohua will talk about hundreds of corpses in front of Zhaimen. Guo Sufei firstly raised his hand: "Well, son, just do it! The good people of Mr. Wu in the neighboring village that year were killed by their families. Killing 10,000 is all right!"

"That... I went, Niang, I will return later!"

"Good! Go back soon!" Guo Sufei's annoyance.

"Well!" Zhang Xiaohua is happy, flying fast.

"Little Uncle..." Zhang Bairen pointed out the position of Zhang Xiaohua with great precision!

From the mouth of the so-called Xi Cui Shanzhai, Zhang Xiaohua learned that their flag owners were within a Huo Hu Villa between Luzhen and Pingyang City. In fact, if it was before, Zhang Xiaohua only killed the thieves of Xi Cuishan, and it was a bad breath. The so-called flag-bearer may not be investigated.

But this time it was a little different. First, Zhang Xiaohu was poisoned by the quiet teacher, causing Zhang Xiaohua to be too quiet and too old, and then his family was harassed by the thief who disguised as Xi Cuishan, almost Just killing Huang Quan, let Zhang Xiaohua become a big fire.

Moreover, what the owner of the village said, what the flag-bearer, what the evil tiger villa, seems to be related to Zhang Xiaohua’s two-year-old painting of a small orange with a big tiger, the old man who provoked the bronze mask. Isn't it the main flag? If it is a come, look at what it is!

"Since the poor road has not eaten such a big loss since the debut, since it has provoked the fire of the poor road, it can only make up your blood to make up for it!" Zhang Xiao lace flew.

Sure enough, Zhang Xiaohua flew for a long time, slightly lowered his body shape, and found that the path around is quite familiar, even the small mountain village where he encountered Yu Deyi is still there!

"It’s not a bad thing, it’s true!"

When I flew to the left of the Huohu Mountain Villa, in the knowledge of God, outside the wall of the west side of the Huohu Mountain Villa, an old man wearing a bronze mask seemed to be talking to a man in Tsing Yi. Then, the man in Tsing Yi A hand, look around, let out, show light work, go straight through the forest, and in the opposite direction of Zhang Xiaohua!

"Hey? This is the face of the Tsing Yi people... seems to have seen it?" Zhang Xiaohua frowned, secretly wondering.

However, although he saw it at this time, there is still a distance from the Huohu Mountain Villa. When he arrives at the Huohu Mountain Villa, the man in Tsing Yi has already gone!

The old man facing the bronze mask also returned to the hall where Zhang Xiaohua had been.

Revisit the place and revisit the absolute place.

However, this time Zhang Xiaohua came to the hall easily, stood quietly, and looked at the old man with interest.

Although the old man's face can't be clearly seen, he can see that he stands up from time to time, and he can know that this person is very restless at this time. It seems that someone can feel that he is paying attention to him.

However, the old man went to Zhang Xiaohua and looked carefully. He couldn’t see any traces. Then he sat back again and shouted: “The horseman...”

A chunky middle-aged man came in and whispered: "Let the Lord, his subordinates!"

"What happened to the fragrant martial arts conference? It’s been half a month. Why didn’t you hear anything?”

"This...the flag bearer waits a little, the sacred religion is a little farther away from us. The flying pigeons pass the book to speed up the horse urgent report. The time of half a month should be similar. It is estimated...that is, these days!"

"Hey, the message is so slow, I don't know why you all eat it!" The old man yelled: "And, what kind of property is this order to prepare?"

"This......." The horse flag chief cried and said: "The commander of the Lord...you have too much money to ask for this time. The small ones have been prepared for a long time, but they still can't get together. Now Only Xicui Mountain has not been sent yet, but... Xicui Mountain is covered by thieves. There are only a few small villages around them. According to Bai Zhai’s words, they have done their best and killed a lot of local tyrants. But... still a lot worse!"

"Oh, Ma Qizhu, this order is not a person who does not make sense. The last deputy commander suddenly disappeared in your Huo Hushan Villa. It is suspected of being killed. The order is not and has not held your responsibility? Also, After listening to you, haven’t you started with those who messed up the good things?”

"Thank you for letting the main body understand, the deputy commander of the Lord, the small is indeed responsible, but it is absolutely a lot of people in the government to start, so that the main wisdom is like the sea, knowing that this evil tiger villa is needed, this will not start, The little ones are not related."

"Well, this order knows that it is also your kindness. However, this money is really urgent... If you can complete this matter, this order will definitely refer you to the position of the deputy commander!"

The horse flag chief smiled, but still swearing, said: "Take this to urge me, let Xi Cuishan unpack the property and talk about it!"

"No need..." A strange voice rang from outside the hall: "Xicui Mountain has been destroyed by me, and their belongings are here for me!"

The old man of the bronze mask and the horseman were shocked. He looked up and saw a tall, thin young man carrying his hand and slowly coming in!

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