Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1070: Start of disagreement

The first thousand and seventy chapters begin to divide

Zhang Xiaolong still doesn't know where the father-in-law is talking about himself. He got up and said: "Thank you for your father-in-law's advice, Xiao Xiao understand!"

Mr. Liu nodded and said: "Since Qianqian chose you, the old man is also pleasing to the eye. He doesn't care if you have read the book. Is it a scholarly book? Now, although you still cultivate the field, you don't have to be richer than others. But as long as you are happy with Qian, can you care about what you care about? And don’t have to humble yourself, just be your farmer, how can you?”

Mr. Liu’s words are very touching. However, when everyone hears “no more than others”, the face is full of strange expressions. This look is so obvious that it can be seen on Ji Xiaohua’s face. Out, I don’t think Mr. Liu is quite strange. He said: "Is it wrong... is the old man wrong?"

Zhang Xiaolong hurriedly laughed: "The father-in-law said it very well, and Xiaoyan will be a farmer after he has been down-to-earth!"

Zhang Xiaohua interjected: "Mr. Liu said it is right, but... the kid thought... Big brother will not have to do any farmer Lang later! And, this Guozhuang... may not be able to stay again!!"

Mr. Liu is very surprised and said: "Why is this?"

And everyone is also surprised by the phrase behind Zhang Xiaohua.

Zhang Xiaohua will caress, and a huge box will appear in the hall and be placed in front of everyone.

"This is..." Mr. Liu was shocked.

"I don't want Mr. Liu. The thief who came to Xixi Mountain in the past did not catch the wind. I am not a poor man now, and I am not even poorer than others."

Then, Zhang Xiaohua waved, the lid of the box should be opened, "Wow~~" Liu Qian and others are calling out, Zhang Xiaolong is even more strange: "Small flowers, this... does not seem to be home That box!"

Mr. Liu looked at the full box of jewels, but he was also stunned. Although he was reading poetry, he couldn’t meet his talents. How can he have seen so much money? After waiting for a long while, I came back and sighed: "After all, it is a mortal. The old man was still arrogant. Now I know that it is because I have not seen enough money to attract, only the gold and silver jewelry of this box. The old man is almost tempted!"

"What about that?" Zhang Xiaohua seems to have some words that are not surprisingly endless. With a wave of hand, three equally large boxes are lined up and piled up outside the door!

"This..." With Zhang Xiaohua opening the box, Mr. Liu’s hand was awkward.

"Mr. Liu, you said, is my family in the ordinary country? I have this in my family, can I still stay in Guozhuang? My big brother... can you still be a farmer?"

After half a while, Mr. Liu calmed down, took a deep breath, and then drank a cup of tea. He shook his head and said: "Because of the extravagance, it is difficult to get into the house. It’s not the old man who said you, the old man really admire you. I am guarding such a large fortune, and I can still keep my own farmer’s days. The old man can’t ask himself!”

Zhang Cai said with a thick smile, saying: "I used to live a poor life, I don't know how to live a rich life!"

"Even if you don't know, there are more things you can do with silver money. The details of your life are different from those of Guozhuang. This Guozhuang... can't live! Xiaolong, have you always been? When farming, there are quite a few words?"

Zhang Xiaolong nodded honestly: "Exactly, I feel that farming is no longer the kind of urgency. It doesn't matter if you don't plant it." Then, look at Zhang Xiaohua and say: "It’s the first few fields burning, I am also Throw out the jade pieces sent by the little flowers, too lazy to find the fire!"

Looking at Zhang Xiaolong, he was a little shy. Mr. Liu smiled and said: "This is a human nature. Before farming, it was for the sake of life. If you don't work, you should feel that you should work hard. Now you have a million homes. Who will go to the fields? Farming... Do spare time... activities! You don’t have to blame yourself for the dragon!"

Zhang Xiaohua listened and said: "Actually... when the kid gave the family money, he thought about it... but seeing that he has so much money, and his father and brother have to work hard in the field, the boy can’t bear it. ,and so……"

"Small flowers, you are also filial, no one can blame. If you have money, let the father and brother work in the field, then ... is a problem!" Mr. Liu smiled: "But now...you I think about where to live and how to live!"

Zhang Xiaohua’s eyes turned and smiled: “Not only do we say that Mr. Liu is not going to follow us?”

Mr. Liu’s glance, he immediately rejoiced: “If you are willing, why is it that the old man is not happy?”

"Hey~ look at what you said, you follow us, we are too happy to come!" Liu Qian has already integrated into Zhang, naturally knowing that her father-in-law is very kind, and she is also respectful to herself. Of course, she hopes to follow Zhang. Go!

Zhang Cai only understood this at the moment and said: "Family, whether we move or not, you always have to be with us. It’s good to have tea together in these years. If you are not there, I will feel so low. Panic!"

See Guo Sufei also want to speak, Mr. Liu is not tempted, nodded and said: "My family is not leaving me, I will rely on your Zhang family, this world, where to find such a delicious tea?"

Zhang Cai and Guo Sufei were also happy to listen. Then they frowned and asked Zhang Xiaohua: "Little flowers, talking and talking, so talking about moving? I... We never thought about leaving Guozhuang!"

Zhang Xiaohua smiled and said: "Yu Niang, Mr. Liu said that it is good, time has passed, now the second brother is the head of the sect, I have not achieved, but the second brother, if you stay here Guo Zhuang, it is extremely inappropriate. In the past, only one of the Cuishan thieves almost hurt you. If the enemy’s enemies later find the door, wouldn’t it be a headache for the second brother?”

"So troublesome!" Guo Sufei licked his forehead with his fingers and said with distress: "I knew that I would not let you go out in the same year!"

Zhang Xiaohua sweats, it seems that the mother is still proud of being the gang of the second brother!

Zhang Cai did not think so: "If they don't go out, they are still grabbing Guozhuang's land with Guozhuang's old Guo family!"

Zhang Xiaolong also smiled and said: "No, Guozhuang can not live, you can go to Luzhen, go to Pingyang City, hey, can you go to the second brother of what kind of pie! Just can also practice martial arts!"

"Big brother is very right, maybe the second brother also has such an idea, wait for him to come back after two days!" Zhang Xiaohua nodded.

"Little Tiger doesn't know how it is... When can he come back?" Guo Sufei muttered a little.

"The second brother is busy with the addiction of helping the Lord. When he calms down the things he has sent, he will come back!"

Zhang Xiaohua explained to Zhang Xiaohu.

In Xiaoshan, a place outside Pingyang City, Zhang Xiaohua imagined Zhang Xiaohu, who had helped the main addiction, but now he was in a mess.

Since the day, Zhang Xiaohua has shown great deities, and the incarnation of Pan An will annihilate the deputy leader of the class and the four enshrines of the sect of the class. The remaining gangs of the Orthodox League will lose their fighting spirit and surrender early. The captives of the sects are quiet and wait for the sects of the sects.

The young disciples of the sects are all doing the aftermath of the sacred villages. The task of helping the lords of the squad is naturally on the shoulders of the disciples of the sects of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, waiting for the captives to be sent to the acupoints. The dungeons of the villa and the guards in the room, Zhang Xiaohu and the Ming and Qing dynasties have different opinions.

First, the guards, Zhang Xiaohu thinks that this is the site of the sectarian school. It should be sent to the disciples themselves to guard, but the Ming and Qing dynasties think that their own men will be the right gang to help the public, naturally they should guard their own, and their own His men are also disciples of the school, how can you guard?

Zhang Xiaohu couldn't refute it, and he didn't take out the position of helping the Lord. He had to respond.

Then, for the disposal of these right-handed gangs, Zhang Xiaohu saw the evils of the disciples of the Daowei League in the mountain village a few years ago. Naturally, they want to abolish the martial arts of these disciples once and for all. The reason is that they will soon be welcoming the Orthodox League. The counterattack, if you stayed with these gangs, don't say that there are still people to look after, that is to be rescued by the righteous league, but also their own strong opponents.

The Ming and Qing Dynasties are opposed. He believes that after escorting these disciples of the Confucius League, they will surely become qualified disciples. Even if they can't, they will escorted them back to the fragrant religions and become disciples of the sacred religions. reason!

The two said that they could not be together, and the quiet teacher also appointed Ming and Qing dynasties to be responsible for martial arts and killing. This prisoner should be assigned to the management of Ming and Qing Dynasties. Zhang Xiaohu only stayed in the Chamber of Defence.

Let the Ming and Qing Dynasties and Qiankun Heng laugh out and dispose of the captives of the Zhengdao League!

"Oh, I know, this gang's gang is really bad!" Chen Chen said quietly next to him: "Brother, if you are not happy, let Wenshi uncle come!"

"What?" The long song screamed: "The little tiger just has no experience. This Ming and Qing dynasty and Qiankun Heng are only the whetstone of Xiaohu. It is only one year long and three years long. The tiger will stand out from the crowd. The faction is in your hands!"

Seeing the long song so confident, Zhang Xiaohu shook his head slightly: "Long song, now the sect is the rumor of the sacred religion, I am even more embarrassed, even if you want to teach with the fragrant, there is no capital! ”

"Capital?" Long song eyes turned, smiled: "Li Shizu, Liu Shizu, Wen Shishu and others are not your capital? Ren Jingyi is too old and savage, and I never thought that you still have these cards in your hand? And, Hu Shizu does not I also brought some of my disciples outside. When they got the news, they are not stronger. You don’t have more cards?”

"Yes, the question is, how does Li Shizu and others wait for Jing Tai Shi and others?" Zhang Xiaohu smiled bitterly: "This *** has also seen it. Let’s take advantage of it first, and the right team will be rich and five people will come out, we will immediately Falling into the wind, if there is no immortal help, the outcome may be the opposite!"

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