The first thousand and seventy-eight chapters moving

Zhang Xiaohu was shocked, his life was short, and he was eighty and sly. If he could have eight decades of skill, then... even if he started practicing from the age of five or six, he would have to practice the road at the age of 86. Who can Do it? But I can only take two medicinal herbs, the kind of good thing that I don’t have dreams of, I will fall on my head!

"Second brother, second brother!" Zhang Xiaohua saw that Zhang Xiaohu's Hara had to shed. He quickly woke him up and took out the "Broken Sword" from his arms. He handed it over and said: "The martial arts repair is deeper. In front of Xiandao, it is also like a child's powerlessness. This internal skill is a collection of martial arts. If you look at it, when the skill is enough, you can cultivate it."

"Is there such a good thing?" Zhang Xiaohu grabbed it and smiled. "Isn't this the same as the song you gave yesterday?"

"Well, one is used by men's cultivation, one is used by women's cultivation, and it is also a gift from the younger brother!" Zhang Xiaohua smiled.

"That... what about yourself?" Zhang Xiaohu was hesitant: "You don't have to open a mountain, don't you need this?"

"I have already copied one copy, you can rest assured to take it with your second brother!"

Seeing that Zhang Xiaohua already has a backhand, Zhang Xiaohu is also welcome. He will take the "Broken Knife" into his arms and look at the sky. He laughs: "Let's go, the mother is estimated to have gotten up!"

"Well, still use you to say?" Zhang Xiaohua nodded: "Lian Changge and Chen Chen have already got up!"

"So early?" Zhang Xiaohu was a little surprised.

"Hey, do you even know this?" Zhang Xiaohua thought thoughtfully.

"Go~" Zhang Xiaohu jumped from the shackles: "What are you thinking about, where do you want to go? Along the way, we will teach from the fragrant to the sects, even if they are all together, how can we get up sooner or later? know?"

I thought about it for a moment and smiled. "Don't you live with your dreams and you don't live together?"

"This..." Zhang Xiaohua’s mouth showed a smile, but it provoked Zhang Xiaohu’s glimpse and his eyes crowded. He said: “It’s hard to be...”

"Ha ha ha" Zhang Xiaohua swept out of the hut and said: "I just don't tell you!"

Zhang Xiaohu immediately followed suit and chased it out...

Within the small courtyard, Guo Sufei prepared breakfast, long songs and Chen Chen clumsily helped. Zhang Xiaolong and Ji Xiaohua were also sleepy, and they stood in the door of the hut with strong spirits. When they saw the two came out, Zhang Xiaolong came to the spirit, calling Road: "How?"

Zhang Xiaohua stood up in the courtyard and smiled: "How can the Beizu faction's founder succeed?"

The long song and Chen Chen saw it. It was also a big joy. I was embarrassed to ask in the past. Guo Sufei said with a smile: "You used to go, this cooking thing is not done by people like you. I will come by myself."

Said, looked up: "Little flowers, come over and help!"


"Well, oh~"

Two voices sounded at the same time. Zhang Xiaohua looked at Ji Xiaohua's nose and said: "Apprentice, go help, wait until you return, Master will give you a remedy, let your skill catch up with your teacher!"

"Yes, Master!" Ji Xiaohua was honest and went to Guo Sufei to help with the work.

Changge and Chen Chen smacked their mouths and laughed and ran to Zhang Xiaohu. The long song was shot with a palm. Where is Zhang Xiaohu afraid of her? The left palm was erected and greeted. The sound of "啪" sounded softly, and the two were immediately separated. The long song was filled with joy, and there was nothing to be surprised.

Chen Chen couldn't help but ask: "Sister, brother, he..."

"You ask him!" Long smiled and smiled.

Chen Chen’s face was slightly shy and gently rubbed his feet.

"Hehe" saw Chen Chen shy, Zhang Xiaohu said: "There is nothing, but it is almost the same as your sister's skill!"

"Ah? Really?" Chen Chen was shocked, she began to know, the long song is the head of Ming Cuitang, got the Runmai, the skill is to chase Qin Auntie, Zhang Xiaohu only practiced for a long time, yesterday's internal strength even himself Not as good as one night, it has already surpassed itself, this... However, if you think about taking the rapid progress of Runmaidan's skill, there is nothing too strange. Just look at Zhang Xiaohua and whisper: "Thank you, Xiaohua!"

Well, this time, Chen Chen, since seeing Zhang Xiaohua, has only called "small flowers" for the first time, not "Zhang Xiaohua."

"You're welcome, you are your own family, why bother?" Zhang Xiaohua said that Chen Chen was a shame.

Zhang Xiaohu grinned: "There is no formal shape~"

As he said, from the hut, he flew out of Xiaohei and Xiaohuang, and fell on Zhang Xiaohua’s shoulder. Chen Chen’s eyes were shining, and he pointed to the little black road: “This is just the little black dog that closed the eyes before. ?"

Xiao Black seems to understand, the small head is raised, and the two eyes disdain look at Chen Chen.

"Well, it is, it has grown up now!"

"Hey, only a few months, are they so big?" Changge said.

Liu Qian also came to this yard and smiled: "I may have never seen a puppy with a younger brother. If it is a normal puppy, for a few months, I am afraid that there are not three **** ones? This little black is not long. Really strange!"

"Da, you didn't see anyone's black is flying, of course, unlike ordinary puppies!" Chen Chen and Changge got along with one night and became familiar with it.

"Da, how can you endure?" Zhang Xiaohua asked.

"I haven't woken up yet! How do you think about your big apprentice?" Liu Qian smiled and went to Guo Sufei, who also helped to do things.

"Nothing, huh, huh," Zhang Xiaohua took a small black head. Two small things were reluctant to fly over the walls of the two yards to take care of Zhang Bairen.

After breakfast, Guo Sufei and Liu Qian took a long song and Chen Chen, and went around Guozhuang to see if they were familiar with Zhang Xiaohu’s childhood growth and show it in the village.

Zhang Cai, Mr. Liu and others put the table and chairs in the yard, let Ji Xiaohua brew tea, and several people discussed the matter of moving.

Previously, Zhang Xiaohu felt that he had a lot of bad luck in this time. He didn’t want his family to pass, but now Zhang Xiaohua is supporting him. Well, even if he doesn’t have Zhang Xiaohua’s support, he may not practice for a few days. So I agreed to the matter. After all, Zhang Xiaohua said that it is true. If it is really a sect of the enemy to find Guozhuang, if Zhang Xiaohua is not there, isn’t it really bad?

However, Zhang Xiaohu still has some scruples: "Hey, the recommendation of Xiaohua is very good, but... it is still somewhat wrong."

Zhang Xiaohua frowned: "What else is wrong?"

"This is the case..." Zhang Xiaohu said about the relationship between the Mountain Villa and the Tunxi Mountain Villa. He smiled bitterly: "Although I am now a big gang of the sects, I can... actually, I can’t control the Tunxi Mountain Villa. It’s the mountain of Miss Ou!”

"Well, I understand." Zhang Xiaohua nodded: "In fact, it is plain, this should be the long song and Chen Chen after the Xixi Villa, but... Miss Ou has not let go at this time! Oh, it is estimated that this is also quiet. The teacher chooses her reason first!"

Zhang Xiaohu nodded slightly and said: "And the sects at this time are the original sacred disciples sitting on the big, I can't completely control... The specific situation, we must wait for Li Shizu and Master to return to the 缥缈山庄, to know! ”

"Ha ha" heard this, Zhang Xiaohua caressed: "Oh, my brother, I have a plan, I don't want to say it. I haven't said this to teach my disciples? I will hand it over to me, but in order to To deal with them, I have to go to the mountain village. Since I am going to the mountain village, then... they must also follow them, otherwise I will not worry!"

Although Zhang Xiaohu didn't know how Zhang Xiaohua handled these disciples, he thought about it: "That's good, let the mother live temporarily in Tunxi Mountain Villa. I don't think Miss Ou will not give this face!"

Later, Zhang Xiaohu said to Zhang Caidao: "Hey, you and my eldest brother slowly cleaned up. I have a match with the disciple who passed the fragrant teaching. Moreover, I have been out for a long time, afraid of being seen by others, so tomorrow will be Go back to Pingyang City."

"Well, you go, don't worry about the family, the flowers are at home, and everything can't help him."

Zhang Xiaohua also said: "Second brother, you will go first tomorrow. I will stay at home with my older brother to clean up. When I arrive, I will go back naturally. Don't worry, but the effort of a meal can't miss your business! ”

Happy time is always short, Zhang Xiaohu feels that he has not been waiting in Guozhuang, this is going to go!

Of course, the feeling of leaving time is different from the time of coming, no sorrow, no injury, and, in a dozen days, family members also have to go to Pingyang City, then the family can reunite, then the difference Can only say that it is a farewell!

Zhang Xiaohu and Changge, Chen Chen said goodbye to everyone, turned over and hurried away.

Looking at his son leaving again, Guo Sufei did not have the feelings of the past, but his heart is still concerned, seeing Zhang Xiaohu's figure is not there, but also specifically asked back: "Little flowers, your second brother's things, do you grasp?"

Zhang Xiaohua smiled and said: "Mother and mother assured, if I have to help the big brother to dig out those boxes, I will go to Pingyang City with my second brother now!"

"Well, okay, you have a score in your heart!" Guo Sufei was relieved.

In the following days, Zhang Jia is busy, although Guo Sufei and Zhang Cai have already agreed to live in Pingyang City for a while, but they can still leave the house for decades, and they are still quite sad. Look at this and touch it. That, I want to take it away, even the entire small courtyard, I want to take it away.

Or Mr. Liu is open-minded. He had moved to Guozhuang for a few years, but now he has to move. There are only a few books to be taken, and others are not required.

Of course, Guo Zhuang still has two things that can't be taken away!

One is the tomb of Zhang Xiaohua's grandmother and the grave of Ji Xiaohua's mother.

There is also one, that is the mountain spring water rich in heaven and earth!

When I think that I might not be able to drink such a good spring in the future, Mr. Liu will almost stay, but Zhang Xiaohua understands that there is a world of heaven and earth in this mountain spring, and it will be discovered by people of Xiandao sooner or later. This is also a scourge for Zhang. It is precisely because of the move to get rid of this scourge, and he has Yuanshi around him. Can the spring water from the Yuanshi can be worse than the spring water?

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