Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1080: Life and death instrument

The first thousand and eighty chapters of life and death instruments

Bai Yanqiu thought for a long time, did not want to understand, I have any entanglements with the immortals who will use Feijian, and which of the instruments that I lost may belong to this immortal.

This problem has been entangled for a few days. Until the end, Bai Yanqiu was unable to swing his hand and said: "Li Tangzhu, you send people, pay more attention to Tianlong teach, see if there is news of Peng night rain there."

Li Xuyi: "Dragon Education?"

Then I woke up and nodded. "I understand it, then I will tell you. But...that immortal?"

“Imperial?” Bai Yanqiu smiled bitterly: “Unless you are invited to several elders in the mountains, what can you do if you find a fairy?”

"Under the subordinates understand!" Li Xu nodded, knowing that he finally came out of the fate of repeating the details of the incident, happy to go outside.

"Slow!" Bai Yanqiu suddenly said: "Li Tangzhu..."

"Bad~" Li Xu secretly complained: "Isn't it necessary to detail?"

Fortunately, I only listened to Bai Yanqiu: "The fragrant teaching martial arts conference has been completed, and my water cloud is also famous on the rivers and lakes. It is time to start developing forces."

"The head of the squad, the subordinates... No, it is under the command of the head of the head, and has been laid out on the rivers and lakes for many years. Now just slowly gather it!"

"Well, this is your credit, this seat remembers clearly!" Bai Yanqiu said with a smile: "What is going to be said in this seat is how the north is going to happen? What is the news of the fairy temple that the ancestors said?"

"The head of the squad, just a disciple, the whole mountain has been searched, and no traces have been found. Is it... the ancestors said something wrong?"

Bai Yanqiu sighed and nodded slightly: "Maybe... the ancestors said that it was already a matter of years ago, and the sorrowful sorrows of the sea are not known."

But then, I am shaking my head again: "What is Xianfu? It is impossible for the founder to discover it easily. It is only from some dilapidated books. If you don't use the mysterious books to infer the approximate position, let us disciples. How can I know?"

Then I thought for a while and stood up and said: "Like this, Li Tangzhu, our plan to arrange rivers and lakes between the waters and clouds has continued to be implemented. Those plans will not have extremely effective results in a short period of time, and the ancestors said that Xianfu But you can't pay attention to it. If you can use that fairy house as my water cloud, what, what is the fragrant teaching, what Tianlong teaching must be surrendered at the foot of my water cloud! You arrange it, this seat takes this Go to Lushan and go to see the clues!"

"Yes, this is the case." Li Xu agreed, just going down, suddenly thinking about something, and turning back: "Right, the head of the door, the mountain is very close to Pingyang City, it is the school The mountain gate is where the sects are now returning to the rivers and lakes, and the head of the family...going to Lushan, is it wrong?"

"Ha ha ha" Bai Yanqiu laughed: "The sects of the sects have now borrowed the power of the sacred sect, and they are fighting against the righteous sect. It is also a branch of the sacred religion. Isn't it going to go to Pingyang City to watch a lively event? It’s up to you to see the sacred religion and the right way to fight for you!"

Not to mention the water and white between the white and autumn, and want to go to Lushan to find the Xianfu.

And said that inside the mountain village, a sunny morning, outside a small courtyard, Ming and Qing and Qiankun Heng slowly came from a distance, only to listen to Qiankun Heng whispered: "Ming Shi brother... You have commanded Wang Hao Can you...?"

In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, see Qiankun Heng slightly shaking his head: "Hey, my brother, I know you... I think in my heart, but now is not the most suitable time. I will fight against Zhang Xiaohu’s arrogance. I will rely on him to suppress the sects. Disciple, if he has three long and two short, you and I may not be able to explain to the teacher!"

"Hey, Ming brother, you know what I mean, but can you see Zhang Xiaohu as a soft person? How can he listen to your instructions?"

"Don't listen to me?" Ming and Qing sneer, look at the attic in the small courtyard in the distance, and sigh: "My hand, Wu Mingtang disciple, can tell Zhang Xiaohu into a meat sauce, he... dare not Listen to me? This time... I must give him a lesson. I know that only by obeying the posts and listening to me, can he be safe and secure as his great gang, otherwise... although he has the approval of the leader, Can only be ... struggling ~"

Then, squinting and looking at Qian Kunheng: "Maybe... there will be life and worry..."

Qian Kunheng smiled and said: "Of course, of course, I have to listen to the division of the Ming brothers, and the affairs of the sects are also based on the Ming brothers and the horses!"

"Oh, my brother knows it." Ming and Qing dynasty went away, leaving Qiankun Heng behind him, his head low, no one knows what expression in his eyes!

Not waiting for the two to approach, Du Feng and Ding Chao stopped in front of them, only to see the two men arched; "I have seen two deputy lords!"

"Well, I am waiting to ask Zhang Da to help, the two deputy heads please let me go!"

Du Feng and Ding Chao glanced at each other and smiled: "Zhang Dagang has orders, he is retreating, and without his orders, no one can come near!"

“Hmm?” The Ming and Qing Dynasties are extremely unhappy: “Is this seat not a success?”

"This..." Ding Chao smiled: "Zhang Dagang said, no one can get close!"

The Ming and Qing Dynasties are going to be angry, and Qiankun Heng has been busy holding it. He said: "Is it difficult for Zhang Dagang to retreat in the hospital during the seven days?"

"Good teaching assistants know that this is the case!"

"Oh, let alone the seven days of retreat, that is, seventeen days, seventy days, not necessarily..."

"Not necessarily what?"

"Not necessarily Wang Hao's opponent?" The two voices sounded at the same time. When everyone looked up, the left side of the Qin Cuitang was accompanied by Changge and Chen Chen. In the small courtyard, Zhang Xiaohu also walked in spirit. Come out!

"I don't dare to do it!" The Ming and Qing Dynasties immediately changed their faces and said: "The martial arts is the most gradual, and the merits of the day are the skills of the day. The qualifications of the Zhang Da gang are excellent. If you can retreat for 70 days, you may not Can't exceed Ming's!"

"Hey, by the deputy gang of the Ming dynasty, if the martial arts are more than the Ming dynasty, please ask the deputy helper!"

"Don't dare!"

Qin Auntie ignored the Ming and Qing Dynasties and Qiankun Heng, and went forward with Zhang Xiaohu Shi Lidao: "Can Zhang Dagang have closed the end?"

"Well, Xie Qintang is caring for the Lord, this seat has just gone out!"

"That... today is the big seven-day gang and the Wang Hao's seven-day period, I don't know... How does Zhang Da's helper shoot?"

"According to the vice-president and the deputy gang, what is the seat?"

"This ... is not good to talk about, but also ask Zhang Da to help the decision!" Qian Kunheng immediately pushed.

"In this way, the original Chuanxiang disciples are gathered in the Pharmacy Hall. This place will go to the Pharmacy Hall and take out Wang Hao and the people who have previously injured the disciples. What do you think?"

Ming and Qing dynasty said: "Zhang Da Bangzhu said very well, Ming also feels appropriate!"

Zhai Kunheng shook his head: "Zhang Da's lord is certainly wise, but... How can Wang Hao compare with Zhang Da's helper? Zhang Da's helper can shoot without any scruples, but Wang Hao does not dare! If he hurts Zhang Dabang How does he tell the master of the church, how can I wait for myself?"

Zhang Xiaohu frowned and said: "What do you think is good by the deputy lord?"

Qian Kunheng took out a piece of paper from his arms and smiled: "When he came from the Pharmacy Hall, he was confronted with Wang Hao. He entrusted Zou to bring this thing to Zhang Dabang."

"This is... what?" Zhang Xiaohu wondered that it was unveiled, and the four characters were listed in the "Life and Death".

"This..." Waiting for Zhang Xiaohu to read the contents of it, I don’t think it is flashing in the eyes.

This is the life and death, indicating that Zhang Xiaohu is in the process of taking Wang Hao, the two can live and die together, if there is a casualty, no responsibility will be pursued!

"哼" Zhang Xiaohu coldly said: "Is the deputy helper prepared very carefully!"

"This is written by Wang Wei. I don't dare to do this!"

"Okay, take pen and ink!" Zhang Xiaohu said.

However, for a long time, Zhang Xiaohu signed the name of the birth and death, and smiled: "Ming deputy helper, do you want to follow this seat?"

Ming and Qing dying his head: "No, Zhang Dagang personally shot and arrested people. His subordinates did not dare to grab the prestige of the big lords, or wait in the square!"

"Well, you can wait!" Zhang Xiaohu said to other people: "When I will live in Wang, I will take him to the square in front of the Senate!"

"Yes!" Everyone led the way and went to the square. Only the long song and Chen Chen walked back and looked back. They were very concerned.

When the crowd left, Zhang Xiaohu looked at the sky and his figure was pulled up. It was actually a step by step, and Zhang Xiaohu showed it at this time. I don’t know how much better than a dozen days ago!

At this time, the disciples of the sects also knew that the things about the fight today were all proud of Zhang Xiaohu’s coming forward. So, today, they are all gathered in the square in front of the chamber in twos and threes, wanting to see the final result.

The same was true of the original sects of the sects, except that some disciples were extremely disliked by the sects, and the remaining disciples also gathered in the square.

And Zhang Xiaohu went all the way up. On the way to the Pharmacy Hall, I didn’t know how many disciples had greeted him. It’s obvious that today’s greeting with Zhang Xiaohu is much more than before!

Zhang Xiaohu was not busy, entered the gate of the Pharmacy Hall, and the speed was slower. He looked at the front and rear, and waited until there was no one. He also whispered a few voices and waited for the room he had lived with Zhang Xiaohua. At that time, a voice was uploaded from the stone next to it: "Second brother, your advanced room!"

"Well," Zhang Xiaohu should, and entered the room.

But for a moment, a Zhang Xiaohu came out from the inside, and looked around, and his body shape floated, and it was a step forward, and went straight to the corner of the Pharmacy Hall!

Turning over a few yards, in a small yard in the Pharmacy Hall, Wang Wei was holding a long sword and sitting on a stool in the yard!

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