Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1085: 传派的传承阁

The first thousand and eighty-five chapters of the sect of the sect

Seeing the seven Dan furnaces landing, Zhang Xiaohua did not go up, only waiting in the distance, waiting for the next magic.

However, the magical scene seems to have ended. Zhang Xiaohua waited for half a cup of tea, and the seven Dan furnaces did not move. Only one kind of connection was found in the seven Dan furnaces!

Zhang Xiaohua’s hand, the nearest Dan furnace flew into the belt, and the other six did not change. “The performance is over?” Zhang Xiaohua laughed, and the Dan furnace was taken out again. Immerse in it and find that there has been no change before!

"The change is definitely there, but it can't be found!" Zhang Xiaohua thought about it, and put all the seven furnaces into the belt, look at the empty flat, and return to the alchemy room along the upward step.

Crossing the stone wall, Zhang Xiaohua still has some unrelenting inspections with God's knowledge. The stone wall does not have the slightest fluctuations. The naked eye is also a stone wall, exactly the same as the surrounding stone wall.

"When I saw the purse at the ferry, I also encountered such magical illusions. However, there was still a slight wave of volatility in the illusion, but there was no trace of vitality in the illusion, and I did not know the use. What technique!" Zhang Xiaohua is very puzzled: "If there is no previous Dan furnace, I can't find it here!"

Then, Zhang Xiaohua looked at all the alchemy rooms. Except for this alchemy room, some other alchemy rooms were common, and all the jade bottles in the alchemy room were empty and there was no half-medicine.

"It's weird again!" Zhang Xiaohua, who is used to leaking, is quite embarrassed: "How come even a jade?"

From the alchemy room, Zhang Xiaohua went to the back of the palace along the mountain road. The opposite side of the corridor is the corridor leading to the right hand. The end of the corridor is somewhat different from the end behind him. The head is a stone door carved by white jade. The same stone gate that comes in with the palace, you can see Zhang Xiaohua at a glance, there is a familiar feeling!

"Is it..." I thought of Zhang Xiaohua, and I couldn’t wait to push the door of the jade!

Sure enough, inside the jade door is a not too big hall, there are countless night pearls on the wall, the whole hall is illuminated, and in this hall, in addition to the stone table and stone chair carved by white jade stone, there is Some of the things that are optional, the furnishings in this hall make Zhang Xiaohua feel very familiar!

It’s good, it’s the hall where Zhang Xiaohua saw the whole piece of white jade carving on the peak of the fragrance, and the white jade hall where Zhang Xiaohua met when he was unintentional!

"Is it... this hall is also a whole piece of white jade carving?"

My heart has already confirmed this speculation, Zhang Xiaohua is very natural to cast his eyes on the wall of the hall!

On the wall, it really hangs three portraits, which are painted with the moon, the heartless, and the sun. The difference is that the portrait of Yangyao is placed at the top.

In the same way, there is a blank space next to the third unintentional portrait, and it is necessary to hang the portrait of the founder of the demon, Shih Tzu!

"This emperor's release of the sky is really powerful. The scent of the fragrant incense went, and the world has to go. The forbidden land of the sacred religion has also come, but... why did the emperor release the image of his own? This... ...What is eccentric?"

Zhang Xiaolan thought, looking around in the entire hall, want to see what can be taken away!

"Hey, what is this?" When Zhang Xiaohua saw a pillar in the jade hall, he stopped.

Because he had already observed two halls that were exactly the same as the jade hall, and he knew all the furnishings in it, so he saw an unusual jade stone pillar that should have been smooth, with a slap-sized, square-shaped depression! The heart is very different!

Carefully walk to the front of the jade pillar, Zhang Xiaohua carefully look at the place where the depression goes in. This is a square-shaped depression with a well-defined bulge at the edge of the quadrangle, and also a depression on the plane of the depression. Subtle patterns.

Seeing that there is no fluctuation in the vitality, there is nothing unusual. Zhang Xiaohua reaches out and slowly touches the pattern in the depression with his fingers.

"Hey?" The feeling from the fingertips, unanimously telling Zhang Xiaohua, this pattern is quite familiar.

“Where have you seen these patterns?” Zhang Xiaohua used his fingers to make a small reversal of the circle, while carefully recalling.

The other two jade chambers have been visited by Zhang Xiaohua. After careful recall, there are certainly no such depressions in the two jade chambers, and there is no similar pattern. "Is it the monument under the fragrant peak?" Zhang Xiaohua Dark road. That monument is the only thing that Zhang Xiaohua has made an idea, but he has no chance to put it away.

"Not too ~" Zhang Xiaohua thinks again, is to exclude the monument.

“Hey, is this this?” When Zhang Xiaohua’s eyes fell on the square of the depression, he immediately thought of the pile of things he found in the floating hill, Qiankuntang and Zangbao Pavilion. Is the token-like thing that is not exactly square?

Thinking, Zhang Xiaohua took the square token out of the purse.

The token starts, and the raised pattern on the token tells Zhang Xiaohua that he once again broke out!

Sure enough, this token can be placed in the depression of the jade pillar!

Moreover, when the token was just placed on the jade pillar, the whole pillar immediately illuminates, and the pattern on the token floats up from the token, gradually flowing, and the pattern becomes larger as the flow turns. Finally, that The pattern is separated from the token and is completely wrapped around the pillar of the jade, like a dragon squatting up and down the pillars!

However, it must be smashed, and the pattern of the dragon is completely entangled in the entire translucent pillar. It is a bright light. It is natural to close the eyes, and when he opens his eyes again, the pillars in front of him have disappeared. In the place where the original pillar was, there was a big hole, and there was a step in the big hole!

"Hey, go down!" Zhang Xiaohuan sighed in his mouth, but he was happy to open the flower. Needless to say, there must be something good in this hole!

Down the steps, the face is an identical jade pillar, the token is also set on the pillar, Zhang Xiaohua looks back at the very high steps, lifts the hand to remove the token, and sure enough, the steps behind it gradually become transparent Then slowly disappeared, leaving only a jade pillar standing there!

Bypassing the pillars, Zhang Xiaohua was a small door in front of him. He walked through the small door and was a rather large space. In the middle of the space, a delicate palace was standing there with great exquisiteness.

Yes, a feeling of exquisiteness, this palace is much smaller than the palace, but both the roof and the wall are carved with patterns, and the pattern is delicate and smooth, giving people a pleasing feeling. There is also a small plaque on the door of the palace, just like the writing on the palace, write "the inheritance of the pavilion"!

"Ha ha ha" Zhang Xiaohua saw it, did not feel overjoyed, looking for a long time, is not exactly these things?

Zhang Xiaohua did not think about it and stepped forward. When his foot just stepped into the palace gate of the tributary pavilion, a layer of lavender brilliance flashed in front of him, and an urgent flash of light flashed away, hitting Zhang. Small flowers.

Zhang Xiaohua was shocked. He did not encounter any powerful prohibition along the way. He couldn’t think of it here. He didn’t wait for Zhang Xiaohua to change his mind. The light had already hit Zhang Xiaohua’s body. At this time, Zhang Xiaohua’s hand in the four corners The card suddenly appeared a mysterious wave, greeted it, and the light once touched the fluctuations, and immediately disappeared, the lavender brilliance also flashed a few times, disappeared!

"Khan~" Zhang Xiaohua touched the sweat on his head and tightened the token of the square!

The tributary pavilion is a three-story pavilion. The first floor is very empty. There is only one portrait of the Yangyao hang on the wall. In front of it is a case with some ritual supplies. Below the case are some futons. The younger disciples used to worship Yang Yangya!

Zhang Xiaohua went to the front of the case, and succumb to the ceremony, whispering: "Yang seniors, the younger disciples of the immortal, Zhang Xiaohua, will give you a courtesy!"

"The disciple took the "Worry-Free Heart Sutra" from your sect, and thus set foot on the fairy tales, and had an unbreakable feeling for the sect. The disciples did not know whether the "Worry-Free Heart Sutra" was the original practice of your sect. The disciples gave the opportunity to return the "Worry-Free Heart Sutra" to the Sui Pai. If not, the disciple also promised to send this feeling, and later I... The Beidou School and the Sui School will support each other and advance and retreat together!"

"Of course, my second brother is the big gang of your sect, even if this "Worry-Free Heart" is your sect, I can't take the position of the big gang with my second brother, and please the younger generation!"

"The inheritance of the ancestors of the ancestors in the sects of the sects of the sects can be described as a catastrophe. Now, just recovering, please ask the ancestors of the ancestors in the spirit of heaven, bless the sects, and bless my brother Zhang Xiaohu!"


After that, another one took three gifts and only got up, turned to look at the steps leading to the second floor!

This is the inheritance of the sects of the sects. It must have been the inheritance and cheats of the sects. Zhang Xiaohua has decided to leave these exercises to Zhang Xiaohu, and he will turn off the mind.

However, when he took his eyes off the steps and tried to leave, his heart suddenly moved: "I am pedantic, and the white fog that is forbidden, even the quiet teacher and the long-growth can not come in, I Only relying on the congenital **** in the mud pill palace to escape the attack of the gods, the second brother is just an ordinary martial arts master. If he is allowed to come in, he still does not know what year and month, I can not bring him every time I come in? If you can't find a way to enter and leave the forbidden land, it's not just that the second brother can't get the inheritance, that is, the sects will still be the same!"

Thinking, Zhang Xiaohua turned to the second floor of the heritage cabinet!

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