Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1088: disclose

The first thousand eighty-eighth chapter revealed

Where can Guo Sufei understand the reason, I can hear that Ou Yan is already in this world, and the eyes are also red. I feel that this noble person is also a poor person. He is quite inferior to himself, and he will stretch his hand and hold Ouyan Road: "Poor child... oh, then I will call you Ou Yan!"

Ou Yan’s face is a joy, sweet and savory said: “Hey, this is the best!”

Guo Sufei turned around and said to Zhang Xiaohu: "Little Tiger... I don't know... too much, but... Ou Yan wants to live here for a day, you...you don't want to marry someone!"

Zhang Xiaohu smiled bitterly and said: "Mother, Ms. Ou Da is the sister of my grandmother, even if I want to marry her, my master, my ancestors, and my disciples will not Answered!"

Then there was some hesitation: "As for the ownership of Tunxi Villa, Miss Ou, it is too early to talk about it!"

Ou Yan smiled and said: "It is just a matter of time, do you say it, long song?"

The long song and Ou Yan are also familiar. At this time, I listened, my face was red, and I didn’t know how to answer it.

Ou Yan turned to see Liu Qian and Zhang Xiaolong, and smiled and said: "This is Zhang Da Ge and Zhang Dazhao."

Speaking is also going to court, pulling Liu Qian and asking: "Da, how is your skin so good? It looks like I am younger than me!"

I heard that Ou Yan boasted that she was young, Liu Qian’s face was happy, and she smiled and said to Ou Yan.

Next to Zhang Xiaohu is a look of laughter.

Ou Yan is the sister of Ou Pengqi, Zhang Xiaohu is a disciple of Wen Wenhai, but this generation is worse than two generations. This is one of the reasons why the long song can’t be answered, but Ou Yan’s big brother is a big brother, and he’s a scream, but he’s not messed up. ?

Zhang Xiaohua didn't think so much. When he entered the Tunxi Mountain Villa, he called Qiu Tong and Ou Yan called his sister. At this time, Ou Yan was very close to his family, and he also liked it.

Look at Qiu Tong smiling and watching Ou Yan on the side, and quickly passed, Shi Lidao: "Long time no see, sister Qiu Tong, everything is okay?"

Qiu Tong smiled and said: "Good, good, good, I went to the hut where you lived yesterday..."

"Ah? Sister Qiu Tong, will not let me live there!"

"Pu 哧" Qiu Tong smiled and said: "Where will it be, you are now Zhang Dabang's brother-in-law, we are too late to compliment, how dare you let the house live?"

Later, under the leadership of Ouyan, Zhang Xiaohua and others were brought to a separate small courtyard and smiled: "When Zhang Dagang told me a few days ago, I asked the next person to clean the yard. Here It is close to the Mt. Villa and is separated from other places in the Tunxi Mountain Villa to facilitate the visit of the Zhang Da Bang. I wonder if the uncle and the aunt are happy?"

Guo Sufei did not enter the small courtyard. She was first attracted by the beauty of the small courtyard. She said again and again: "Excellent, very good, much better than our Guozhuang, happy, happy!"

Ou Yan saw a smile like a flower, said: "Since I am happy, I will be relieved, because Zhang Dabang is to be kept secret, so there will be no one to disturb in the future. Today, I have to rely on Xiaohua to move."

Then Zhang Xiaohu said: "Zhang Da, Lord, I will not bother your family's happiness. If there is anything, please let me know soon!"

Finished the ceremony and retire!

When Ouyan left, Guo Sufei said with emotion: "This Miss Ou is really a good person. Such a noble identity is so good for us. Little tiger, you can be better for others in the future!"

"Mother Kiss~" Zhang Xiaohu's face was reddish, look at the long song that was pretending to be heard, and complained: "What you said, I am a good song for Changge and Chen Chen, how can I pull the European Union? Missy?"

Guo Sufeiqi said: "I didn't say anything? Just let you be better to others in the future. Does this have anything to do with Changge and Chen Chen?"

The more you say, the more you can't figure it out.

Zhang Xiaohu simply did not say, and took a look at the arm, with this little flower, Zhang Xiaolong and Ji Xiaohua, the four people moved the things on the four carriages to the yard one by one.

Of course, there are Zhang Xiaohua, the infinite force of the arms, and the other three are also small and small, and all the big things have moved in. Guo Sufei discovered that there are several houses in this small courtyard. There are, nothing is missing!

Hey, let Zhang Xiaohua have a headache again. Under the command of the mother, I moved all the furnishings in the house. Everything brought from Guozhuang was put into the house, and Guo Sufei released Zhang Xiaohua!

In the yard, under the grape rack, Mr. Liu and Zhang Cai have already sat on the stone chair. The tea table has been placed on the stone table. Zhang Xiaolong and Zhang Xiaohu are accompanying, leisurely.

The corner of the small courtyard, a clear small pond, a few lotus leaves, a few small fish, attracted Zhang Bairen, Ji Xiaohua carefully cares beside!

When Zhang Xiaohua came out, Zhang Xiaohu poured a cup of tea and handed it over. He smiled and said: "Is it finally finished?"

"Of course," Zhang Xiaohua took the cup and sipped it. He complained: "I am busy inside. Why don't you help me? Is there any humanity!"

"Hey, I want to help with my older brother. Yes, you can lift a cabinet with one hand. I can't lift up with my big brother. I can help myself and hurt my self-esteem. So, I still accompany you and Liu. Sir!"

"As for?" Zhang Xiaohua put down the cup, licked it and said: "Hey, this tea is normal, right, wait!"

Say, take a small stone from his arms, go to the kitchen, look at the water tank, throw Yuan Stone into it, and say: "Big brother, you can't move the stone in this tank, it can make the water good. drink!"

"What? Who can make stones so good?" How can Zhang Xiaolong believe?

"Do not believe, you will know when you drink tomorrow!" Zhang Xiaohua said: "Apprentice, remember, don't throw stones away from the water tank!"

"Know, Master!" Ji Xiaohua replied in the distance.

"Hey, think about it, Xiaohua, is that stone the kind you used to send a hundred forbearance?" Zhang Xiaolong suddenly realized!

"Well, it is."

"What's the story inside?" Zhang Xiaolong asked curiously.

"Oh, big brother, these things, you still don't know well!" Zhang Xiaohua looked at Zhang Xiaohu and shook his head: "Maybe the second brother, I just know a little now!"

Zhang Xiaohu listened and waved his hand: "Don't pull me, I don't know anything!"

"Is it?" Zhang Xiaohua moved in his heart and said, "I don't believe it. Do you have any immortality?"

"Oh," Zhang Xiaohu listened, and smiled bitterly: "The sect is the inheritance of the sect of the immortal. This is already recognized on the rivers and lakes. Can I not know? But... the sudden death of the European gang, Zhang Chengyue Zhang Master Bo went Also early, the things about inheritance are only known to the two of them, that is, my master, and I don’t know it!"

"This way!" Zhang Xiaohua indulged and smiled: "If I teach you the inheritance of your school?"

Zhang Xiaohu’s sigh, immediately ecstatic, but also extremely unbelief, said: “The inheritance of my sect is in my mountain village, you... how can you know?”

"Oh, the second brother is not forgetting? After I helped you to take Wang Hao that day, I was idle and took a trip to your forbidden place..."

"Ah? Are you going to ban the land?" Zhang Xiaohu was shocked, and suddenly he was awakened: "The colorful glow of the day... Did you get it out?"

"Hey? You also saw that glow?" Zhang Xiaohua smiled. "Exactly. At that time, I was in your forbidden place, and in that forbidden land, I found the palace and the inheritance cabinet!"

"Ah, is there really a palace? Is there really a heritage cabinet?" Zhang Xiaohu believed, grabbing Zhang Xiaohua’s arm and saying: "Listen to Master, there is something in the legendary palace and the inheritance of the cabinet. I can’t think of it. Just in the peak? Unimaginable, unimaginable!"

Immediately, I asked, "I... can I go see it now? I..."

Speaking of this, not waiting for Zhang Xiaohua to open, Zhang Xiaohu himself was heartbroken. His current martial arts is still less than the peak of martial arts. He is not a star or a half away from Xiandao. He does not know whether he can enter the forbidden area. !

Zhang Xiaohua thought for a moment and smiled: "The inheritance of the school is yours. Why can't you go? Just... that is the inheritance of the immortal. If you can't set foot on the fairy, the things inside are for you. Nothing at all!"

"My own?" Zhang Xiaohu muttered: "Although it didn't work for me...but, can I see it?"

"I want to see it too!" Zhang Xiaolong next to it.

"No!" Zhang Xiaohu refused: "Big brother is not a disciple, can not enter the forbidden area of ​​the school, but can not see the inheritance of our school!"

"But, Xiaohua is not a disciple of the school. He went into the forbidden place and saw the inheritance!" Zhang Xiaolong laughed.

"The flowers are different, he... He will be the elder of my school, and naturally have the right to see it!" Zhang Xiaohu spit out.

"Don't, second brother, I don't want to be a elder of the school!" Zhang Xiaohua quickly waved his hand!

"You have become an elder of the sect, you have set up a Beidou faction in the future, and I can also support you with justifiable words!" Zhang Xiaohu smiled.

“Supporting?” Zhang Xiaohua smiled and said: “The inheritance of your sect is still sent by me. What kind of support do you want to talk about!”

Zhang Xiaohu was cheeky and squinted: "You are my brother, sending something to me!"

Then he said: "Let's go, let me see the inheritance of our school, although it can't be used, it can make me have an eye addiction, always it!"

"Well, okay." Look at the early days, Zhang Xiaohua got up and said: "Do you know the small door behind the Xiaoshanzhuang Hall?"

"Know it? Li Shizu has told me that it is the place where the secret meeting is held! How do you know?" When asked, Zhang Xiaohu regretted that his brother went to the cabinet and knew that it was small. Secret, afraid not to be anything!

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