The first thousand and ninety-seven chapter means

The colorful Xiaguang of Lushan Mountain is revealed every night, and it does not evade people. Even ordinary passers-by can see it, let alone people in the rivers and lakes.

The immortal school of the immortal and the Tianlong religion have already been so heart-felt for the Xianfu of this mountain. How can other small-small factions on the rivers and lakes not generate a heart?

Especially those sects who have visited the Huaiyu Palace and have seen the Taoist martial arts. Their heads and elders are full of enthusiasm, they have started their brains, launched the resources of the whole faction, and analyzed their own advantages and disadvantages. Even the cross, the means of hard work, want to grab a chance in the fight for this day to give the baby a chance!

For a time, the whole rivers and lakes have been moving in the clouds, and all the forces have flocked to Mount Lushan!

But at this time, Lushan...has changed, and the colorful Xiaguang is gradually annihilated, and it no longer appears in the evening!

Is it a rumor of others?

Still being sent by the fairy tales?

Or is the baby of that fairy road not yet born?

In short, various remarks have emerged.

However, no matter how it is said, it is certain that the whole rivers and lakes will come out of the nest. Even if it is temporarily unable to go to the front of Lushan, it will attract the attention of others. All the sects have sent their disciples to Lushan, to other sects, to explore. Messages, exchange of information, in short, no one is willing to withdraw easily, in case, the baby suddenly born, lost, can be regretted late!

The nearest sect of Lushan, there is no movement!

However, this calmness falls in the eyes of the people of the rivers and lakes. It is only an appearance. They believe that under the calm, when it is an undercurrent, if the sect of the newly re-established sect wants to stand firm, it will not support the counterattack of the Orthodox League. Effectively meshing the two forces within the faction will never become a true sect!

Also, as Jingyi Shitai’s expectation, the Ming and Qing Dynasties and other sacred disciples have long been known to the people in the rivers and lakes. It’s just that... this sacred disciple is admiring the sects and actively investing in the sects. The sacred teachings gave these people a chance. Who can say anything? Chuanxiangjiao... The strength shown by the Wulin Conference is not the general Jianghu people dare to "squat" at will!

Of course, this is the discussion and speculation of the people of the rivers and lakes. In the interior of the sect, there are still calm and calm, and the two disciples are practicing each other, and they are each on duty, and they do not see any waves.

On this day, Zhang Xiaohu in the Chamber of Deputies, just slammed the disciples of the obituary, wanted to call Du Feng and others, and heard a voice behind him: "Two brothers, there is a message telling you that you are behind the chamber." The secret room is coming."

Needless to say, it is the small flower that hides the figure.

Zhang Xiaohu nodded slightly, looked at the empty church, and got up and came to the secret room. Not waiting for Zhang Xiaohua to speak, Zhang Xiaohu preempted: "You don't say anything, I will tell you something!"

Zhang Xiaohua said: "What is it?"

Zhang Xiaohu thought for a moment and said: "The dozens of *** are all uncertain. I always want to tell you, Du Feng and Ding Chao... I am not at all practical!"

"Hey? They both... Are you not practical? That's a famous double show!"

"Their martial arts can't be said, the more powerful, the chase of Master and Xue Shishu, they are the tops of our generation of disciples! But... you don't forget, their martial arts... but at the beginning of the letter ... you hide your head and tail, who knows who you are? I am afraid that they thought it was the expert who passed the fragrant teaching to give them help, will..."

"Well, my second brother, you are a 'neighbor suspected axe'! No reason to doubt these?" Zhang Xiaohua sneered.

Zhang Xiaohu shook his head: "You don't understand, Xiaohua, I am now a big gang of the sects. Of course, there are more things to think about. Du Feng and Ding Chao are the backbone of my sect, and I must guarantee their loyalty! ”

"Okay, okay," Zhang Xiaohua said impatiently: "When I have time in the evening, I will go there!"

"Well, you better say that you are a predecessor of the sect, and you want to teach the scent to save these disciples. But if you see too many people, you can't help, and then you will cultivate them. As a backup force of the sect, how do you see it?" ”

"All according to you, the second brother." Zhang Xiaohua replied with a mouthful, but then the eyeball turned, took a jade bottle from his arms, and smiled: "Why are you so troubled? Just try the power of this soul, Dan, Let them die, you are!"

“慑魂丹?” Zhang Xiaohu said, “What kind of medicine is this? How can they let them work for me?”

Zhang Xiaohua smiled and said the role of this soul, Dan Xiaohu turned his head into a rattle, saying: "That can not be done, Du Feng and Ding Chao are my disciples, can be used in the future, if It’s awkward, but I have a crying heart!”

Immediately, Zhang Xiaohu awakened, grabbed the jade bottle and smiled and said: "You are not saying that you want to help me to clear the Ming and Qing Dynasties and Qiankun Heng these scented disciples? This period of time has not been moving, it is the means Hidden here!"

However, the jade bottle was opened, and there were only a dozen of medicinal herbs in it. Zhang Xiaohu did not know: "I only controlled the Ming and Qing Dynasties and Qiankun Heng. I am afraid that they still have the eyes and ears of the quiet teacher, and it is not easy to do it!"

Zhang Xiaohua said: "Second brother, do you think that this soul is an ordinary thing, but this requires extremely precious herbs to refine it. I am also the first refining system. I don't know how it works. Isn't it a waste of herbs?"

"Oh, this is just a trial!" Zhang Xiaohu understood.

"Well, yes, it is this thing to find the second brother today. You are looking for a dozen of disciples to teach disciples. Let me see the effect of this medicine!"

"This..." Zhang Xiaohu nodded: "Tangxiang teaches disciples not to listen to me now, can only pass the Ming and Qing Dynasties and Qiankun Heng, the dungeons and Houshan are not escorting a lot of righteous disciples? These disciples are still waiting for the right way. Rescue, life and death are not willing to return, I am reluctant to kill, is worrying!"

"Oh, this is so good, there are also a lot of disciples in the right way. If this is the evil spirit, the strength of the second brother is greatly increased!"

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaohu is more anxious to pull out Xiaohua and will go out.

Zhang Xiaohua smiled and said: "Second brother, you are the big gang of the sect, you must pay attention to the demeanor!"

"The shit's demeanor!" Zhang Xiaohu said with anger: "This is about the fate of my deeds. How can I calm down? Besides, what kind of demeanor can you talk about?"

Zhang Xiaohua shook his head: "Hey, there is no common language with you!"

After that, the body twisted into the ground, but the sound stayed: "Second brother, go and go, I am following you!"

Zhang Xiaohu looked at him with envy. The infuriating flow of the body slightly sighed and sighed: "The flow of true gas in this broken knife has gradually become more sophisticated, but the heart of "Zhang Peng" has not been introduced yet, and I don't know when. Can you be as free and easy as a small flower!"

Zhang Xiaohu went out of the secret room and called a disciple to let him take him to the back mountain of the peak. The back mountain of the peak is a cliff. It is a dead end, so some simple wood houses were built here. The disciples of the Confucius!

Seeing the arrival of the big lord, the disciples who watched the sergeants did not dare to neglect, and quickly came over to see the ceremony. Zhang Xiaohu smiled and lifted the person, spoke some importance about the care, and expressed some greetings to their hard work. : "This seat needs a quiet wood house, and ask the disciples of the Zhengdao League."

The disciples who saw him got Zhang Xiaohu’s encouragement, and they were excited and incoherent. They pointed to the place where they rested: “Zhang Da Bangzhu, this....... This is the rest of the rest, you look at it? Bring a legitimate disciple to come over, subordinate... personally give you care!"

Zhang Xiaohu smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "Thank you so much!"

"Don't dare to help the Lord!" The disciple went to the fart, but for a long time he brought a young disciple with a look of disappointment. The young disciple apparently recognized Zhang Xiaohu. His face was slightly strange and hoarse. "Who is my way? It turned out to be a sect. Don't know what to look for?"

Next to the disciples, the disciple kicked the disciple's leg and yelled: "This is my big gang, not a master!"

Zhang Xiaohu, a singer, did not blame the disciples, only asked: "Do you recognize me?"

The disciples of the Zhengdao League were obviously ablated, licking their own legs, and nodding their heads with a smile: "When the immortals appeared, they were on the peak!"

"Well, this seat understands!" Zhang Xiaohu looked at him and said: "This seat is looking for you today, there are some things to ask!"

When the disciple heard it, his face changed slightly, and he said coldly: "You can let the big gang send you personally to ask, what must be important, and it is just a small role in the Zhengdao League. There is nothing to tell the big lord!"

"嘭", the caretaker disciple kicked on the **** of the disciple, and the disciples of the Daoist League were almost awkward.

"Zhang Da Bangzhu asked you this way, it is your good chance, but you are so shoving, really looking for death!" The disciples of the nursing martyr, then asked again: "Big lord, or disciples to find another one?"

Zhang Xiaohu smiled and said: "Looking for it, you are going to find a few more. Let me ask this disciple!"

"Yes!" The nursing disciple answered the crisp and loud!

When the disciples of the nursing careship left, Zhang Xiaohu smiled and said: "Come on, come in and talk!"

"哼" That right way the disciples snorted, and now they are in the firewood.

Not waiting for the disciple to see the furnishings inside, just to see that the front is black, that is, lying on the ground.

Behind him, Zhang Xiaohua took back the acupoint finger.

"Oh, you ran fast!" Zhang Xiaohu smiled, then stood aside.

Zhang Xiaohua did not answer, 蹲 ***, pinch the closed mouth of the disciples of the Zhengdao League, put a sorrowful soul into his mouth...

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