Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1099: Turn face

The first thousand and ninety-nine chapters turned face

In the Chamber of Deputies, a refined man dressed in a brocade suit, about 30 years old, is standing upright. In front of his left front, he is sitting in the deputy gang of the two sects of the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

The man was unarmed, his face was proud, and he did not look at the Ming and Qing dynasties. He only stared at the surrounding of the Chamber of Deputies. It seems that he has long been missing for one inch and one inch.

Seeing that the atmosphere in the hall was a bit deserted, Qiankun coughed and said: "You claim to be Chu Yunfei, why did you go to this chamber, there is no words? Is it difficult... is it to ridicule me?"

"Do you send it?" Chu Yunfei took back his eyes and looked at the Ming and Qing Dynasties and the 郜 恒 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :缥缈派? I am coming to the sect, of course, to talk to the big gang of the sect. You are not the big gang of the sect, why should I tell you?"

Zhai Kunheng obviously did not expect that this is called Chu Yunfei’s disciples who did not give face. They just opened their mouths and asked questions. They were stopped by a bunch of “缥缈派”, their faces were reddish and their fists were stunned. To be angry, you can clearly block your hand and sneer: "The sect is the sect, no matter who it used to be, who is in the future, now is ours! Since the elders of Hu have the heart to return to the sect, then Faced with such a reality, otherwise... this sect... he may not be able to adapt!"

Later, he stood up again and walked to Chu Yunfei. He said one word at a time: "There is one more thing. What I want to correct is that I am a disciple, not a sacred disciple. This is The entire rivers and lakes are known, and the Chu brothers have to be clear!"

When Zhai Kunheng saw it, he stood up and smiled. "Ming deputy helped you to teach you one thing. This seat also teaches you one thing. That is, this mountain village, the peak is just waiting for me to be a disciple." After the hard work, I robbed it back. If I had to wait for my disciples, this peak is still in the hands of Zhengdao!"

Chu Yunfei’s face is hot and he is going to justify it. He listened to someone outside laughing: “Since it’s all my disciples, the ruler has a short length, and the Chu brothers can hear the teachings of the two deputy lords. It is also commendable!"

It is Zhang Xiaohu who enters the door.

Seeing Zhang Xiaohu handed over the "step", Chu Yunfei did not know where to step down, step forward, slightly salute, said: "I have seen Zhang Da Bangzhu!"

Zhang Xiaohu looked at Chu Yunfei, and did not blame it. One finger next to one finger, smiled and said: "Chu brothers are far away, or sit down first!"

Then, facing the Ming and Qing Dynasties and Qiankun Heng said: "Since the two deputy lords have taught the Chu brothers one thing, then I have to teach the two deputy lords one thing, that is, the sects are my disciples to lay down. It’s not that you wait for me or I’m waiting for a disciple to lay down. As for the specific merits, this seat believes that I would also like to thank the Sumitomo who suddenly took the shot! If not him... the old man, can I send my disciples? To capture this peak, can you sit in this chamber, or two?"

The Ming and Qing Dynasties and Qiankun Heng listened, and did not feel tacit. Zhang Xiaohu’s words were extremely correct. Although the disciples of the fragrant sects were killed in the front, they could not show their weaknesses, but if Zhang Xiaohua reached out, he would be rich and four. The old offerings are removed, and this mountain village is really impossible to win!

I don’t know, Zhang Xiaohu can not know, Ming and Qing and Qiankun Heng can not know?

"Well, the two deputy lords, still sit down, the Chu brothers brought me the news of sending you Elder Hu, you may not care, this seat is to listen to the tight!"

Look at Qiankun Heng in the Ming and Qing Dynasties and walk down to your seat and sit down!

Subsequently, Zhang Xiaohu waved his hand and screamed: "Worry the disciples, go to Li Elder, Liu Elder, and Wen... Elders and others!"

Yan Kun’s brow wrinkled and said: “Zhang Da’s lord, the council is the place where I help to discuss matters. When you give Li Jian and others a chance, I will not say anything, but now... I’m afraid it’s not right. !"

The Ming and Qing Dynasties also followed: "Yes, Zhang Dabang, the subordinates have already said that I don't have any elders now, Li Changlao, Liu Elder, and Wen Chang, and so on. It seems to be inappropriate from Zhang Dabang's main mouth. Let's go!"

Chu Yunfei seems to have expected such a situation, sitting quietly in the chair, squinting and watching!

"Ha ha ~" Zhang Xiaohu has long regarded them as Wang Lun, where they have general knowledge, and smiled: "This seat is called habit, just say it, just two strange."

Say, look at Chu Yunfei, said: "The Chu brothers come from afar. Maybe they haven't seen the elders for a long time. It is good to see him. And, the two deputy helpers are not in the council? Just look at it. Look at the touching scene when I sent my disciples to meet!"

Listening to Zhang Xiaohu's almost rogue defense, the Ming and Qing dynasties are also speechless. I think if you avoid it, maybe these people will make things that they don't know, or look at them face to face.

However, for a long time, Li Jian and others arrived. Chu Yunfei did not have much impression on Zhang Xiaohu. It was inevitable that he would be respectful, but Li Jian, Liu Guangyang, and Wen Wenhai and others were all famous people. They are two generations of rumored disciples. Where does Chu Yunfei dare to sneak, seeing Li Jian’s familiar face appear at the door of the Chamber of Deputies, the eye circles are red, and immediately get up, flew to the ground, and bowed to the ceremony, saying: "The disciple is a **** machine, Chu Yunfei, I have seen Li Shizu!"

"Youna kid, I only saw your family, Li Shizu, I didn't see Grandpa Liu?"

Chu Yunfei looked up, tears have been dripping slightly, but no, Liu Guangyang, who has always been brave and fierce, is sitting on a cart at this time, and anyone pushes in.

"I have seen... I have seen Liu Shizu! You are old... are you okay?"

"Ha ha ha" Liu lightly laughed and said: "Okay, very good, I don't know how Hu Lao is now?"

"Hu Shizu... seriously injured in the past... Although it will be raised in recent years, the effect is not too good, although it is much stronger than Liu Shizu, but... the old man cares too much about things, and he is exhausted... the body is worried! ”

Seeing Li Jian and others, Chu Yunfei is no longer concealing.

"Hu boss...he...no problem!" Hearing Hu Yunyi's body was worried, Liu Liuyang also anxiously asked.

At this time, Wen Wenhai, Xue Qing and Lu Yueming, as well as Qin Aunt, Du Feng and Ding Chao also came. I saw so many old faces at once, Chu Yunfei hurriedly gave a gift, and also felt the warmth of the original pie. .

"You are still sitting down." Zhang Xiaohu stood behind them and said: "Chu brothers are coming today, they are taking the orders of Elder Hu, let's talk slowly!"

"Yes, everything is listening to Zhang Dabang!" Li Jian answered with an arch.

Seeing Li Jian, Chu Yunfei’s brows are slightly wrinkled, and Liu Qingyang is also laughing: “But...you are a big gang who wants to listen to you naturally!”

Chu Yunfei's look is even more weird.

When everyone is seated, the full hall is the old man of the original school. Only the Ming and Qing Dynasties and the Qiankun Heng are sacred, and immediately feel that they are weak!

The Ming and Qing Dynasties got up and said: "Zhang Da Bangzhu, I am the deputy gang of the sects. It is righteous to discuss things in this mosque. You said that Li Jian Li and his heroes came to see me. I have no objection, but if I talk about some Help the inside of the business, the following recommendations, or let the unrelated people continue to do well!"

"Youna kid..." Liu Liyang was furious. When he took a handrail on the chair, he would jump. Li Jian’s eyes were fast, and he held it down. He said: "Liu Laowu, here is the council, where are you wild? Part?"

Liu Qingyang only woke up, almost revealing the stuffing, do not feel sly sitting down, squatting in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

Zhang Xiaohu smiled and said: "Ming deputy lord, Chu Yunfei is far away, it is both old and gang, what do you say about this seat? To tell the truth, if Li Elder and others are in the village, people can find Come here? Can I send my disciples who are living outside, can I return to my mountain village? Isn’t this all seen in the face of Elder Li? If the deputy helper suggests that Li Chang and others will be driven out of the Senate, then This seat can tell you without hesitation, it is impossible! And the deputy gang will insist on his own opinion, then... please ask the deputy lord to leave, let the people who Chu Yunfei see, not you, etc. !"

Zhang Xiaohu’s words are full of surprises. Li Jian and others all know that Zhang Xiaohu has always been forbearing since he came to the Lushan Villa. He is not humble in the face of Ming and Qing Dynasties and Qiankun Heng, and often keeps his face. I have never said more than half of my feelings. At this time, I suddenly smiled and turned my face. Li Jian and others were also caught off guard, let alone Ming and Qing and Qiankun Heng.

"Zhang Da Bangzhu... What is this?" Qian Kunheng stood up and said, "Is it true that Zhang Dabang has got a sect... I don't know how this sect got it?"

Li Jian also stood up and said: "Zhang Da Bangzhu, or public and private, is clearly good. I have already seen Chu Yunfei. You should talk about the help first. When you talk about it, we will have time to revisit the old ones. Emotions have delayed the big things of the school!"

Wen Wenhai and others also stood up and ready to leave!

Zhang Xiaohu quickly got up and said: "Master, Li Elder, Liu Elder, you wait for a while, this seat has not yet reached the point of public and private!"

Li Jian slightly frowned. I don't know what medicine Zhang Xiaohu is selling. Today, I have to turn my face with the fragrant sect. Although my martial arts have been restored, thousands of disciples are taught in the mountains. One is careless, isn’t it? Want to come to a "guilty"?

I can respect Zhang Xiaohu as Zhang Dabang, but I can't help but listen to Zhang Xiaohu's words. I have to look at Wen Wenhai as a confused face and sit down!

"A good big gang!" Liu Qingyang praised: "Sprinkle like!"

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