Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1101: Buddha light

The first one hundred and one hundred chapters of Buddha light

After listening to Zhang Xiaohu’s words, Zhang Xiaohua’s heart was hot and he smiled proudly: “The second brother is a little brother of your brother. You just have set foot on the fairy road, but I have been practicing for a long time...”

Zhang Xiaohu didn't have a good look at him. He said: "Even if you are better than me, you have just cultivated for several years. People are quiet and too young, but how can you be an opponent?"

Then, sighed: "I didn't see the difference between you and me. I can't really see the gap between you and me. I really saw the shadow of the fairy. You... I ran so long that I couldn't see the trace. You just practiced for a few years. It makes me feel irresistible. How do people use it to talk about it?

Zhang Xiaohua suddenly, thought for a moment, smiled: "The cultivation of immortality... Oh, can't just say cultivation. All the things in this world are to be down-to-earth, one step at a time, to gain something. The so-called harvest of a drop of sweat. Just, if all this is the case, the world can only rely on hard work, then what the so-called ingenuity can be counted. Many things, while asking for hard work, also need to be skillful. You don't have to talk about comprehension and opportunity, skills and comprehension. The second brother also understands when he is practicing martial arts. There is a difference between a single and a six-in-one boxing.

"And in the fairy tales, the most demanding is the fate. For example, the second brother, you just used nine heads to exchange for the fairy tales, but what about me? It is a lot of hard work, and the hardship is not enough. Humanity is also? And even if I am very hard, but now I think about it, there are a lot of opportunities, a lot of coincidences, if not, I am still a small sister in the Tunxi Mountain Villa!"

"I don't know the inheritance of the fragrant sacred religion. You can look at the third floor of your sect." You should know how difficult it is to set foot on the fairy tales!"

"It’s such a tough thing for ordinary people to set foot on the fairy road. It’s just for you to spend the day, what about the cultivation of the immortality? Is there a lot of chances?”

Zhang Xiaohu heard the stunned and nodded slightly: "I understand a little. You mean, you have a lot of chances. Although you have been practicing for a few years, can your cultivation be no weaker than the quiet teacher?"

Zhang Xiaohua laughed and said: "The fight of Xiandao is no more than the martial art. It is one aspect, and the implement is another. The strategy of fighting is a big boost. Therefore, I don’t talk too much with Jingyi, and I don’t say no. It’s stubborn and weak, but one thing I can be sure of is that the quiet teacher can’t hold me too!”

"Well, that's good!" Zhang Xiaohu breathed a sigh of relief: "I always thought that you were too far away from the quiet teacher!"

"Oh, that's a good cover for others!" Zhang Xiaohua's tail began to tilt up: "If today's lack of vitality, Jing Yi Shi Tai and others' cultivation depends on the strength of the heavens and the earth, and can not be achieved, only rely on the quantity The limited Yuanshi, how high can their repairs be?"

“Yuanshi?” Zhang Xiaohu said: “What is that?”

"Oh, I don't have to worry about it first. Second brother, I will ask you, how do you practice the "Broken Knife" and "鲲鹏变" mentality?"

Zhang Xiaohu said with a bitter face: "The "Broken Knife" has already seen it clearly, but how to turn the internal force of the martial arts into the true spirit of the immortal, use the martial arts method to use the instinct of the immortal, you also said, just See how infuriating you can use it, but I have already done it!"

"However, "鲲鹏变" is a little troublesome. I will release the feelings, I can only see the glimmer of energy around me, and by introducing that element of vitality into the acupoints, I can’t feel anything at all!"

"Well, then, after the qi into the body, how to temper? I did not say, let you have the same assumptions as martial arts? I feel that I have introduced that element into the acupuncture point?"

"I tried it, but it was like a fist hitting in the air, without any effort, I couldn’t temper it!"

"Oh," Zhang Xiaohua nodded, and asked: "Which...has you tried to temper the real yuan in Dantian?"

Zhang Xiaohu shook his head: "I don't know how to quench, how to quench the true element of Yangzu?"

"Hey~" Zhang Xiaohua sighed and sighed.

Zhang Xiaohu was shocked and said: "What's wrong? Is there a problem?"

"Yeah, there are problems, big problems!" Zhang Xiaohua sighed: "My life is really bitter. When I entered Xiandao, I was groping myself. It was like you, just tell me, I can give you Explain, point out to you, there is a master... It’s so good!”

When Zhang Xiaohu listened, he put down the stone in his heart and pouted: "Or... I also call you Master?"

"Don't!" Zhang Xiaohua quickly waved his hand: "You called, my mother is still not jealous of me?"

Saying, taking a small Yuanshi from his arms and handing it over, he said, "This is Yuanshi!"

"Isn't this a small stone? Is it something you put in the water tank?" Zhang Xiaohu curious, then wakes up: "The original ... 爹爹 and the mother kissed them in the spring water, there is heaven and earth vitality? Oh, no strange mother and Hey, um, and Mr. Liu is not old at all, and he is still younger!"

"Well, yes." Zhang Xiaohua smiled and said what Yuanshi said, and then lowered the voice. The method of how to absorb the vitality from Yuanshi also told Zhang Xiaohu that Zhang Xiaohu was not happy. No, with this stone, you don’t have to get into the body from the heavens and the earth because of the glimmer of energy. The effect of cultivation is of course the difference between the clouds and mud. At this time, he also understood Zhang Xiaohua’s previous meeting. Said the opportunity and cultivation!

"And, my second brother, the immortality is no more than the internal force of the martial arts. You have not yet tempered your own instinct in the meridians. For the time being, don't reveal the cultivation of the immortality!"

"Well, ok, this is my heart!" Zhang Xiaohu nodded.

"Well, my second brother, busy with your go, I have to go to alchemy." Zhang Xiaohua stood up and stretched and laughed.

"Working hard, Xiaohua!" Zhang Xiaohu looked at the younger brother who never let himself say thank you, or said the word "hard work"!

Holding Zhang Xiaohua and waving his hand, said: "Nothing, idle is also idle, not as good as alchemy!"

"Halo ~" Zhang Xiaohu did not come to heart!

I don’t want to say that Zhang Xiaohua’s alchemy is playing, and I don’t say that Zhang Xiaohu’s heart is really going to talk to Chu Yunfei. He said that Dalin Temple is thousands of miles away. Because of the things of Lushan Xianfu, the long-lived abbot, with Chang Geng’s master, Master Chang Xing also has a group of elites to go to Lushan. In the temple, there is only the master of Changruo who guards the temple.

Master Chang Hui is a lean old man, his eyebrows are only white, and he is sitting in the hall, carefully reading the Buddhist scriptures, and a rush of footsteps, a young monk rushing in, his face is full of fear.

"Master...master..." The monk entered the yard and shouted first.

Master Chang Hui's brows are slightly wrinkled, but his face is still kind. When the monk entered the house, he replied: "Yuan Qing, as a disciple of Buddhism, is the foundation of peace and tranquility. You are so impetuous, how can you become a big device?" ”

"But..." Yuan Qing listened, first to distinguish, but Master Chang Hui slammed the sleeve: "You must stand next to you, carefully gasp, wait until I have finished reading this verse!"

"Yes..., yes, Master!" Yuan Qing stopped the unnecessary argument, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and looked down at the ground with his hands folded. The small chest that was rushing and undulating was slowly flattening.

Seeing that Yuan Qing was so obedient, Chang Hui’s master smiled, then sat firmly, looked through the scriptures, and went straight through the half-baked tea. Master Chang Hui raised his head and said slowly: “What’s the matter? Yuan Qing ?"

"Master ,, there is a change in Tallinn, that is, the Yuanta Tower suddenly burst into the light!" Yuan Qing seems to have already been worded well, and the answer is simple and clear!

"What? The Yuanta Tower is a big light!" Chang Hui’s face changed greatly and he said: "These important things, how come you are not early..."

But the words have not been finished, Chang Hui masters have risen up, and once they cross the river, they have made a slap in the face, and the figure is like a bamboo leaf floating in the air. The sound of "嗖" is smashed out, only one afterimage Yuan Qing’s eyes shook...

"Ah?" Yuan Qing is obviously the town of Chang Hui master's light work. After a moment, he returned to the gods, admiring the praise: "Sure enough, it is a master, it is unremarkable, it is calming effort... Xiaoyan is also Mo and!"

Moreover, Master Chang Hui came out of the prajna hall, his body flashed, and went straight to the temple gate. He could not go to the gate of the temple. He saw the place where the Tallinn of Dalin Temple was behind. There was a faint light of Buddha, rising from the sky. !

In Dalin Temple, the expressions of the monks are different, some are amazed, some are joyful, and some are fearful and sad. Although they have different moods, they all have their own places of retreat, and they go to the temple door, not to mention, It’s all about going to see the strangeness of Tallinn.

Master Chang Hui is actually falling behind.

Seeing this scene, Master Chang Hui does not feel annoyed. He is going to speak out and swear, but he can look up. There are many bald heads outside the temple. Just now, Yuan Qing’s martial arts, fear that not many disciples have already arrived in Tallinn. Therefore, he was too lazy to let his disciples turn around again. He was inhaled and motivated the internal force. The figure was speeded up a bit. When he arrived in Tallinn, he did not feel a cold breath.

I saw the Yuanyuan Tower built on the mountain. At this time, a faint Buddha light was emitted, and all the surroundings were illuminated. The Buddha’s light color was divided into nine colors. In each color, there were endless goddesses, Buddhas, palaces, lotuses, and nightshades. Etc.

These images, with the sway of color, sway slightly and appear to be lifelike, just to get out of color.

Looking in midair, the spires of the Yuan Dynasty, and the glory of the sky, if the torch is burning in the air of Baizhang, the flames are also showing infinite characters and things. These characters and things are constantly transformed, just like an independent. The Buddha Kingdom is showing the incomparable Dharma!

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