Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1107: 缥缈十一堂

The first one hundred and seventy-seventh chapter

When Xue Qing raised his ears and listened to Zhang Xiaohu saying "and", Zhang Xiaohu stopped shortly and waved: "Since Xue Tang has no opinion, please sit down and take responsibility for the young eagle hall from today. The affairs of the eagle eagle will be re-established as soon as possible, and the inheritance of my sect will fall on their heads!"

"Tao Tong? Inheritance?" Some people listened, maybe there is no feeling, Li Jian did not hear it. Zhang Xiaohu is only a disciple of Wen Wenhai, and he is a martial artist, and Wen Wenhai himself is not the chief disciple of the sect. He only knows that the sect is the inheritance of the sect. It is a black eye for how to inherit, and Ou Peng and Zhang Chengyue are in a hurry. Nothing left, the martial art is a continuation, but the fairy tales... Basically, it has been broken.

"Maybe it is casual!" Li Jian can only think like this! After all, even his second brother, Ou Peng, didn’t know what it was like to send the fairy tales. Zhang Xiaohu... How can this disciple of the half-way sect?

However, all of a sudden, Li Jian was a spirited person, and thought of Zhang Xiaohu, Du Feng, and Ding Chao’s predecessors who had a great connection with the Sui School. “Is it ......” But this thought has just risen, he is annihilated. : "Hey, am I confused? I hope that the rise of the school will be too much. I don’t know how many years can’t be passed down. It’s that Ou Peng didn’t get it. How can an outsider know? And... ...Zhang Xiaohu didn't even see the faces of others..."

"Hey~" Li Jian did not come to sigh! Don't know what he is sighing?

Later, Zhang Xiaohu’s gaze was to look at Wen Wenhai. This is the master who taught him martial arts. He did not come to the position of the teacher and the uncle, but the master lost the place.

Wen Wenhai also secretly took a breath.

Sure enough, Zhang Xiaohu said in a deep voice: "Master, in the Shenji Hall, I sent a key to the church, and I gave it to others. My heart is not practical. Master is highly respected. This **** machine is handed over to Master. How do you see it?"

Wen Wenhai was slightly disappointed. At this point, Zhang Xiaohu smiled and said: "Of course, this **** machine is also the master of you, and the burden of the deputy gang, you should not shirk!"

Wen Wenhai was overjoyed, but he said in his mouth: "You kid! Master is a big man, but he is not much bigger than you. How can you just say 'you are old', ‘you old’?”

"Oh, Master is not strange." Zhang Xiaohu said: "This is a respectful name!"

"Forget it, don't care about it, now you are the big gang of my sect, and the teacher still doesn't listen to your order?"

"Thank Master." Zhang Xiaohu was in a positive color and said: "Then there will be a Master of Care!"

"Follow the big lord!" Wen Wenhai is also the color.

"Wen deputy helper please sit down!" Zhang Xiaohu looked again and said: "Can the Pharmacy Hall White House be the Lord?"

An old man with a hair and a beard that is white, but his face is extremely embarrassed, got up from the seat and said to him: "It’s under."

"White House Lord, the pharmacy will also be rebuilt. The owner of this pharmacy is not yours. You will not be assigned any more. Just recommend He Tianshu in the Pharmacy Hall and ask him to be the deputy. Job, I don't know if it is?"

Bailu is the master of the pharmacy, and the martial arts is not particularly high. Therefore, in the battle of the peak, it was not killed by the Zhengdao League. It just broke the Dantian and left a life. Now the martial arts resumes and the pharmacy is rebuilt. Naturally, I still need to be responsible for it. When I heard that Zhang Xiaohu only recommended a deputy, or a pharmacy disciple, where can I refuse, I arched my hand: "It’s old, energy is not good, but the pharmacy is under the blood. Where, I can't bear to give up, the big lord recommended that He Tianshu is a strong young man, full of energy, and can learn from his subordinates. The subordinates should do their best, not only to build the pharmacy, but also to cultivate the deputy lord, not to be a big lord. Trusted!"

"Very good~" Zhang Xiaohu asked Bai Tangzhu to sit down, and it was against Li Jiandao: "Li Shizu, this seat also wants to build another old home, and ask Li Shizu, Li Shizu and Hu Shizu and other elders who are highly respected to play the heat in the elders!" ”

Li Jian got up and smiled. "This is so good. The old man is in a thousand miles. Being able to enter the Presbyterian Church is both my wish and my honor! I dare not?"

"Into, entered!" Liu Qingyang also got up, shouted.

"Ha ha ha" Zhang Xiaohu laughed and said: "You, the eleventh hall have been set, and you must have found your position. I hope that you will be able to unite with each other and build the glory of the supreme!"

"Mighty!" It seems that from that day on, the disciples liked the shouts. Now, the disciples outside the chamber are puzzled. They can hear the shouts in the chamber and naturally know that there are new happy events. The outsiders also shouted, and the disciples who had been rumored spread the news in the synagogue. The disciples were even more happy. After the "powerful", it was natural to add "Zhang Da Bangzhu" for a time. "Zhang Da Bangzhuwei" has resounded the whole peak. Even Zhang Cai and Guo Sufei of the Tunxi Mountain Villa heard it, and they couldn't close their mouths for a while!

Only Zhang Xiaolong listened, his shoulders shrugged, his face was lonely.

Liu Qian saw this, knowing Lang Jun’s mind, holding a hundred tolerance, and laughing: “Isn’t the little flower said? Everyone has his own way. Everyone’s life has his own mission, Xiaohu’s mission or Is it the revitalization of the school, the mission of Xiaohua or the creation of the Beidou faction, then... the mission of Xiaolong?"

"It is just to live with Liu Qian, and Zhang Bairen will be raised in the future!" Zhang Xiaolong laughed.

"No, the mission of the mother-in-law is to raise your three brothers!"

"However, I feel that I can meet you, take care of you better, and have fun with you for a lifetime. This is the mission of my life!" Zhang Xiaolong held Liu Qian's hand and said softly.

In the palace, in the alchemy room, one of the seven sons of the water, the eight-eyed purple gold furnace, is now in the melt, Zhang Xiaohua sitting cross-legged, and can not hear the cheers of the disciples outside.

At this time, Zhang Xiaohua did not realize the heavens, nor did he cultivate the worry-free heart, but frowned slightly, carefully reminiscent of some sincerity that was previously seen in the river of cause and effect...

Yes, the way of causality is the side of heaven. How can Zhang Xiaohua He De actually touch the cause and effect during the refining period, and it is the river of water and cause and effect. With Zhang Xiaohua’s current cultivation, how can I understand it? taste? What he can think of is what the naked eye sees in the river of cause and effect.

Of course, the most profound thing is a blisters, the dream of the mother, that is, the scene of Mrs. Aya! Although the scene inside the blisters is very short, it is enough to make a deep impression on Zhang Xiaohua, because on the way of Zhang Xiaohua’s journey to find the dream, all about Mrs. Aya’s kindness and skill, which also caused Zhang. Xiaohua’s impression of Mrs. Aya is a mixture of her mother and her grandmother. In short, she is savvy in kindness.

But... inside the blisters, Mrs. Aya holds a dagger and smashes an old man, who is the belly of the old lady, splashed with blood, sprayed on Mrs. Aya’s body, and also sprayed. On the face of Mrs. Aya, this scene is solidified, and Mrs. Aya’s face is also awkward. Even Zhang Xiaohua can see the bloodthirsty look from Mrs. Aya’s eyes, the cruel red light. !

"Hey, Mrs. Aya, what's the story on her body?" Zhang Xiaohua sighed: "The Buddha has a cloud: put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha. No matter how old Mrs. Aya has, how violent the past is, she finally The years are peaceful and peaceful, and perhaps also become a Buddha! But if the dream knows that her mother-in-law is still like this... the wounded past, what thoughts will be made in my heart?"

"Dream, you... in your hometown... is it alright?"

Unconsciously, Zhang Xiaohua is thinking about the dream of being far away from Tianlong, but he is forgetting that Tianlong teaches that it is the home of dreams, not the "hometown" that Zhang Xiaohua thinks!

I think that I have more to gather with my dreams, and Zhang Xiaohua does not feel hurt. I have just found a dream in the fragrant peak, and I was sent to the ruins. It is easy to get out of the ruins and get out with the dream. However, after a few months, I will be separated again. But it seems that only separation can satisfy the gathering. Sweet, it seems that only the constant separation, in order to deeply appreciate the unforgettable love and love!

After a long aftertaste, Zhang Xiaohua is full of bitterness, shaking his head slightly. He can only understand this bitterness at this age, how can he understand the implications?

Life, sweet and sour, bitter and salty, five flavors mixed, if not one taste, life can be perfect?

Shaking his head, Zhang Xiaohua released the knowledge, carefully look at the Dan liquid in the Dan furnace, this will take the jade in the real bag of the fire bag, take out one, carefully look through.

The real life of the fire dragon is very complicated. There are some strange exercises, arrays and even Dan, but each one is not particularly profound. Moreover, Zhang Xiaohua has discovered that the fire dragon’s real power is also Under the cultivation of Dantian, there is no practice involving Zhongdantian, and then I think that the exercises I have seen in the inheritance of the sects of the sects seem to have been cultivated under Dantian.

"Is it difficult to practice... The cultivation of Dantian is not unique to the martial arts? It is because the predecessors of the immortality changed according to the practice of the immortality. But... Why is the "Worry-free Heart Sutra" cultivated in Zhongdantian? It is difficult..." "Worry of the Heart" is not ... 浣 unintentional, they passed down from these predecessors?" Zhang Xiaohua thought, not thinking of the eye: "Worry-free Heart Sutra" is derived from the mystery, and maybe it is really the practice before the immortal!"

"But, then again, although different exercises seem to be tempering the meridians, and the meridians, there are so many people, and cultivation is the end, is it different?"

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