Chapter 1,115

"Oh, since this is the case..." Li Jian listened, and looked relaxed. He smiled and said: "That's good, then the younger brother will also talk about things and argue with the older brother!"

"Despite your talk, I have to look at how Jingyi old aunt persuaded you!"

"Well, I will make my eldest brother convinced!" Li Jian looked around and said: "You should sit down first! It is the backbone of my sect. The position of this big gang is related to the development of my sect. You have to wait." Listen, you can also express your opinion!"

Everyone listened, nodded silently, but they didn't sit down, just look at Zhang Xiaohu.

When Zhang Xiaohu saw it, he took a few steps forward and sat down to the right hand of the big lord's seat. Then he nodded to the crowd and everyone sat down.

"Big Brother, you can sit down too!" Li Jian pointed at his own hand and smiled: "This is the big brother's position, the big brother is not there, the younger brother secretly sat for a few days!"

"Hehe" Hu Yunyi smiled slightly: "Maybe it will be your seat in the future!"

Li Jianyi said: "Big brother... What do you mean by this?"

Hu Yunyi did not answer, look at the seat next to Zhang Xiaohu, to the water rain friends and water heaven: "You are sitting there!"

Water Yu Peng took water every day, and walked quickly to Zhang Xiaohu, nodded slightly, just sit down.

"Well, second child, if you have anything, you can say it!"

Li Jian took a look at Zhang Xiaohu and asked: "The big lord, now... the timing is ripe, can you say it?"

Zhang Xiaohu knows what Li Jian wants to say and smiles: "Even if you don't say it, I think that the elders of Hu will not follow suit. Since the synagogues are all brothers, let's talk about it!"

"Yes, follow the big lord!" Li Jian nodded and looked at Hu Yunyi's somewhat dissatisfied look: "Big brother, it seems that your injury is very serious. Is it because of the peak of the mountain?"

"Well, I was shot by a dedication of the Zhengdao League, hurting the key, has not healed!" Hu Yunyi nodded.

"Since the big brother breaks out and is seriously injured, the younger brother and other encounters, the older brother must have known!"

"Well, that is of course, you have all been abolished of martial arts, and you have been taught to send them to the school..." Hu Yunyi sighed: "I know that because you have no martial arts, you can't resist the sacred religion, so this takes Two thousand disciples are turning!"

"Hey? Big Brother... I am not waiting for Chu Yunfei to tell me that I have already resumed martial arts, what?" Li Jianqi said.

"Chu Yunfei naturally said, and said that there is something that has a relationship with the sect of the predecessor, the predecessor of the immortal Zhang Xiaohu will restore you and other martial arts are all restored!" Hu Yunyi disdain to pay attention: "I know that this is your own illusion, I want to confuse the scented scented church..."

"But...big brother...what is true." Liu jumped up and jumped up and said: "Chu Yunfei, the kid saw me walking, and had to sprinkle the house and thought it was a long time..."

"When martial arts are abolished, how can I recover? And... I am not a chief disciple, but I have never heard from Master about what I have sent to the predecessors. If there is such a predecessor, he can chase. When you go to the sacred religion, why didn’t he appear when I was killed? On that day, as long as he showed up on the peak, he would not have to recover thousands of disciples, you said... why did he put it? Do not do simple things, do you have to do complicated things?"

Li Jian is both nodding and shaking his head. Hu Yunyi said that it is quite reasonable. It is true that he can restore his own martial arts. Who knows why the predecessor of the immortality did not come out at the crucial moment of the sect of the sect, and must wait for the sect to be destroyed. After that, I only shot it?

"More is not helpful!" Li Jian smiled: "Big brother and see!"

Said, Li Jian pulled out the long sword at the waist, slightly luck, his face purple, and saw that the sword's tip of the sword stretched out the three fingers to grow the sword!

"Ah? Jianmang?" Hu Yunyi couldn't sit still, and got up and asked: "Second second, your martial arts really recover?"

"More than that, big brother, and me!" Liu Qingyang couldn't help but walked to Hu Yunyi's front: "The day when the family was sprinkled by the monk of Dalin Temple, the station could not stand up!"

"Master Bo, I am waiting... I have really recovered." Wen Wenhai got up and smiled.

"No, really... is there such a thing?" Hu Yunyi stunned, pointing to other people and asking: "You... have all recovered?"

"Yes, Master Bo, thanks to Zhang Dabang, I have resumed martial arts." Everyone said: "However, in order not to attract the attention of the fragrant teaching, I still pretend that martial arts are not restored!"

"This..." Hu Yunyi was a little dumb, and he waved his hand to let everyone sit down. The tone was a surprise: "So good, you are waiting for the martial arts to recover, I will send the strength to a higher level, not to worry about the fragrance. Teach your disciples!"

Then, as if I thought of something, the words turned: "But this is also the predecessor who has a very close relationship with us. It has nothing to do with Zhang Xiaohu. People are just borrowed hands!"

"Oh, big brother, you have to think about it, why did the predecessors not find others, but found Zhang Xiaohu?"

"It happened!" Hu Yunyi replied.

"Big Brother, at the beginning of the letter to the beginning of the letter, Zhang Xiaohu is the only martial art disciple of my martial arts. Although the predecessor also gave Du Feng and Ding Chao the skills of up to ten years, but it will not be restored. I will give them the responsibility of martial arts. You said, what does the predecessor mean?"

"Can Zhang Xiaohu... identity...?"

"Big brother can rest assured that Zhang Xiaohu is definitely not a disciple of the fragrant religion. When he came to my school, he did not understand a martial art, and... the fragrant teaching was respected by female disciples, even if Jingyi’s old lady had premeditated plans, Will choose Yang Ruping!"

Hu Yunyi thought for a moment and nodded: "These things don't need to be debated. You have to wait for such a big person's feelings. Of course, you have to speak for him. This may be Zhang Xiaohu's premeditated plan!"

Zhang Xiaohu sat in the seat, listening quietly, watching silently, it seems that this is a farce, he does not care at all.

"Well, since the big brother said so, the younger brother only has to admit it. The younger brother has got such a big favor from Zhang Xiaohu. Naturally, he has to pay back. He is the big gang of this sect, although it is the old lady who is Jingyi. It is also the candidate that I sent my disciples to the public!" Li Jian sneered: "But what Big Brother is referring to, is a ten-year-old child, what qualifications does he have? I have to be a big gang of the gangs? He is right to me. Does the disciples have the right to regenerate? Or can I pull my disciples out of the rumors of the fragrant sect? Is it just that he is the rumored disciple of my chief disciple?"

Li Jian looked at Hu Yunyi and said: "Zhang Xiaohu is not a disciple of Zhang Chengyue, but also a disciple of Wen Wenhai. It is also a rumor of the fourth, and there is no name that is not unreasonable! Moreover, I don’t want to send a big lord. To be ranked by seniority, did the older brother give the position of the chief disciple and the big gang to the fourth?"

"This..." Hu Yunyi was speechless.

"There is also a water assistant!" Li Jian looks at the water rain friends, cold channel: "I think the water deputy helper is also clear, the reason why the fourth child will be water rain friends as a deputy helper, it is for the development of the school I want to integrate Luoshui with the sects. If it is... If the water gang can be sent to me for more than ten years, it can be integrated into my sect, then... at this time... Li Affirmatively, we should not talk about it. The big gang of this sect should still be able to live with it. Li will definitely persuade Zhang Xiaohu to let him abdicate, and give the position of this big gang to a confession. Ability to lead my deputy water gang!"

"Unfortunately, the water deputy lord only stayed in my school for two years, and appeared in the Tunxi Mountain Villa four or five times. At this time, I want to take the seat of my big gang, is it just based on the previous My deputy gang?"

"The second child... You said so, is that... to force Zhang Xiaohu?" Hu Yunyi said.

"Big brother, not the younger brother, but... I sent thousands of brothers to choose together!"

"Even if you turn your face with your eldest brother, do you want to choose Zhang Xiaohu?" Hu Yunyi said coldly.

"Big brother, this is not a question of turning your face and not turning your face. Just now the younger brother has already said it. On the matter, for the development of my school, we have to make a wise choice!"

"Your choice is Zhang Xiaohu?"

"Yes, our choice is Zhang Da Bangzhu! Do not believe, big brother can ask them!" Li Jian turned back and pointed at everyone.

"But... I and the two thousand disciples I brought... all support the water rain friends?" Hu Yunyi smiled.

"Two thousand disciples?" Li Jian was hesitant, looking up at Zhang Xiaohu.

Waiting for Zhang Xiaohu to open, Hu Yunyi said: "The second child, you are also very right. I have to choose the big lord who has the ability. This is what you think, and it is what I think. It is not the big brother who dismantles you. Taiwan, Shuiyupeng used to be the helper of Luoshui Gang. Now it is the deputy lord of my school. Whether it is martial arts, prestige and ability, it is more than Zhang Xiaohu. He is the best gang. s Choice!"

"You can't delay the righteousness of the help because of your personal feelings!"

"Is there ability?" Li Jian sneered: "Shui Yupeng has the ability to get a good-spirited disciple, and is able to get the right way to disciple?"

"What is this?" Hu Yunyi said.

"Zhang Xiaohu will be a confederate of Buddhism and disciplinary martial arts, and the two deputy lords of Ming and Qing Dynasties and Qiankun Heng will listen to him. They will also be included in Zhenwutang and Hongwutang, Wang Lun and Liu Bin. The owner of the church is also looking forward to Zhang Xiaohu’s head. Can you do it?

"Hey," after listening to this, Hu Yunyi took a breath of air and looked at Zhang Xiaohu. After a long while, "Shui Yupeng may be able to do it, but... how can it be proved now?"

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