Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1124: Again exposed

The first one hundred and twenty-four chapters are exposed again

Seeing Hu Yunyi's breath, Li Jian, Liu Guangyang and Wen Wenhai are all sad, and Zhang Xiaohu is also a miscellaneous. Although Hu Yunyi has repeatedly frustrated him as a big gang, he even suspects that he is a master of the fragrant teaching. ... This is all for the sake of the sect, for the rumors of the sect, in order to have died on the peak of the European heritage of Ou Peng!

Therefore, the heart is more than heart, Zhang Xiaohu does not have much resentment of Hu Yunyi.

"Oh, maybe because I know that I will be on the woods, I can't last long. This is sure to find a surely big gang for the sects!" Zhang Xiaohu said in his heart: "Shui Yupeng is also pitiful, threatened by the righteous alliance! If not I have I am a god-minded younger brother, hey, at this time, I must have been taught by the fragrant teacher to be too quiet!"

Thinking of my younger brother, and then looking at the blood of Hu Yunyi's mouth, Zhang Xiaohu didn't feel the light in his mind, shouting loudly: "Li elder, fast, come with me, I have a solution!"

"Grand lord, you... you said that you have a solution?" Li Jian was surprised, but he could not believe it.

"Yeah, I really have a way." Zhang Xiaohu looked up at the sky, anxiously said: "However, time is not enough, go, go with me!"

Zhang Xiaohu cried, and turned and told him: "Wen deputy helper, trouble to bring the body of water every day and the head of Shui Yupeng to the Senate, and, things, must not be leaked, or kill innocent!"

Then he rushed Li Jiandao: "Elder Li, you are holding Hu Elder, and I am coming to the Senate!"

Li Jian did not understand the meaning of Zhang Xiaohu, but he heard Zhang Xiaohu said that he had a way to save Hu Yunyi, where is still so much?

As soon as he reached out and hugged Hu Yunyi, he began to gradually cool down. He was chasing after Zhang Xiaohu... Liu Qingyang, Lu Yueming and others were also rushing to chase, leaving only Wen Wenhai’s commander to send disciples to the water and rain. Take it, and you will take the water to the end every day.

However, for a long time, the Chamber of the Church was in front of him. Li Jian suddenly woke up and trembled: "Zhang Da Bangzhu... My brother is hurt.... Is it... only the noble man... can he be cured?"

Zhang Xiaohu didn’t care much at this time, and he didn’t say anything at the head: “Exactly, but... I’m not sure about this seat...”

Li Jian’s face was ecstatic, and he hurriedly said: “It’s okay, it’s okay. Fairy Supreme will not associate with the people of my martial arts. Even if Zhang Da’s lord is not sure to ask his old man, he can... but as long as Zhang Da’s lord has this intention. Li, I’m already grateful to Dade!”

Zhang Xiaohu smiled bitterly. He was also embarrassed to say that this immortal Gao is on call, but he is just worried that this so-called Xiandao Gaoren can save Hu Yunyi.

I had to support my way: "Hu Elders are all united for me, this power is to be released!"

When everyone came to the Chamber of Deputies, Zhang Xiaohu said: "Place the elders on the ground, and this place will go to find... the fairy Taoist!"

After that, he went to the screen after going to the screen.

"How? How is the immortal Gaoren in the ... the secret room of my school?" Li Jian, Liu Qingyang and Lu Yueming and others can be wondering!

The Chamber of Secrets of the Chamber of the Church did not allow the big helpers to allow it, and no one could enter, so now Li Jian and others have never had the opportunity to enter.

But immediately, Li Jian and others are stunned, and the face is full of surprises. Since it is a fairy sect who has a relationship with the sect, it is natural to know this secret room, and the immortal high person stays in the secret room of the sect. The most emboldened, of course, is the disciple of the sect! I am not afraid of any rumored religion, what is the attack of the Orthodox League!

You said that Li Jian can be upset?

"But...Sindao Gaoren...willing to shoot for the big brother?" Li Jian didn't feel awkward.

Zhang Xiaohu went in for a long time and didn't see it. Li Jian was anxious. He walked to the front of the secret room. He looked at the probe and walked back. At this time, there was some movement outside the chamber, Wenwenhai took water every day, and there was water and rain. The corpse of the friend is back!

Seeing that the church was silent, Wen Wenhai did not dare to speak. Only the water whispered and whispered, and his eyes were still looking at him, and he did not want to move.

Yes, only when you lose it, you know the preciousness. Of course, the eyes of others are filthy, but what about the eyes of the day? The rest, only the father who will never come back again!

The sound of "咔嚓" sounded, the door of the secret room opened, and everyone looked at the secret passage with the eyes of the wing. The current out was Zhang Xiaohu. The face could not see the joy and disappointment. The people stared at Zhang Xiaohu’s back. When Zhang Xiaohua appeared in front of everyone, everyone was a glimpse. When you look back at Zhang Xiaohua, the door of the secret room is closed!

"You are a happy person?" Wen Wenhai was screaming out loudly: "You come from the quiet and the teacher?"

Wen Wenhai suddenly woke up, and then his face was a bit gloomy, but if this is a disciple of the sacred teaching Tuo Dantang, there must be some immortal medicine in his hand. If he takes it out, he may not be able to cure Hu Yunyi’s life. Come... Zhang Xiaohu actually has a relationship with the sacred disciples, and he will hide in the secret room of the sect, even if he will wake up Hu Yunyi... I am afraid that Hu Yunyi may not be able to lead him, and Zhang Xiaohu himself... ...how can you explain it?

When Wen Wenhai said this, Li Jian and Liu Qingyang’s face were also abrupt, and it seemed to have a thought with Wen Wenhai!

However, Lu Yueming was followed by a glimpse, and then followed: "Is this... not Zhang Xiaohua? How... would it be a sacred disciple? Ren Xiaoyao... Who is that?"

After listening to this, Wen Wenhai hit the thunder and stood on the spot! ! !

He had doubts about the relationship between Zhang Xiaohua and Ren Xiaoyao at Shixinfeng, but he was later dismissed by Ren Xiaoyao. At this time, he saw Zhang Xiaohua, of course, Zhang Xiaohua was taken as a happy person.

Lu Yueming did not see Zhang Xiaohua at the beginning of the letter, at this time it was nighttime, under the lights, of course, Zhang Xiaohua was regarded as Zhang Xiaohua a few years ago, and suddenly blurted out.

Wen Wenhai suddenly pointed Zhang Xiaohua with his hand and asked Zhang Xiaohu: "Little tiger, he...will not be your younger brother Zhang Xiaohua, that is, any of Xiaoying on the beginning of the letter, that is... will me and other martial arts Have all recovered... immortality?"

Zhang Xiaohu looked at Zhang Xiaohua, who was not happy with his face, touched his nose and smiled: "It seems... seems... yes!"

"It’s hard to be... It’s also on the peak with a flying sword to assassinate a deputy ally and four old devotional lords...and we are very interested in the sects of the sects?” Lu Yueming said incredibly.

"Yeah, Xiaohua is the younger brother of this family. Of course, it is very close to me. On that day, it is also a small flower that will be killed by Ban Fugui and others!" Zhang Xiaohu looked at Li Jian and others. Explain slowly.

I heard that Zhang Xiaohua is not a disciple of the fragrant teaching. Li Jian and others have a slightly sullen face, but they still have doubts about their faces. After all, this little flower is just a teenager!

"This...how is it possible?" Lu Yueming almost jumped up. Wen Wenhai had seen Zhang Xiaohua at Shixinfeng, and he had never seen Zhang Xiaohua since he saved Zhang Xiaohua and Zhang Xiaolong on the official road. If Zhang Xiaohua had a chivalrous heart, Lu Yueming had some impressions on him, and he also mentioned it on the way back to the school, otherwise he would have forgotten it. Who had thought of... But in a few years, this teenager actually turned into a fairy Taoist, replacing the image of the sturdy and amiable old man in his heart with the face of a young man! This comparison is unacceptable for anyone.

"Yeah, what's wrong, it's me!" Zhang Xiaohua glanced at Lu Yueming and Wen Wenhai. He still remembers that the two men arranged their own words behind them. They smiled and said: "I didn't expect it, stupidly even practicing Luohanquan." Zhang Xiaohua, who is not good at life, Zhang Xiaohua, who has long been buried in the rivers and lakes, is actually the immortal in your mind?"

Wen Wenhai and Lu Yueming listened, and immediately felt blushing. They knew that what they said on the road was heard by Zhang Xiaohua. How can they doubt the identity of his master? They are all red-faced, stepping forward, and swearing at the ceremony: "Below... the mouth is not inferior, please ask the prince to punish!"

These Zhang Xiaohua are a little embarrassed. Who are the two? They are all people who saved him in the early years. He just said it casually. Zhang Xiaohua immediately took a sleeve and both of them were helped by the invisible force. Zhang Xiaohua Smiled: "The two heroes, what are you polite to me? Just talking about playing just now!"

"Xian Chang, please... reach out and see... my brother's injury!" Li Jian stepped forward, this time is also a respectful respect, and is a gift.

"Hey, Elder Li, get up quickly, don't look at it!" Zhang Xiaohua quickly hurried Li Jian.

But Li Jianyi listened, and his heart slammed, and he would squat down. But Zhang Xiaohua would let him do this. When he raised his hand, Li Jian could not move. He asked, "Li Chang, why are you?"

"I also ask the fairy to be merciful and save my older brother's life!" Li Jian had never seen Zhang Xiaohua before, and he had no thoughts on his heart. He was a fairy godmother.

"I didn't say no, ah, Li Elder, Hu Elder, although the poisonous toxins will invade the heart, but... isn't it yet? I just saw it when I came out, of course I don't have to look at it now!" Zhang Xiaohua laughed Road.

Li Jiansong breathed, was about to talk, and Liu Liu sighed next to him: "Xian Chang, gossip less, first save my older brother and say it!"

"Well, okay." Zhang Xiaohua took out a jade bottle from her arms and poured out a medicinal herb and handed it to Zhang Xiaohu. "This is the detoxification dan you take, and it is fed to the elder Hu. Get rid of it."

"Well," Zhang Xiaohu will not be polite with him, he will take it by hand and walk to Hu Yunyi's side. He will give the detoxification Dan to Hu Yunyi, and Liu Qingyang wants to go forward to help, but he is pulled by Li Jian.

Zhang Xiaohua's detoxification Dan is really amazing, but for a moment, Hu Yunyi is waking up and shouting: "Shui Yupeng, you...the beast!"

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