Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1140: Moon **** projection

The first **** of the first thousand one hundred and forty chapters

Very natural, Zhang Xiaohua’s eyes were attracted to the portrait for the first time.

Without a small flower accident, the portrait is also a woman in a palace dress, covered with white gauze, holding a soft whip in her hand, but the background behind the woman was changed from a small bridge to a small one. The pavilion, next to the pavilion is a small lake with a crescent moon. It seems that the lake has some imagination with Mochou Lake, but the lake is rippling, and there is no long **** that divides the lake into two, and it does not sound. Very sad Emei Tower!

"This woman is always a pair of palace dresses plus masked faces. Who can know if she is seen in the jade hall? But this clothing and the long whip in the hand have not changed, presumably...浣 Unwilling to talk about the predecessors of the predecessors in the mouth of the sacred sect of the month of the Ming Dynasty!"

"If it were not the predecessors of the month, do not use all the disciples who came to Mo Zhencheng to worship the sacrifices! Just... the predecessors of the month... Why did her portraits not be worshipped on the Fragrant Peak, but placed here? What about Mo Zhencheng?"

"Or, Mo Zhencheng was built by the predecessors of the month? And the legendary Mo Mou is... the predecessor of the month? Isn’t the story about Mo Mou... all true?"

"Which... Who is the legendary Ye Feng? Who is the monk named Xuankong? Is it the monk of Dalin Temple? Even the monk of Dalin Temple can only be the founding father of Dalin Temple... Can it be repaired? But then again, even if it is the founding father of Dalin Temple, it is impossible... there are so many repairs that are more than the predecessors of the month, and the life of the people is under the Mocho Lake?"

"Right, under Mochou Lake..."

Zhang Xiaohua thought of this, the gods are released, and went straight to the Mochou Lake. I saw the deep underground of the Emei Tower, the underground of Mochou Lake, almost invisible, and under the bottom of the tower, There is a ban on the faint Buddha light!

Seeing this quite ignorant ban on Guanghua, Zhang Xiaohua said: "Hey? It’s hard to be... This Xuankong is really the monk of Dalin Temple? But... what is this?"

I saw the slightly visible colorful Buddha in the Buddha's light, and there were some dark lines on the edge, entwined with Buddha, which looked unusually glaring! Moreover, when Zhang Xiaohua’s knowledge is swept away from the ban, the dark lines are still life-like, slightly swaying, and with the black line swaying, Zhang Xiaohua’s gods seem to be attracted, slowly Foshan is offset.

"Bad~" Zhang Xiaohua was shocked. He didn't dare to look at it again. He took back his knowledge at once and secretly said: "This... Why is this Buddhist banned so eccentric?"

However, the ban is deeply rooted in the heart. With Zhang Xiaohua’s current cultivation, it is impossible for the bandits to be so deep. Therefore, he is not likely to break into the ground and observe carefully, let alone ban!

"The prohibition has the effect of isolating the gods, and even devours the gods. It is impossible to know who is suppressed in the ban. It is impossible to judge whether the legendary Mo Zhen is the predecessor. As long as the legend can be drowned. The eyebrow tower can release the Mo Zhen female under the tower. But the ordinary means can't be realized, but it can only be done. It can only be a magical power that goes through the river. I don't say that I don't have such a means now, even if there is Presumably, the so-called Xuankong monk also has another means of defense on the Emei Tower!"

"But it, the Mo Yun female is not the moon, but it is the 'cause' of tens of thousands of years ago, who knows where the 'fruit' is? Mo Zhen female is the legend of the city, the population, the moon is really immortal The founder, there is no connection between it, this 'fruit' is left to the people of the fragrant teaching! There is no interest in the poor road!"

With this in mind, Zhang Xiaohua, like the inheritance of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect, deeply prayed to the portrait: "The predecessor of the month, under the ...... in your fragrant teaching has also gained a lot of benefits, here to give a gift to the predecessors, be * **!"

Later, Zhang Xiaohua straightened up and looked at the ladder in the corner. The slow step was on the second floor of the embroidered building.

The second floor is more like a woman's boudoir than the bottom floor. It's just a long time, there is nothing to do, there is a futon in the corner, a table in front of the window, a wooden box and a bronze mirror on the table, and a wall. A wooden cabinet, there is nothing left.

Zhang Xiaohua swept away the gods. These things are ordinary things. They don't see any fluctuations in their vitality. They even went to the bronze mirror, looked at it, and did not send the same anomaly as the mirror.

"This is what the predecessors lived in the early years. This table should be a dressing table. It is only pitiful and poor, not even a stool!"

"What about the box?" Zhang Xiaohua thought, opening the wooden box. This is a box similar to the dressing box that Zhang Xiaohua saw in the house of Mrs. Aya in the small village. The same empty space inside, only at the bottom of the box. Also put a raft!

"Strange thing?" Zhang Xiaohua saw that the hibiscus was strange and strange. Of course, he was surprised that the style of this raft was the same as that of Mrs. Aya's raft, but this raft was exactly the same as the purple phoenix!

"There is a jade in the same way as the purple phoenix. There is a raft in the embroidered room of the predecessor this month." This...this explains...what?" Zhang Xiaohua immediately thought of it: " It’s hard to be... The sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sacred sect of the sacred sect of the sacred sect I don't care... Why don't you know?"

"Is the predecessor blinded by these two people?" Zhang Xiaohua thought about his nose, and took out the two purple phoenixes from his arms and another jade slippery look like a purple phoenix. Compare it together, do you still use it? The four are exactly the same, except for the different textures.

"This cause and effect... can already be buried in the river of cause and effect, no one else will know!" Zhang Xiaohua smiled, and he would close the purple phoenix.

But at this time, the raft, just like firewood, suddenly sent out a faint volatility. Although the volatility was weak, it was tough, and it was swept away on the purple phoenix next to it, and it was covered with Zhang Xiaohua. Immediately, a mud pill palace that sucked directly into Zhang Xiaohua, under Zhang Xiaohua’s defense, sucked Zhang Xiaohua’s knowledge to the raft, Zhang Xiaohua was shocked, and rushed to take the lead, and Dan’s heart turned rapidly. The congenital **** banned a slight golden light and offset the suction!

The suction did not attract the knowledge of the gods, but it was the next one. Zhang Xiaohua suddenly felt that the infuriating gas inside his meridians was like a flood that opened the gate, and rushed straight to the suction, which seemed to break through!

"No mistakes! The predecessors of the month..." Zhang Xiaohua quickly and silently wants to incorporate the infuriating into the meridians, but... the worry-free heart has some effects at the beginning, but as the suction increases, no The worry was gradually lost, and some of the infuriating was sucked away by suction and injected into the raft. With the infusion of infuriating, the raft gradually gave out brilliance...

"It’s an unreasonable robber!" Zhang Xiaohua suddenly hated the moonlight that was still sympathetic: "Is it difficult to be... the people of Xiandao are such a hegemony?"

At this time, the worry-free heart has been declared invalid, and Zhang Xiaohua’s whole body’s instinct is slightly stagnation, and all of it must come out. Suddenly, Zhang Xiaohua’s ear hears a faint sound of dragons, and he feels himself The meridians seem to have spirituality, and the whole meridian has a slight movement, which immediately offsets the unsatisfactory suction, and the suction can no longer absorb the instinct of half a silk.

"This... my meridian... When will it move?" Zhang Xiaohua was delighted to be a big man.

Then, with the disappearance of the suction of the hibiscus, the brilliance of the hibiscus was also fixed. The brilliance of the brilliance overflowed, and a light-sized group of one foot jumped out of the raft. Among the light group, it was a woman dressed in the palace. Dressed, veiled look! ! !

"Yuan Shen projection?" Zhang Xiaohua almost snorted.

The light group flew to Zhang Xiaohua’s eyes, stopped, and quietly suspended there. After a moment, the woman in the light group spoke up: “Who are you? Why do you hold the purple phoenix that I teach the fragrant, But it is not the inheritance of my fragrant teaching?"

Zhang Xiaohua secretly despised her: "Please, the predecessors, this **** is not the first time to see it. I even told you, you... can you hear it? Don’t be so arrogant good or not?"

Sure enough, the woman immediately smiled: "However, I am seeing you with the projection of the gods, even if you say it, I don't know!"

"However, I am still very strange. This purple phoenix is ​​used by my disciples and my disciples. You are not the way of my fragrant teaching. Why can you get it? Or, my fragrant teaching has been destroyed. Zifengyu was sent by other factions; either, I passed the fragrant teaching to reorganize the realm of cultivation, and the practice of your body is the township practice of other sects!"

Zhang Xiaohua shrugged and smiled: "These two seem to be wrong!"

"You are so angry, not a scented sect, nor a sect, not a sacred door and a big priest, presumably... and there are other disciples who have cultivated the real world? Or is it the ancient method of the ancient world?"

I heard that the woman said so much because of her infuriating, Zhang Xiaohua did not feel pouting: "This woman ... whether it is a village woman in the country, or a high-ranking person of the immortal... all have the same gossip nature!"

"Hey, I asked more!" The woman seemed to be aware of the fault, reaching out and grinning. "In any case, you can hold two purple phoenixes and come to my embroidered house. It is all about me." I asked so much?"

"Right, I am a fragrant teacher to create a ancestor of the moon, do not know if your master told you?" Although the moon is with a veil, the tone of this is very proud, even with the little girl A beloved thing, showing off with others!

"I know that the names of the predecessors of the predecessors are known from the predecessors. However, if you ask ten people on the rivers and lakes, I am afraid that ten people do not know who the moon is." Zhang Xiaohua knows that the moon is clear. Not enough, I can think of her gods and instinct that she just wants to suck, still do not forget to fight!

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